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Aamir Khan isn’t alone: I too am a little afraid of living in India

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Aamir Khan's wife says, she wants to leave India for SAFETY of their children. Martyr Colonel Santosh Mahdik's wife says, both her children will join Indian Army to SAFEGUARD our nation.

Time to re-think about our definition of Heroes. Shame on amir khan and his stupid wife to say the least , india deserves better.
What did BJP govt do with Veterans (OROP) still fighting in streets................And Pay Commission discrimination against Service personnel....................... May be in Future she may rethink about her decision..................
TMC = Ruling party with 8% increase
Versus BJP's 10%

What is there to write home about?

BJP defeat in WB is written on the wall!

No dispute!

BJP never had any presence in West Bengal historically. The very fact that you, a natural BJP hater, is even considering that BJP would lose in West Bengal and become principle opposition, is a testament of gains BJP has made in Bengal.

Off-Course it would lose, but it would displace Communists as principle opposition to Mamta , and when anti-incumbency strikes, it would reap bountiful harvest of votes there too.

And you think BJP has suffered a debilitating set back! What a naive you are?

MGB defeated BJP by eviscerating itself. In Bihar election, MGB threw everything including their kitchen sink against BJP. Even though it was able to best BJP, it has raised its stature head and shoulders above others. When ,not if, this MGB fails due to its internal contradictions and debauchery and stupidity of its constituents, it would only BJP that would gain.
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We can provide security to Amir khan in india if he's willing to and also bring us the NOC from the govt of india.
BJP never had any presence in West Bengal historically. The very fact that you, a natural BJP hater, is even considering that BJP would lose in West Bengal and become principle opposition, is a testament of gains BJP has made in Bengal.


I reiterate, BJP will lose.
There is no contest here.
Neither the future for BJP with 27% Muslim voters base in the state.
To further speculate on this matter will be uncivilized or burlesque.

I rest my case.
Have a good or whatever is left of it by now.

Aamir Khan's wife is an atheist.

Aamir made me open to different points of view: Kiran Rao - The Times of India

Do ethics branch off from faith?

Not for me, no. I'm an atheist, I don't believe in God. And while I don't want to impose that on him, or on anyone else, he'll certainly not be brought up in a family that is necessarily denominational or has any sort of faith rituals. As a couple, in any case, we are fairly open, secular people, we don't particularly follow religious rituals.
TMC = Ruling party with 8% increase
Versus BJP's 10%

What is there to write home about?

BJP defeat in WB is written on the wall!

No dispute!

BJP had never been a strong force in WB and NO 4 after communist, Mamta and congress. Now it has moved ahead of congress. Soon BJP is a serious player iin WB now and a major political party in next 5 years. Mamta may have atl the most one more term.
BJP had never been a strong force in WB and NO 4 after communist, Mamta and congress. Now it has moved ahead of congress. Soon BJP is a serious player iin WB now and a major political party in next 5 years. Mamta may have atl the most one more term.

Congress is a spent force. Why bring it into scenario.
I do not think Congress will ever rule India again.
West Bengal is forever non BJP as is Kerala.

BJP winning couple of seats is inconsequential. Even a blind squirrel gets a nut here and there.
He never mocked Hindu gods
Yes he did in his film PK and words like "Jo darta hai wohi mandir jata hai"He locks up Hindu god shiva in a toilet chases krishna on the road, calls all hindu rituals as supersition,but goes on hajj and stones the devil with rocks.Wah re double standard ki maa ki aankh Double standard ho to aisi.
View attachment 274900

I reiterate, BJP will lose.
There is no contest here.
Neither the future for BJP with 27% Muslim voters base in the state.
To further speculate on this matter will be uncivilized or burlesque.

I rest my case.
Have a good or whatever is left of it by now.

Aamir Khan's wife is an atheist.

Aamir made me open to different points of view: Kiran Rao - The Times of India

Do ethics branch off from faith?

Not for me, no. I'm an atheist, I don't believe in God. And while I don't want to impose that on him, or on anyone else, he'll certainly not be brought up in a family that is necessarily denominational or has any sort of faith rituals. As a couple, in any case, we are fairly open, secular people, we don't particularly follow religious rituals.

