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Afghanistan Intensifies Anti-Pakistan Rhetoric in Aftermath of Bin Laden Ra

No one ever thought that someone (pathetic as bin laden) would murder 3000 non military personal including people of ALL nationalities, including his own! And basically start the real war on terrorism worldwide.

But if you feel that he was some type of hero or great leader (for this cowardly act, and many others following) then you are a sick pathetic person yourself.
According to your logic, if I bombed your house and destroyed your economy for the next 10 years that would make me strong in your eyes (?)

He's dead. And the only regret the world has, is that the US didn't blow up the entire bloody house he lived in, hidden from Pakistan because they are either corrupt themselves, or because (as I understand) they pathetically missed seeing him in his tiny fortress !!

Wake up Pakistan, and open your eyes. The entire world think that you are the most pathetic 'intelligence' (huh!) country of the world, very closely followed by the rest of the barbaric Middle East. Ideally the entire Middle East should blow themselves up in their ridiculous religious viewpoints, as soon as possible. At which stage we can all live peacefully, knowing all you pathetic wastes of lives are dead along with your great martr Bin

You think differently to 'normal' people. I feel it's all that dust and strange cement buildings.
We live with green grass and trees and fresh air. Maybe it's because you don't hear the birds singing in the morning? Who knows?
But your sick, pathetic religious and OLD customs that are barbaric, are NOT for this world.

I stated before that if it were me living there, I'd leave, today. But since many of you are poor, never stop trying to get out of that backward land > At all costs, Leave.

---------- Post added at 04:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:40 PM ----------

No one ever thought that someone (pathetic as bin laden) would murder 3000 non military personal including people of ALL nationalities, including his own! And basically start the real war on terrorism worldwide.

But if you feel that he was some type of hero or great leader (for this cowardly act, and many others following) then you are a sick pathetic person yourself.
According to your logic, if I bombed your house and destroyed your economy for the next 10 years that would make me strong in your eyes (?)

He's dead. And the only regret the world has, is that the US didn't blow up the entire bloody house he lived in, hidden from Pakistan because they are either corrupt themselves, or because (as I understand) they pathetically missed seeing him in his tiny fortress !!

Wake up Pakistan, and open your eyes. The entire world think that you are the most pathetic 'intelligence' (huh!) country of the world, very closely followed by the rest of the barbaric Middle East. Ideally the entire Middle East should blow themselves up in their ridiculous religious viewpoints, as soon as possible. At which stage we can all live peacefully, knowing all you pathetic wastes of lives are dead along with your great martr Bin

You think differently to 'normal' people. I feel it's all that dust and strange cement buildings.
We live with green grass and trees and fresh air. Maybe it's because you don't hear the birds singing in the morning? Who knows?
But your sick, pathetic religious and OLD customs that are barbaric, are NOT for this world.

I stated before that if it were me living there, I'd leave, today. But since many of you are poor, never stop trying to get out of that backward land > At all costs, Leave.

Ok enough of yours mental masturbations. Now go have some Big Mac and sleep tight!
HAHAHAHA Afghanis are not even worth talking about nuclear weapons.

Is there even a building in Afghanistan. What a joke this country is.

Just wait when US leaves Afghanistan and see what happens to these Afghani politicians and ANA.

They have every damn right to question your credibility after all it was your prime minister who was saying again and again that OBL is not in Pak in his recent visit to Kabul just days before OBL was found living in luxury just yards away from your PMA.I wonder where Mullah Omar and Haqqanis have their mansions, perhaps right next to ISI HQ :P

These Afghani politicians/army cant even control their country. 1/10th of their country is controlled by NATO and US and the rest is controlled by Afghan Taliban and Haqqani network.
Perhaps you could post some link to your claims, sir jee! There is nowhere in Afghanistan a piece of areas as large as NW out of gov control, talking of control you couldnt control area within yards of your prestigious military academy.Areas within cities like Karachi have no-go areas for your security forces.

Just wait when US leaves Afghanistan and see what happens to these Afghani politicians and ANA.
This kind of mentality has to end if pakistan even dreams of having good relations with Afghanistan, who knows what the future holds perhaps it will be you becoming a refugee in our country but dont worry we will treat you well and return the favour.
It was sad fact for me that Afghanistan was only Muslim country which logged a campaign against Pakistan after Bin Laden episode.
But I think Afghanistan and Pakistan need to strengthen their relations because peace and stability should previal in both countries.

Afghanistan is the only Muslim country to block Pakistan in UN:hang3:

Afghanistan is the only country to attack Pakistan:hang3:
I was shocked on the reaction of Afghanistan and India. Both countries have always tried to defame Pakistan.
Afghanistan is a Muslim country but she always defame Pakistan. But still best of luck for Afghanistan.

The current president has from the start tried to have good relations with Pakistan,If you can perhaps see his comments after the downfall of Taliban regime he has always addressed Pakistan as brother nation who did host millions of Afghan refugess.His remarks got hostile with the time passing since he was witnessing a resurgence of Taliban with support from elements within ISI and no serious approach from the Pakistani side to have good relations with the new gov simply branding the whole gov as being a NA lead entity and pointing fingers towards indian support to Afghan reconstruction as a sign of them supporting BLA and TTP.I believe both govs need to take serious and honest steps to make sure they are not being used against one another, since whatever happens in Afghanistan has a direct effect on Pakistan and viceversa.
That will only happen when US leaves Afghanistan which is not a long time from now.

