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Abu Islam and son imprisoned for insulting Christianity


Apr 28, 2011
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CAIRO: A court in the Egyptian capital on Sunday handed an Islamist preacher accused of insulting Christianity an 11-year suspended jail sentence.

Ahmed Mohammed Abdullah had been charged with ripping up and burning a copy of the Bible during a protest outside the US embassy in Cairo against the anti-Islam film, "Innocence of Muslims", that was produced in the US.

The court handed Abdullah an 11-year suspended sentence for insulting religion, disturbing public order and defamation.

His son was also tried at the same time and received an eight-year suspended sentence. The pair can appeal.

The preacher, known as Abu Islam, has become renowned in Egypt for his fiery diatribes against Christians and the country's secular opposition.

Egyptian law forbids insults against recognised religions. A court sentenced a Christian last December to three years in prison for posting online segments of Innocence of Muslims. (AFP)
Egypt preacher spared jail for insulting Christianity - thenews.com.pk
@Aeronaut @Leader @ANTIBODY @WebMaster so where is the secular liberal human rights champion western media is not reporting this news ? any ideas
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err a death penalty would have been better?

That's what these self proclaimed "ISlamists" demand when a Christian burns Al-Quran. So Hang this retard
CAIRO: A court in the Egyptian capital on Sunday handed an Islamist preacher accused of insulting Christianity an 11-year suspended jail sentence.

Ahmed Mohammed Abdullah had been charged with ripping up and burning a copy of the Bible during a protest outside the US embassy in Cairo against the anti-Islam film, "Innocence of Muslims", that was produced in the US.

The court handed Abdullah an 11-year suspended sentence for insulting religion, disturbing public order and defamation.

His son was also tried at the same time and received an eight-year suspended sentence. The pair can appeal.

The preacher, known as Abu Islam, has become renowned in Egypt for his fiery diatribes against Christians and the country's secular opposition.

Egyptian law forbids insults against recognised religions. A court sentenced a Christian last December to three years in prison for posting online segments of Innocence of Muslims. (AFP)
Egypt preacher spared jail for insulting Christianity - thenews.com.pk
@Aeronaut @Leader @ANTIBODY @WebMaster so where is the secular liberal human rights champion western media is not reporting this news ? any ideas

Am I the only one noticing that the christian guy actually goes to jail while "hate.incorporated Abu&son " remain free?
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If its correct figure then Egypt has 30 percent or little bit more Coptics. All religious related issue are very trivial over their. Because chances are another East Timor or South Sudan formation . Egypt is a very tough subject. Handle with care.

By Al Arabiya

A group of Coptic activists in Egypt announced the establishment of the Christian Brotherhood to counter the growing influence of the Muslim Brotherhood especially after their candidate Mohammed Mursi won the presidential elections.

The idea was first initiated in 2005 by lawyer Mamdouh Nakhla, head of al-Kalema Center for Human Rights, and political analyst Michel Fahmi. It was then adopted by Amir Ayad, member of the Maspero Youths Union for Free Copts, the group established after clashes with military forces in front of the TV building in the Cairo district of Maspero left more than 20 Copts dead.

The Christian Brotherhood has branches in 16 governorates in Egypt as well as four branches outside Egypt, three in Europe and one in Australia.

“The idea started in 2005 with the rise of Islamist groups, but it had not been put to action since then,” Michel Fahmi told Al Arabiya in a phone interview.

Fahmi explained that it was the victory of Muslim Brotherhood candidate presidential elections that necessitated taking steps towards creating the new Brotherhood.

“It was then important to establish a body that can resist the Islamist tide.”
Fahmi stated that he has no problem calling the Christian Brotherhood a sectarian group since the idea of the Muslim Brotherhood is also sectarian.

“We created our group to create a balance in the Egyptian political scene.”

The new group, Fahmi pointed out, is not meant to compete with Muslims but with the rise of political Islam and its members are not after power.

“Muslims are something and Islamists are something else and it is not true that we wanted to a Copt to take part in presidential elections.”

According to Amir Ayad, members of the group decided to put their ideas into action when they felt that the hope of having a civilian state was gone.

“With Mohammed Mursi’s victory, we felt that Egypt is about to turn into a religious state so we decided to create the group as a means of peaceful resistance against Islamist powers,” Ayad was quoted as saying by the Egyptian newspaper al-Youm al-Sabea.