OMG .... she was not afraid to declare herself a Kafir in intolerant India ? :cheesy:

Worse she has no fear in declaring her child as a kafir in Intolerant India either. This is truly terrible. :lol:
The difference between the two is the SAME. Minority vs. the Majority. The Colonel's gotten respect and care and gratitude from his country, including a thank you from the Indian leadership.

While, minorities like Amir Khan, have gotten "we'll kill you if you have beef in your fridge" out of the rest of the India, supported by the the PM Modi and his senior buddies. Who really want everyone else to leave India or convert to Hinduism.

The author is probably one of the first one's who has put things in such nice real perspective. When the crazy Hindus threaten minorities, they are ALSO threatening the one's who are or have served in the Indian military. When crazy fanatic Hindus kill a person because he ate beef, they don't ask for identification or resume to see where that person has worked before. They just kill him because he ate beef!!!! And he could an ex-military or ex-law enforcement.

Instead of looking for idiotic by making silly statements, try to re-read the OP and understand the meaning of humanity and mercy and how they bring a country together.

he has been making movies in india for the last 20 years , a lot of the people who go out and watch his movies in india are crazy hindus , in his latest movie he made fun of hindu gods but still got a clearance from the censor board during an NDA government , he has a hindu wife , he was also the brand ambassador for incredible india marketing campaign by government of india which promotes tourism , his show satyamev jayate was watched by over 330 millions indians . All of that is not enough for you , if we wanted him to convert to hinduism he wouldn't have been in this position in the first place because 80% of india is hindu . RSS and its ideology existed even before he was born , all these years was he sleeping ? he is acting as if some civil war is going on india.

Minority vs majority ? :lol: , why do you talk nonsense without any idea of ground realities , any patriot irrespective of his religion will always get respect from both govt of india and its people.

A. P. J. Abdul Kalam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




Not all hindus support a beaf ban and not all minorites in india are that innocent , jihadi terrorism and christian missionary work has done more damage to india than anything else.

Lastly we don't need certificate of secularism from you , if we apply your logic then US by now must have been the most racist country in the world.

lets compare how many african origin people were killed by trigger happy US cops and beef eaters by crazy hindus :usflag:
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Bhakt will now compare AMir Khan with dead Colonel and so on. Dead Col will be proud that a great country remains a free land where everyone has their rights and security as granted by constitution- that's the country he sacrificed himself for - not an RSS Disneyland of beef ban and Vedic space ship. Bhakt will hijack a brave hero t promote their own rabid ideology.

may be colonel took lives of enemies for his country.. and gave his life to protect us.... but bhakts took lives too but for beef.... ironically cops went inside state house to search for beef... it's quite arrogance..
Yes he did in his film PK and words like "Jo darta hai wohi mandir jata hai"He locks up Hindu god shiva in a toilet chases krishna on the road, calls all hindu rituals as supersition,but goes on hajj and stones the devil with rocks.Wah re double standard ki maa ki aankh Double standard ho to aisi.

It's funny because I don't see such anger against the director who is a Hindu, the producer who is a Hindu, the writer who is a Hindu, other actors in the movie who are mostly Hindus. Do you even understand what acting is?
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Aamir Khan's wife says, she wants to leave India for SAFETY of their children. Martyr Colonel Santosh Mahdik's wife says, both her children will join Indian Army to SAFEGUARD our nation.

Time to re-think about our definition of Heroes. Shame on amir khan and his stupid wife to say the least , india deserves better.

Of course..she is the same wife, who does not feel twice to marry a man and tear apart a familly life of Amir's 1st marriage..She is so oppertunistic..Do you think she will think about the country?? It is too much to hope for from his wife...
Of course..she is the same wife, who does not feel twice to marry a man and tear apart a familly life of Amir's 1st marriage..She is so oppertunistic..Do you think she will think about the country?? It is too much to hope for from his wife...

She married him a few years after his divorce. How do you know that she was a home breaker?

Do u even know who amir Khan is?
He is not called mister perfectionist for nothing......he himself directs and edits acts and roles of his movies to his choice,fcuk the director and producer.
So whatever he does in his films is totally on him.

One can not argue with such level of logic. :lol:
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