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Afghan Taliban (IEA) have raised White flags along the Durand Line.

Now that Afghanistan is under full control of the ISI / Taliban, Durand line issue is completely solved.

Annexation of Afghanistan by Pakistan is now inevitable.
This is not called annexation. Nor Pakistan plans to annex Afghanistan. Afghanistan will remain a semi independent country
as its landlocked and dependent on neighbours for trade. Pakistan just wants local ethno fascists and outsiders to stay away from Afghanistan. The ethnofascist can be banished to Europe and west where they can live happily .the children need to be indoctrinated about mutual respect and brotherhood not based on tribe or ethnic background.
The sort of merger some people are dreaming will take some time as it's not in our interest to open up borders when the situation is still precarious . It will take decades and a generation for afg to rebuild and develop a new sense of security.
Now that Afghanistan is under full control of the ISI / Taliban, Durand line issue is completely solved.

Annexation of Afghanistan by Pakistan is now inevitable.
there is not gonna be any annexation of Afghanistan by Pakistan. The flag simply means peace and friendship. what's wrong with you?
LMAO even Taliban doesn't recognize Durrand Line so idk where they are going with this.

No it isn't Taliban doesn't recognize the line.
Talban were also against tv and video, against hajamat etc. etc. Infact they have recognized the border saved them from the firepower of occupational forces. Its definitely true they want free movement across the border but that doesnt imply they are against the border it self. It's for the authorities to work out with them once threats are gone things like adding more crossings and clearing mines.
:coffee: Ugh , don't know what to say ... this has been going on now for 30-40 year can't Pakistan just get normal neighbors , who just bring you cookies and gifts

Heck almost 46 years-50 years ....
No need to fire or physically harm them. Just tightly seal the Pakistani/Afghan border and let NOTHING come in or go out. See what happens to the Afghans and Afghanistan. What the British empire, the Soviets and Americans couldn't achieve, we would within 6 months............ :azn:

seal the border and secure it until the chaos settles
I dont see the benefit of annexing Afghanistan unless the majority of the population can somehow be resettled elsewhere. The tajiks can be sent to tajikistan, uzbeks to uzbekistan, shia would be gladly taken in by Iran.

That way Afghanistan can remain soley pushtun province, and a portion of Pakistans large population can be resettled, (from sindh and punjab) in their place perhaps provided free land by the state. Only then can an annexation be successful.
Most of Sindh is filled with Baloch and Africans

Also annexing Afghanistan is great for the people.
Now that Afghanistan is under full control of the ISI / Taliban, Durand line issue is completely solved.

Annexation of Afghanistan by Pakistan is now inevitable.
Taliban are heading your way next, beware.
Political and Economic integration.

Defence too.

Afghanistan needs Pakistan's nuclear umbrella to prevent other powers from coming back to create havoc.
Taliban are heading your way next, beware.


You have made my day.

This is long over due.

They will receive a great reception by the Muslim brothers over here.
The Taliban or Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan have raised white flags in the provinces they have occupied along the Pak-Afghan border a a sign of peace and friendship. This is the same border from which the ANA and NDS fired upon our troops.
Wonder how the US is bearing all this. The credit must be given where it is due...
Great. Hopefully Taliban will attack BLA which is conducting attacks from Afghanistan.
I dont see the benefit of annexing Afghanistan unless the majority of the population can somehow be resettled elsewhere. The tajiks can be sent to tajikistan, uzbeks to uzbekistan, shia would be gladly taken in by Iran.

That way Afghanistan can remain soley pushtun province, and a portion of Pakistans large population can be resettled, (from sindh and punjab) in their place perhaps provided free land by the state. Only then can an annexation be successful.
Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Iran, and other neighbors won't accept an influx of refugees. If annexation/merger(whatever one may wanna call it) is to happen. Population should be moved around over years(by incentivizing certain lands for certain ethnicities). So over time... Afghanistan's Tajiks(from all over Afghanistan) end up settling in the region of Afghanistan near Tajikistan...
...same for Uzbeks...etc. Then partition the country along these lines...with each neighbor annexing their respective part...with the corresponding population.

This way Tajiks end up with Tajikistan...and so on. Creating less problems that arise based on ethnic/linguitic/cultural differences. It would also be more acceptable by Afghanistan's neighbors bcuz instead of seeing it as accepting refugees and thus a "burden"...they would see it as a "gain" where they are expanding their territory.

This way a large majority of it will remain with Pakistan...but with less problems...allowing for development. It will also connect Pakistan directly with CARs. CPEC can be expanded to allow them direct connectivity to Gawadar and Karachi...which will end the long standing dispute of Afghanistan wanting access to the sea being landlocked.
Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Iran, and other neighbors won't accept an influx of refugees. If annexation/merger(whatever one may wanna call it) is to happen. Population should be moved around over years(by incentivizing certain lands for certain ethnicities). So over time... Afghanistan's Tajiks(from all over Afghanistan) end up settling in the region of Afghanistan near Tajikistan...
...same for Uzbeks...etc. Then partition the country along these lines...with each neighbor annexing their respective part...with the corresponding population.

This way Tajiks end up with Tajikistan...and so on. Creating less problems that arise based on ethnic/linguitic/cultural differences. It would also be more acceptable by Afghanistan's neighbors bcuz instead of seeing it as accepting refugees and thus a "burden"...they would see it as a "gain" where they are expanding their territory.

This way a large majority of it will remain with Pakistan...but with less problems...allowing for development. It will also connect Pakistan directly with CARs. CPEC can be expanded to allow them direct connectivity to Gawadar and Karachi...which will end the long standing dispute of Afghanistan wanting access to the sea being landlocked.

Thats a good idea, I wonder whether our strategic planners ever take such scenarios into consideration. Kabul and everything east should go to Pakistan. It would also be in Pakistans interest to annex Herat next to Irans border for strategic leverage and the Wakhan corridor for a direct route to central asia.

I am sure there can be some sort of reasonable agreement with the Tajiks, Uzbeks, Russians, Iranians for a reasonable partition of Afghanistan, but with Pakistan gaining full strategic leverage.
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