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Afghanistan Intensifies Anti-Pakistan Rhetoric in Aftermath of Bin Laden Ra

You already stooped to lowest

mmmmm as i said you guys are always in whining mode. just go and cry to US to over your complaint of $ :) the US is not a kid neither even a kid in today's world can be bluffed. so all your juvenile attitude is not going to change anything.

one US politician tabled the resolution for halting economic cooperation which was REJECTED by US Govt so now go and cry to US. they are not fools neither doing out of charity. if it was the case then they should have invested in Cambodia or Somalia where human are dying of internal terrorism and above all HUNGER.

Don't worry the aid is just a leverage as well as an indication of more abbottabad style operations and a guarantee of non retaliation!! You think the US is investing in pakistan for a so called "better pakistan". Give me 2 examples to show that US has done such things before. Or now you'll say pakistan is the first case
:) its the Afghanistani Nationalists' approach towards Hazaras (uzbeks, tajiks etc etc ) and Afghans (Pushtuns) [mind its its the line you guys have drawn] which led to all these wars bigger and smaller all included for ruling Afghanistan.

its a reality not crap. ask Ahmad how Hazaras and other ethnicity in Afghanistan had been treated as something separate
You dont even know who are the people who call themselves Afghanistanis, says alot about your journalism background! Our history or for that case history in general is full of cases of injustice, injustice has been done by many groups against each other, but as i said these fools however they maybe are the past.Its because of them that our country was destroyed in the civil war, we the Afghan people are done with it.I'm witnessing a rise in Afghan Nationalism whose core is the Afghan National Army.Perhaps you can even check it on internet Afghans Love their army and are proud of it whether its a Mazari,Herati or Khosty.
First get control of your own "official" territory where there is no pak flag to be seen!

Its under control...... we r exterminating the bloody talis............ abt flag........ well come n see urself.

P.S=how is paktia? under control "yet".

Its a so called settled area right.:lol:

Reality hurts doesnt it?! Looks like you didn't turn out to be the mighty baloch warrior never conquered by an Afghan after all:P

BS again:lol:

Just try remembering Mauryans,Hindu shahi,Mongols,Sikhs,British,Persian,Greeks etc.

Mighty afghan warrior who was never conquered yet remained under cfontrol of different empires for hundreds of years. ;)
Lolzzzzzzzzzzzzz surely the d Pashtuns (a more farsiaed word used by Norther Alliance groupies) might not be using it compromising their identity for some favours but we Pukhtuns do not compromise it.
Jana jee! comeon now i expect you to atleast know how Pashtuns from different areas have different accent.In my own province Paktia we have like 3 kinds of Pashtu accents.we for example call ourself پښتون
Every country has these issues. and as far as your claim "nationalism" then be sure the same nationalism is exhibited by other nations too when it comes to war or clash of interests between two countries and then we dont care if share ethnicity with people from another country.

the bottom line is : be sure we Pakistani Pukhtun may love to stand up for our Afghanistani Pukhtuns but when it comes to country's interests and boundaries then we are United Pakistanis against anyone just like you be united Afghanistanis against anyone.

anyway so whats the end point??

Karzai trying to fuel hate . Period.
I never had any doubts about it! i clearly feel close to the Pashtun ppl on the other side of the border due to very close linguistic,religious and cultural ties BUT the only people i would trust is my fellow Afghan in any situation.
Its under control...... we r exterminating the bloody talis............ abt flag........ well come n see urself.

P.S=how is paktia? under control "yet".

Its a so called settled area right.:lol:

Ah really? i can still see white flags in Mir Ali and Miranshah though ;)
Paktia is great,taking advantage of the reconstruction boom, getting new roads and electricity it has never had before, apart from other development works, your Haqqani friends come once and while only to return with bodies across the border. :smokin:
Ah really? i can still see white flags in Mir Ali and Miranshah though ;)

Paktia is great,taking advantage of the reconstruction boom, getting new roads and electricity it has never had before,
Atleast a few signs of civilisation........:whistle:

apart from other development works, your Haqqani friends come once and while only to return with bodies across the border. :smokin:

Good for them....
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afghanistan invited the proxy wars themselves ousting their own king and inviting the soviet union to intervene

Then it was a matter between the Afghans and the USSR -who called on you guys to intervene ? Or who asked you to support one warloerd against the other ? Remember 'Rocket' Hekmatyar ? Who asked you to finger a medieval group of savages called Taliban ?

no he's not maybe look up a map and the history of the regions the vast majority of the afghan economy is dependant on trade through pakistan in the past when they tried to go against pakistan we closed the border their economy got hit bad and they were forced to backtrack.

Wrong you dont have an inkling of the facts ;

Export :

US 26.47%, India 23.09%, Pakistan 17.36%, Tajikistan 12.51% (2009)

Import :

Pakistan 26.78%, US 24.81%, India 5.15%, Germany 5.06%, Russia 4.04% (2009)


Its not like they will die without your trade.
some more signs of civilisation in afghanistan ... thats this abdali guy to the left .. lol

You could perhaps mislead someone who is not familiar with the area with this propaganda, a visit in heli to a beseiged fort is hardly an achievement, let him go to downtown Miranshah or Mir Ali and we will see 2005 all over again!

Good for them....[/QUOTE]

---------- Post added at 10:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:53 PM ----------

You could perhaps mislead someone who is not familiar with the area with this propaganda, a visit in heli to a beseiged fort is hardly an achievement, let him go to downtown Miranshah or Mir Ali and we will see 2005 all over again!

Good for them....[/QUOTE]
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