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Afghanistan Intensifies Anti-Pakistan Rhetoric in Aftermath of Bin Laden Ra

They have every damn right to question your credibility after all it was your prime minister who was saying again and again that OBL is not in Pak in his recent visit to Kabul just days before OBL was found living in luxury just yards away from your PMA.I wonder where Mullah Omar and Haqqanis have their mansions, perhaps right next to ISI HQ :P

:) much crying over something which was never there.

Perhaps you could post some link to your claims, sir jee! There is nowhere in Afghanistan a piece of areas as large as NW out of gov control, talking of control you couldnt control area within yards of your prestigious military academy.Areas within cities like Karachi have no-go areas for your security forces.

:what: perhaps you could post some links to as which areas in Afghanistan are under govt control ? not even Kabul which is under US/NATO control or perhaps you have to first have a national govt

This kind of mentality has to end if pakistan even dreams of having good relations with Afghanistan, who knows what the future holds perhaps it will be you becoming a refugee in our country but dont worry we will treat you well and return the favour.

LOLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ IF WE stop supply of food or even just wheat to Afghanistan you might not be alive to have some wet dreams of having us Pakistanis as refugees in your country. dream on . we know you guys cant even tolerate your own people from North of the country how can you give us space.
Oftopic : But one common refrain I have heard among the younger gen of Afghans is it was wrong to have resisted the USSR with the help of US,KSA and Pak as it became the seed for all the misery in the region.

What do you think about it ?
I think the Russian invasion should not have happend in the first place, it should have been avoided! Unfortunately mistakes by the then President Daud and the communist parties all indirectly contributed to it.
When it happened the Afghans should have played the game wisely and tried to resolve it through peaceful means instead of becoming a playground for other powers and destroying their whole country in the process.The important thing which should be remembered here is that some "mujahideen" leaders like Gulbuddin,Rabbani etc didn't take arms because of the soviet invasion but were already in Pakistan and were actively working against President Daud many years before the soviet invasion, after the soviet invasion they simply hijacked the leadership of a possible legitimate resistance, after the soviets withdrew they were still not interested in peace and continued to fight the then President Najbullah whose peace proposals were rejected! So in the end they replaced the so called liberation of our country with Anarchy and then the Taliban who were ofcourse not independent.
It was Pakistan who founded terrorist organisation of Taliban.

bwahahahha and lately we have heard your bharati officials talking about negotiating with same taliban ummm "terrorists" right? what made your bharatis to think about it?
bwahahahha and lately we have heard your bharati officials talking about negotiating with same taliban ummm "terrorists" right? what made your bharatis to think about it?

care to explain the meaning of this "bwahahahha" i have seen it in your several posts.... is it of some mean or you are just typing it as result of itch in your hands :what:

it sounds like you are having lots of water in your mouth and they trying to say something

care to explain the meaning of this "bwahahahha" i have seen it in your several posts.... is it of some mean or you are just typing it as result of itch in your hands :what:

it sounds like you are having lots of water in your mouth and they trying to say something

how about whenever bharatia come up with same old paranoia against Pakistan the water must be showered on them to bring to their senses
:) much crying over something which was never there.

Another conspiracy theory? or is it the Ostrich Syndrome? Others can still see you :lol:

perhaps you could post some links to as which areas in Afghanistan are under govt control ? not even Kabul which is under US/NATO control or perhaps you have to first have a national govt
Afghan forces take over Kabul security | NowPublic News Coverage
Perhaps we have to redefine what "control" means if we go by what you imply, in that case your gov only control posh areas of where your upper class army reside, oh wait maybe not... :sick:
On a serious note the areas which are completely out of gov control in Afghanistan are the small Districts near the border like Waigal, Barg-e-matal etc or in the heartland of the Taliban like Sangin,Zerhai but these drift in and out of gov control and the Taliban simply can't keep them for long so they can use it as training camps etc. on the other hand look at NW on the map it has been Taliban country for years there are videos of them conducting specialised trainings there.

LOLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ IF WE stop supply of food or even just wheat to Afghanistan you might not be alive to have some wet dreams of having us Pakistanis as refugees in your country. dream on . we know you guys cant even tolerate your own people from North of the country how can you give us space.

Do you think Pakistan is the only neighbour we have? contrary to Pakistan we have much better relations with our neighbours.We can import wheat and other supplies from Russia, like the gov recently did after the floods and fears of shortages in supplies. We might have to pay a lil bit more but its not an issue.

Pakistanis as refugees in your country. dream on . we know you guys cant even tolerate your own people from North of the country how can you give us space.
It was an honest remark, how else can we repay you? Ill personally make sure you get a space if it comes down to that :cheers:
how about whenever bharatia come up with same old paranoia against Pakistan the water must be showered on them to bring to their senses

wonder if you shower it may fall on your monitor... then you yourself will come to your senses :cheers:
This kind of mentality has to end if pakistan even dreams of having good relations with Afghanistan, who knows what the future holds perhaps it will be you becoming a refugee in our country but dont worry we will treat you well and return the favour.

When was the last time anyone from indus valley went to afghanistan or anywhere after the invasion by foreigners. Greeks came, mongols came, brits came, arabs came but no one went anywhere instead they fought all of them until the invaders or locals very defeated.

On the other hand afghans have a history of migrating to other countries whenever any superpower invaded their country.

:what: perhaps you could post some links to as which areas in Afghanistan are under govt control ? not even Kabul which is under US/NATO control or perhaps you have to first have a national govt

Salam Jana, it looks like you are getting impatient. Off course there are some areas that are under the taliban control, but that is not too big and it is patchy around the country. Yes, we have had bad days, but in the last 10 years we have had some good things too. Perhaps we need to have a look at pakistan as well to seee how much area the gov is not controlling.

LOLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ IF WE stop supply of food or even just wheat to Afghanistan you might not be alive to have some wet dreams of having us Pakistanis as refugees in your country. dream on . we know you guys cant even tolerate your own people from North of the country how can you give us space.

Believe it or not, we will survive, we are die hard people, we have learnd the sklills of survival even if we have very little food. Secondly, Pakistan is not the only place that we import our food, some of the food is produced in Afghanistan and the countries we import consists of iran, Russia, CARs, we are having the biggest import of wheat from russia.
Another conspiracy theory? or is it the Ostrich Syndrome? Others can still see you

you can continue believing the conspiracy theories being circulated by western media outlets ;) meanwhile Pakistan and US both know very well the arrangements they made.

Afghan forces take over Kabul security | NowPublic News Coverage
Perhaps we have to redefine what "control" means if we go by what you imply, in that case your gov only control posh areas of where your upper class army reside, oh wait maybe not... :sick:
On a serious note the areas which are completely out of gov control in Afghanistan are the small Districts near the border like Waigal, Barg-e-matal etc or in the heartland of the Taliban like Sangin,Zerhai but these drift in and out of gov control and the Taliban simply can't keep them for long so they can use it as training camps etc. on the other hand look at NW on the map it has been Taliban country for years there are videos of them conducting specialised trainings there.

:) ceremonial handing over never defines "control" when on grounds its NATO/US who is running the show with half of the world countries' troops there in Afghanistan. You also know that and we also know it well that Afghan police or even ANA is not capable of controlling once NATO/US leaves Afghanistan you may not even claim this about Kabul what to say about the entire country.

Do you think Pakistan is the only neighbour we have? contrary to Pakistan we have much better relations with our neighbours.We can import wheat and other supplies from Russia, like the gov recently did after the floods and fears of shortages in supplies. We might have to pay a lil bit more but its not an issue.

Surely nobody here is saying that you dont have a choice :) . i would be the happiest if you start getting wheat supply from other countries as it will be a great thing for Khyber Pukhtunkhwa as we here in KP are paying a high price for supplying wheat to Afghanistan. the point was that you were ranting lacking any logical reason

It was an honest remark, how else can we repay you? Ill personally make sure you get a space if it comes down to that :cheers:

:P :P why would i or for that matter others from my side will like to have a space in rubles and eat dust lolzzz

care to explain the meaning of this "bwahahahha" i have seen it in your several posts.... is it of some mean or you are just typing it as result of itch in your hands :what:

it sounds like you are having lots of water in your mouth and they trying to say something

:rofl: :rofl:
Salam Jana, it looks like you are getting impatient. Off course there are some areas that are under the taliban control, but that is not too big and it is patchy around the country. Yes, we have had bad days, but in the last 10 years we have had some good things too. Perhaps we need to have a look at pakistan as well to seee how much area the gov is not controlling.

Walaikum Assalam

No Ahmad i am not getting impatient. being from the part of Pakistan about which the other fellow is speaking its my right to correct the false things he is saying.

As far as control in Afghanistan is concerned well lets the NATO/US withdraw and then see how much govt control is there. its a reality and one must be not deny it. as far as Pakistan is concerned i am not saying we should not look at it but the ground realities are also different. Before 2001 we even did NOT Need to put our Regular Army in entire FATA even in many settled areas. so lets be honest these ares even despite proper govt set up had always been under our govt.

Believe it or not, we will survive, we are die hard people, we have learnd the sklills of survival even if we have very little food. Secondly, Pakistan is not the only place that we import our food, some of the food is produced in Afghanistan and the countries we import consists of iran, Russia, CARs, we are having the biggest import of wheat from russia.

:agreed: surely Ahamd NOT only you but every human is bound to survive in toughest of conditions thats how nature has built the human.
wonder if you shower it may fall on your monitor... then you yourself will come to your senses :cheers:

dont worry i will buy that Rs30 Laptop (or whatever low price it was of ) which the Indians claimed to have built :P i mean that ripoff of the Chinese product by bharatis
When was the last time anyone from indus valley went to afghanistan or anywhere after the invasion by foreigners. Greeks came, mongols came, brits came, arabs came but no one went anywhere instead they fought all of them until the invaders or locals very defeated.

On the other hand afghans have a history of migrating to other countries whenever any superpower invaded their country.

Perhaps you need to read your history buddy, Afghans have a history of invading others including you, not migration! Perhaps you forgot who the people were after whom you have named your missiles.Don't try to paint a false identity here, you are not the warrior you claim to be...Do some research on the refugees on the border with Afghanistan right after 1947.
Walaikum Assalam

:agreed: surely Ahamd NOT only you but every human is bound to survive in toughest of conditions thats how nature has built the human.

No Ahmad i am not getting impatient. being from the part of Pakistan about which the other fellow is speaking its my right to correct the false things he is saying.

As far as control in Afghanistan is concerned well lets the NATO/US withdraw and then see how much govt control is there. its a reality and one must be not deny it. as far as Pakistan is concerned i am not saying we should not look at it but the ground realities are also different. Before 2001 we even did NOT Need to put our Regular Army in entire FATA even in many settled areas. so lets be honest these ares even despite proper govt set up had always been under our govt.

Forget about the gov of afghanistan, it is like a baby who is now starting to learn how to crawl. That is the reason that any patriotic afghan will ask the ISAF to stay untill things get settled, only our enemies will wish the sudden departure of nato so that our country once again become the dogfight ground between all the groups, we dont want it, enough is enough. I know that FC are also involved in pakistan's fight, but the real fight is done by regular PA.
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