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Afghan Taliban (IEA) have raised White flags along the Durand Line.

Logical solution to Afghan ethnic problem seems to be annexation/merger with neighbors. Other than some Pashtun, most farsi-ban Afghans support this idea. Tajik, Uzbek and Hazaras are likely to integrate in their new country without much problem. Merging Pashtun area in Pakistan can cause some problems if things are not done properly. Afghan Pashtun has ethnic hatred towards non-Pashtuns. Problem of pushtunistan can re-emerge.
The Taliban or Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan have raised white flags in the provinces they have occupied along the Pak-Afghan border a a sign of peace and friendship. This is the same border from which the ANA and NDS fired upon our troops.
Wonder how the US is bearing all this. The credit must be given where it is due...
Why is the white flag on Pakistani side of the fence?
Logical solution to Afghan ethnic problem seems to be annexation/merger with neighbors. Other than some Pashtun, most farsi-ban Afghans support this idea. Tajik, Uzbek and Hazaras are likely to integrate in their new country without much problem. Merging Pashtun area in Pakistan can cause some problems if things are not done properly. Afghan Pashtun has ethnic hatred towards non-Pashtuns. Problem of pushtunistan can re-emerge.
Pashtuns of afghanistan are generally anti pakistani but during refugee times. They always come to Pakistan and not Iran.
Now that Afghanistan is under full control of the ISI / Taliban, Durand line issue is completely solved.

Annexation of Afghanistan by Pakistan is now inevitable.

Kindly avoid such crap. First taliban arw not ISI, they are independent. Secondly why would Pakistan annex Afghanistan? Such childish bs is the reason afghans hate Pakistan and dont trust and also spread propaganda. If the US cudnt control Afghanistan, what makes u think Pakistan can??? Have some common sense. Also i am sure the punjabi lobby dont want Pakistan to become a majority pashtun country.
Why is the white flag on Pakistani side of the fence?

It is clearly on the other side of the fence unless your blind.. There is a fence between Afghan-pak border and the flag is clearly on the other side which is the afghan area and the guy recording the video is in the pakistan side of the border
Imagine the pain of RAW feeling in their backdoor after seeing Talibans victories and their proxies getting destroyed
Kindly avoid such crap. First taliban arw not ISI, they are independent. Secondly why would Pakistan annex Afghanistan? Such childish bs is the reason afghans hate Pakistan and dont trust and also spread propaganda. If the US cudnt control Afghanistan, what makes u think Pakistan can??? Have some common sense. Also i am sure the punjabi lobby dont want Pakistan to become a majority pashtun country.

US and Taliban are not friends while Pakistan & Taliban have not differences.

And give me a break on Punjabhis being insecure about Pushtuns becoming a majority.

Firstly, it is completely a lie. Even after merger of Afghanistan with Pakistan, Pushtun population will be less than Punjabhis. Punjabhis will make up 45% while Pushtuns will still only be 20%.

Secondly, It was Punjabhis who kicked out NS and elected a Pushtun i.e PMIK.
Thats a good idea, I wonder whether our strategic planners ever take such scenarios into consideration. Kabul and everything east should go to Pakistan. It would also be in Pakistans interest to annex Herat next to Irans border for strategic leverage and the Wakhan corridor for a direct route to central asia.

I am sure there can be some sort of reasonable agreement with the Tajiks, Uzbeks, Russians, Iranians for a reasonable partition of Afghanistan, but with Pakistan gaining full strategic leverage.

If such a partition was remotely possible, Pakistan would want the natural resources rich areas (rare earths etc) that Taliban are focusing on at present instead of Kabul!
US and Taliban are not friends while Pakistan & Taliban have not differences.

And give me a break on Punjabhis being insecure about Pushtuns becoming a majority.

Firstly, it is completely a lie. Even after merger of Afghanistan with Pakistan, Pushtun population will be less than Punjabhis. Punjabhis will make up 45% while Pushtuns will still only be 20%.

Secondly, It was Punjabhis who kicked out NS and elected a Pushtun i.e PMIK.
Pashtuns are 25% right now
There is 43 million Pashtuns
If such a partition was remotely possible, Pakistan would want the natural resources rich areas (rare earths etc) that Taliban are focusing on at present instead of Kabul!
Pakistan has been Pakistan for 70 years already and still haven't utilized the rare earth there. They're not going anywhere
Pashtuns are 25% right now
There is 43 million Pashtuns

Still Punjabhis would be the majority even after the merger. Remember there are more Pushtuns in Pakistan than Afghanistan. Also, Pushtuns in Punjab and Karachi have been assimilated.
bhindinan tax paters hard earned ruppes doob gaya. We kept telling em years ago but they supposedly knew better. now g@#^ marvian. Shukria
Still Punjabhis would be the majority even after the merger. Remember there are more Pushtuns in Pakistan than Afghanistan. Also, Pushtuns in Punjab and Karachi have been assimilated.
No offense but assimilating into Punjabis and Karachi is meaningless

South Asia has the lowest per capita in the world.

This means all the south asian countries

Despite having the largest rare earth mineral assets. We still can't use them to the people's advantage to get rich and become a resource driven country like the Gulf has. For some odd reason, even countries like iran have higher GDP per capitas than us

Pakistanis are also disrespected in every country

Whether its for economic reasons or physical reasons. Pakistanis are disrespected

The white people in Gulf Arab lands have carpets rolled out to them even though they're not Muslims. Religion means nothing to Arabs

Arabs only care about skin tone and money

South Asia is the only place where people put religion so far up their backs that its driven us into the poorest region in the world. Having dark skin is also another big draw back worldwide.

When we go to America. Arabs there are treated with respect and even there south asians are treated bad. Even black people get treated better than South Asians

Because add to poverty and dark skin. Most South Asians are also not physically strong people in the west. The West admires physical strength and black people have physical strength

You either need to be white passing like Arabs or physically strong like blacks to make in the western market or media.

Instead of focusing on religion all day. South Asia needs to focus on economy and sports. The area is already seen as a emasculated land of people. You add the sport of cricket into the mix and the world thinks South Asians only play cricket because their bodies are too weak for real sports

No looks
No brains
No money
Dark skin
No muscle

Then the only thing left is for south asians to hope they can pass for other races if they have lighter skin, which is what Pakistanis do.
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