Besides it doesnt matter what these afghani politicians or ANA say. They have absolutely no power in Afghanistan. The men with the real power in Afghanistan are the men in plain shalwar kameez and plastic chapals. Pakistan needs to strengthen relations with them only. Even U.S. wants peace talks with those powerful men in plain shalwar kameez and plastic chapals. Bush should've made Mullah Omar the President of Afghanistan in 2001 rather than Karzai then just maybe U.S. would have had an influence in Afghanistan.

Once US leaves Afghanistan, Karzai and his team will also be packing.

Perhaps your gov if they think on the same line should simply recognize Taliban as the gov of Afghanistan rather than bringing all the brotherhood bs once hits the fan.Exactly the same is true also regarding the Pakistani militants they are the men with power in Pakistan who as they claim can hit whoever they want as they have shown with the assassination of Bhutto within 3 months.They can wreck havoc whenever and wherever they want,They have virtual control of your biggest city and commercial center Karachi.Punjab has already been infiltrated by the Punjabi Taliban, and forget KP and Balochistan which are the main bases of TTP and BLA. while your might Airforce can't even control its own airspace.
Are you serious? Are you seriously comparing Pakistan to Afghanistan? Do you even have an Air Force in Afghanistan? You have troops from more than a dozen countries ruling your capital while rag men are controlling the rest of your country. Maybe you should compare your country to Somalia but dont dare compare your country to Pakistan. Afghanistan is not even worth discussing about.

What exactly is the use in having the sooper dooper AF when you cannot even detect four helis crossing over into your airspace, doing an operation for 40 mins and then safely egressing ?

Just wait when US leaves Afghanistan and see what happens to these Afghani politicians and ANA.

This line is more like a five year old boy imagining looking at the poster of J'lo "look what I will do after growing my weeny". :tdown:
@Ahmed Shah Abdali
Salam brother.
regarding Osama in Pakistan.In 5-10 year time you people will understand what good we did to you.At the moment you people are cursing us.but after 5-10 year you people will praise us specially isi.Just remember my words.
@ Kimsland
o un-thankful yank remember one thing no country in the did more good to you then us may be Britishers are exception to this.we provide you a chance so that you people will get out of Afghanistan with happy faces.
may be you are having difficulty in understanding what i said,so try to comprehend these lines.before(1-2 hr) the operation there was announcement in urdu that every body should remain in their houses in turn off the lights.who ever will not follow orders will himself be responsible for his actions.
Afghans are the worst losers in the world. Rather than going to school they prefer to be Taleban. Afghanistan is the country where Taleban born. Afghans hate Pakistan more than anybody else. We should stop any relation with them. Stop all supply.
Do better next time vassnti, your posts are getting poor make up a better case, I would again remind you of 26/11 and poor intelligence failure and so for 9/11.
@Ahmed Shah Abdali
Salam brother.
regarding Osama in Pakistan.In 5-10 year time you people will understand what good we did to you.At the moment you people are cursing us.

Walikum Salam,
If you could observe all my posts after the Osama situation you will realize that i have never tried to put salt on your wounds, i have only responded to some fools who think Afghanistan is their backyard and can't tolerate a valid point raised by the Afghan gov.

but after 5-10 year you people will praise us specially isi.Just remember my words.
Could you please elaborate more on this? what do you exactly mean? The Afghan ppl have no appetite for further war and conflict, there is no reason why we won't have good relations with Pakistan based on mutual respect, if it really does act in a honest way and support the Afghan gov in bringing peace instead of supporting terrorists in the form of Haqqani network and others...
not afghanistan brothers ....read american puppets installed in kabul cia controlled garrisions.
Do you think your leaders are anything better? Who start talking like parrots when they feel the heat, you are actually worse than us if our gov is being friendly with NATO and other Coalition forces its because they are helping us get on our feets after 30 yrs of war, they are giving us a hope of a strong and independent Afghanistan who can stand up to its enemies which we could have never dreamt of after the collapse of communist regime.What is making you tolerate all the demands of US if you really are the military and economic power you claim to be..
Do you think your leaders are anything better? Who start talking like parrots when they feel the heat, you are actually worse than us if our gov is being friendly with NATO and other Coalition forces its because they are helping us get on our feets after 30 yrs of war, they are giving us a hope of a strong and independent Afghanistan who can stand up to its enemies which we could have never dreamt of after the collapse of communist regime.What is making you tolerate all the demands of US if you really are the military and economic power you claim to be..

Offtopic : One common refrain I have heard among the younger gen of Afghans is it was wrong to have resisted the USSR with the help of US,KSA and Pak as it became the seed for all the misery in the region.

What do you think about it ?
Afghans are the worst losers in the world. Rather than going to school they prefer to be Taleban. Afghanistan is the country where Taleban born. Afghans hate Pakistan more than anybody else. We should stop any relation with them. Stop all supply.
I dont think it will help your country get out of the mess by calling us losers, just look where your country was heading before 9/11 being in a tight competition with India and look at it now and compare yourself with India, now ask yourself who the real loser is.

The fact is that your gov really needs to eliminate extremism in its roots, it is affecting your whole new generation who are becoming extremists by the day, just go to places like Hangu there was no extremism in there before the Taliban, if you go there now young students there dress like Talibans! they have long hair and beards similiar to TTP.Pakistan is not only Islamabad check out cities like Thall, Doaba in KP you will then understand who is prefering to become a Talib.

As far as Afghans are concerned well History is a testimony to who we are, the past 30 yrs did destroy our country but since the last decade we are on the right track and Inshallah if we keep going this way we will have a stable and properous Afghanistan again.
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