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Afghanistan Intensifies Anti-Pakistan Rhetoric in Aftermath of Bin Laden Ra

Afghan Nationalists don't believe in all this bull crap.The pashtun nationalists from one side and the Tajiks nationalist from the other are nothing but fools who hold no vision for a prosporous Afghanistan and therefore will never be the future.

:) its the Afghanistani Nationalists' approach towards Hazaras (uzbeks, tajiks etc etc ) and Afghans (Pushtuns) [mind its its the line you guys have drawn] which led to all these wars bigger and smaller all included for ruling Afghanistan.

its a reality not crap. ask Ahmad how Hazaras and other ethnicity in Afghanistan had been treated as something separate
Not many nations would have survived the vagaries the Afghans underwent for the last 40 years being made to fight the proxy wars of other countries.

afghanistan invited the proxy wars themselves ousting their own king and inviting the soviet union to intervene

I may not know the entire situation , but I know enough to suggest you are patently and grossly wrong.

no he's not maybe look up a map and the history of the regions the vast majority of the afghan economy is dependant on trade through pakistan in the past when they tried to go against pakistan we closed the border their economy got hit bad and they were forced to backtrack.
Did i ever claim that? We were never subdued though, alway coming back to give the invaders a bloody nose unlike you!

Multan? only claims. He was born in Herat and more importantly he established modern day Afghanistan.
Just to make a point, he left his mark in in Iran,Pakistan and India and your region was well inside his empire.

I'm a Pashtun myself, "Afghan" might have been reference to Pashtuns in past but presently every other ethnic group whoever they maybe in Afghanistan is as much an Afghan as the next one.The pashtuns in Afghanistan don't use the term "afghan" to refer to themselves anymore but exclusively Pakhtoon.

I admit we have issues being fueled by fools from every group, but they are not the future.Afghan nationalism has taken root after a long time and the core is the Afghan National Army which is loved by every afghan regardless of his ethnicity.

Ur history sucks.
It looks like i cant convince you no matter what and how i say. Perhaps somebody else with a better communications skills tells you what i exactly mean.

Ahmad let us put it this way. People of your country are not kids who are against Invaders or outsiders. similarly people of my country who are siding with others against Pakistan are also not kids. all of these guys have own interests .

saying that people fight proxies of others in charity is wrong and a big misconception.

in other words if i say that those internal elements of Pakistan who are siding with external forces against Pakistan, are not to be blamed then its a wrong notion
how do u know its urs? did ur mommy tell you?

such things are all speculative kid

unlike you we have studied history of our nations... its not speculative infant... you will learn in your higher classes

U rightfully compliment ur username.

dont troll claim whatever you want with facts
Ahmad let us put it this way. People of your country are not kids who are against Invaders or outsiders. similarly people of my country who are siding with others against Pakistan are also not kids. all of these guys have own interests .

saying that people fight proxies of others in charity is wrong and a big misconception.

in other words if i say that those internal elements of Pakistan who are siding with external forces against Pakistan, are not to be blamed then its a wrong notion

we have got 2 options only for now, 1-going to warlordism and proxies that serve the intersts of others, fighing each other and pushing afghanistan to century of Isa AS. 2-be under the direct occupation and have the opportunity to at least see some improvents in our institutions, stability etc. i would rather go with teh second option, you are free to disagree with me as a pakistani national based on paksitani interests, and off course that would never be in our interests. You didnt like before when i mentioned the interst of pakistan, but it was you who first mentioned interest of other countries and fogrgot about paksitan,
I'm a Pashtun myself, "Afghan" might have been reference to Pashtuns in past but presently every other ethnic group whoever they maybe in Afghanistan is as much an Afghan as the next one.The pashtuns in Afghanistan don't use the term "afghan" to refer to themselves anymore but exclusively Pakhtoon.

Lolzzzzzzzzzzzzz surely the d Pashtuns (a more farsiaed word used by Norther Alliance groupies) might not be using it compromising their identity for some favours but we Pukhtuns do not compromise it.

I admit we have issues being fueled by fools from every group, but they are not the future.Afghan nationalism has taken root after a long time and the core is the Afghan National Army which is loved by every afghan regardless of his ethnicity.