This resistance, which Ayad likens to that adopted by Mahatma Gandhi, will be basically through chronicling all sorts of violations and discriminatory acts committed against Copts across Egypt.

“We will then use all available legal channels to make sure the perpetrators of these actions do not get away with them.”

In the first response to be issued by an Islamist body, the Salafi Front welcomed the establishment of the Christian Brotherhood as the counterpart of the Muslim Brotherhood.

“As long as the Christian Brotherhood will abide by the law and will work towards the welfare of Egypt, then there is no problem,” said Khaled Said, the front’s official spokesperson.
I hope we see courts in Pakistan award prison time and fines to Wahabi preachers who insult Christians, Hindus, Jews, Ahmadi and Shi'ie
first provide security to judges, they openly give death threat to judges in the court. You have living example of Mullah Ishaq. He said he killed 167 shia and he will kill more , judge chicken out and release him.....Thanks to Musharraf , because of free media , news been aired by all news outlets in Pakistan.....no more censorship ..
CAIRO: A court in the Egyptian capital on Sunday handed an Islamist preacher accused of insulting Christianity an 11-year suspended jail sentence.

Ahmed Mohammed Abdullah had been charged with ripping up and burning a copy of the Bible during a protest outside the US embassy in Cairo against the anti-Islam film, "Innocence of Muslims", that was produced in the US.

The court handed Abdullah an 11-year suspended sentence for insulting religion, disturbing public order and defamation.

His son was also tried at the same time and received an eight-year suspended sentence. The pair can appeal.

The preacher, known as Abu Islam, has become renowned in Egypt for his fiery diatribes against Christians and the country's secular opposition.

Egyptian law forbids insults against recognised religions. A court sentenced a Christian last December to three years in prison for posting online segments of Innocence of Muslims. (AFP)
Egypt preacher spared jail for insulting Christianity - thenews.com.pk
@Aeronaut @Leader @ANTIBODY @WebMaster so where is the secular liberal human rights champion western media is not reporting this news ? any ideas

WTF is there to report in this news?

A Christian get death sentence for blasphemy while your brutha gets "Suspended sentence" for that.

You people have no shame.ditto for people who thanked you.
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If its proved then he must be severely punished there is no way disrespect of other religions should be tolerated.
If its correct figure then Egypt has 30 percent or little bit more Coptics. All religious related issue are very trivial over their. Because chances are another East Timor or South Sudan formation . Egypt is a very tough subject. Handle with care.

More nonsense that you pulled out of your Asss?

The Copts barely make up 10% of the population.

Polytheism has no place in Muslim countries nor should anyone "respect" that nonsense. Only the people of the book (Jews and Christians).
Egyptian mullahs at last have partly figured out the right group to hate for the film. It was not American or Israeli jews. But Egyptian coptic christians.
More nonsense that you pulled out of your Asss?

The Copts barely make up 10% of the population.

Polytheism has no place in Muslim countries nor should anyone "respect" that nonsense. Only the people of the book (Jews and Christians).

OOO my baby buddy is back in town.....lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..

kaif halak ya sheikh ul siasat.....you are yours شخصيات خارق
More nonsense that you pulled out of your Asss?

The Copts barely make up 10% of the population.

Polytheism has no place in Muslim countries nor should anyone "respect" that nonsense. Only the people of the book (Jews and Christians)

That was wrong sweetie !

If that was true, then why has Islam given the concept of "Jizea" for non Muslims ?
Indeed, Islam does allow other religions to be practiced freely as long as they pay the tax.
Only the holy cities of Makkah and Madina were cleansed of all non muslims.

I am free to personally dislike and hate anyone and anything I like, be it person or religion;
I am just not allowed to express my anger and hate.

2. What is the concept of "country" in Islam ? or the concept of "state" in Islam ?
None really !

BTW. The Egyptians do have a big problem at their hands; they know who is backing the Coptic, and they know how powerful that lobby is.
WTF is there to report in this news?

A Christian get death sentence for blasphemy while your brutha gets "Suspended sentence" for that.

You people have no shame.ditto for people who thanked you.

STFU . because Christians dont have any punishment for insulting their own religion in their own countries. Egypt formed an example to punish Muslic cleric and his son for insulting Bible.

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