Every country has these issues. and as far as your claim "nationalism" then be sure the same nationalism is exhibited by other nations too when it comes to war or clash of interests between two countries and then we dont care if share ethnicity with people from another country.

the bottom line is : be sure we Pakistani Pukhtun may love to stand up for our Afghanistani Pukhtuns but when it comes to country's interests and boundaries then we are United Pakistanis against anyone just like you be united Afghanistanis against anyone.

anyway so whats the end point??

Karzai trying to fuel hate . Period.
we have got 2 options only for now, 1-going to warlordism and proxies that serve the intersts of others, fighing each other and pushing afghanistan to century of Isa AS. 2-be under the direct occupation and have the opportunity to at least see some improvents in our institutions, stability etc. i would rather go with teh second option, you are free to disagree with me as a pakistani national based on paksitani interests, and off course that would never be in our interests. You didnt like before when i mentioned the interst of pakistan, but it was you who first mentioned interest of other countries and fogrgot about paksitan,

Ahmad if you as a country accept occupation of US/NATO on the whole , in one voice then i have NO issue personally with that option as in my view Afghanistan belong to people of Afghanistan and if US/NATO rule there without any hindrance then its good for us too.

and btw i mentioned interests of every country whereas you singled out only Pakistan which is one sided and biased.
:rofl::rofl: Now afghans is also questioning the security of the strategic nuke assets of pakistan. Who is left Bhutan and Vatican City??:rofl: Very well, anyone can say anything perhaps they also want some nukes at some discount!!!! Anyway after seeing all these incidents and conspiracy theories i think the pakistanis should make the ISI chief its Prime minister and Kayani the President in real sense, that would be the best. Currently it seems there is a shadow govt. behind the present govt. which has only face value. Let the real people be in the front. The current govt.(civil) seems a boxing bag or a whipping boy. You go left you get spanked by US, You go right spanked by ISI, Army. Better stay mum and be happy with your salaries:thinktank:
:rofl::rofl: Now afghans is also questioning the security of the strategic nuke assets of pakistan. Who is left Bhutan and Vatican City??:rofl: Very well, anyone can say anything perhaps they also want some nukes at some discount!!!! Anyway after seeing all these incidents and conspiracy theories i think the pakistanis should make the ISI chief its Prime minister and Kayani the President in real sense, that would be the best. Currently it seems there is a shadow govt. behind the present govt. which has only face value. Let the real people be in the front. The current govt.(civil) seems a boxing bag or a whipping boy. You go left you get spanked by US, You go right spanked by ISI, Army. Better stay mum and be happy with your salaries:thinktank:

oh really dont worry you bharatis we know well whom should we make PM or President ;)

i wonder why you bharatis are always on whining spree :P cry babies you are
oh really dont worry you bharatis we know well whom should we make PM or President ;)

i wonder why you bharatis are always on whining spree :P cry babies you are

You posted this rationally or is this a flamebait ??
Either way i don't have to stoop low as you are doing.
Why don't you tell me your "100% truth theory" about the pakistani double game?? huh?? Take things from US and then kick US' a$$?? Oops sorry China is your new loan giver, good carry on, one day they too will know the consequences!!
Did i ever claim that? We were never subdued though, alway coming back to give the invaders a bloody nose unlike you!

Multan? only claims. He was born in Herat and more importantly he established modern day Afghanistan.
Just to make a point, he left his mark in in Iran,Pakistan and India and your region was well inside his empire.

I'm a Pashtun myself, "Afghan" might have been reference to Pashtuns in past but presently every other ethnic group whoever they maybe in Afghanistan is as much an Afghan as the next one.The pashtuns in Afghanistan don't use the term "afghan" to refer to themselves anymore but exclusively Pakhtoon.

I admit we have issues being fueled by fools from every group, but they are not the future.Afghan nationalism has taken root after a long time and the core is the Afghan National Army which is loved by every afghan regardless of his ethnicity
All right, let see how great baba shah Abdali was

Abdali first invasion iin 1748 ended in disaster at Manupur

He came back the next year in 1749 and was bought off

He again appeared two years 1752 later and besieged Lahore. He captured the city after four months

1757 He captured Delhi. The Mughal capital was sacked and subjected to terrible massacre and pillage before Durrani returned home with a vast treasure.

Gohalwar Ahmad Shah Durrani was returning home from the sack of Delhi in January when his force was attacked by Baba Deep Singh and he sent his son Timur Shah, Governor of Lahore, to punish the Sikhs. A few miles to the north of Amritsar at Gohalwar, the massively outnumbered Sikhs drove off the Afghans,

1759 On his fifth invasion of the decaying Mughal Empire, Afghan General Ahmad Shah Durrani was met near Lahore by Sikhs attempting alone
to resist his advance. Afghan General Jahan Khan was defeated and wounded in a sharp check, the Sikhs allowed the invaders to advance towards Delhi and victory in early 1761 at Panipat

1760 As Afghans moved into the decaying Mughal Empire, Abdalii— was checked at Lahore, then met Maratha Chief Dattaji Sindhia at Barari
Ghat on the Jumna River north of Delhi. The Maratha army was destroyed in a surprise attack and Dattaji was killed. The victory led directly to
the great Afghan triumph a year later at Panipat

1760 Recovering from defeat at Sikandarabad in March, Marathas under Bhau Saheb captured Delhi then marched north against Afghan invader Ahmad Shah Durrani. In victory at Kunjpura, east of Karnal, the Marathas inflicted nearly 10,000 Afghan casualties, including Abusammad Khan killed and Qutb Shah executed. Within months the Afghans were victorious at Panipat

1761 Ahmad Shah Durrani beat a Maratha force at panipat

1761 Ahmad Shah Durrani returned to Afghanistan following victory at Panipat in January, then sent Nur-ud-din Khan and 12,000 Afghans to punish the Sikhs for attacking his army as it was crossing the Punjab. Repulsed at the Chenab by Charat Singh, Nur-ud-din withdrew under siege to Sialkot, northeast of Lahore. He eventually fled in disguise and his army was starved into surrender

1761 Afghan Governor Khwaja Abed Khan of Lahore recovered from the defeat of an Afghan army at Sialkot in August to besiege the victorious
Sikhs at Gujranwala, northeast of Lahore. He was, in turn, besieged by Sikh General Charat Singh, who led a massive attack on the Afghan camp. Khwaja Abed lost almost all his guns and baggage and fled back to his capital (September 1761).

1762 In a fresh Afghan invasion of the upper Punjab, Ahmad Shah Durrani reached Malerkotla, west of Sirhind, then attacked a 50,000-
strong Sikh army just to the north at Kup. In one of their worst defeats—known as Ghallaghurga (Bloody Carnage)—the Sikhs lost perhaps
20,000 killed in a decisive battle of movement.

1763 After another invasion of the Punjab, General Ahmad Shah Durrani returned to Kabul and left Kabuli Mal as Governor in Lahore, where he
came under increasing Sikh pressure. In battle at Sialkot, northeast of Lahore, Charhut Singh Sukerchakia defeated Afghan forces under General
Jahan Khan and besieged Lahore to impose terms. This provoked a fresh Afghan invasion (November 1763).

Up untill 1763 Abdali had been defeated by sikhs more times than he had won from them, He ultimately gave up the idea of ruling punjab never came back
You posted this rationally or is this a flamebait ??
Either way i don't have to stoop low

You already stooped to lowest
Why don't you tell me your "100% truth theory" about the pakistani double game?? huh?? Take things from US and then kick US' a$$?? Oops sorry China is your new loan giver, good carry on, one day they too will know the consequences!!

mmmmm as i said you guys are always in whining mode. just go and cry to US to over your complaint of $ :) the US is not a kid neither even a kid in today's world can be bluffed. so all your juvenile attitude is not going to change anything.

one US politician tabled the resolution for halting economic cooperation which was REJECTED by US Govt so now go and cry to US. they are not fools neither doing out of charity. if it was the case then they should have invested in Cambodia or Somalia where human are dying of internal terrorism and above all HUNGER.
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