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Aamir Khan isn’t alone: I too am a little afraid of living in India

Apart from acting, amir khan had immence respect in my mind for his other works and think process earlier.
Cannot say the same about him anymore.

Because he feels insecure. How dare he say that. Like a 'good little muslim' he should not consider all the kicking around that muslims are getting as a matter of concern. He should pretend that everything is pretty fine.

Of course NYT, Moodys, dozens of writers and scients have all said that, but they are all saying that only because they're anti-national and anti-modi elements.
Because he feels insecure. How dare he say that. Like a 'good little muslim' he should not consider all the kicking around that muslims are getting as a matter of concern. He should pretend that everything is pretty fine.

Of course NYT, Moodys, dozens of writers and scients have all said that, but they are all saying that only because they're anti-national and anti-modi elements.

Oh but he is being a good little muslim.

Bitching about Hindu society while marrying a Hindu girl TWICE and insisting that their children become muslims. Making Millions of $ in Hindu society but bad mouthing the same society and Nation to the world.

Aamir Khan: Bollywood star joins chorus against intolerance - BBC News

Providing Fuel and ammunition to the world to abuse India while disguising his contempt as "secularims".

Insisting his "secular" credentials and claiming to speak on belf of "all" Indians while cloaked in religious animosity.

He is a good muslim all right. There is NO doubt about it. You can be at ease.
Hope to meet you there. :tup: Best wishes.

LOL. Re-read what I wrote.

Every civilized country had to go through a reformation.

USA, UK, France, Germany, Japan, Russia, China etc etc.

We will too.
Yes, you are right but that was lead by a visionary leader and knows what is best for the country, history is a good reminder of that.
But even though we have had many bloodshed we haven't done reformation.
So don't put your hopes on another bloodshed because it wouldn't change anything.
As I said it needs more than bloodshed to do reformation.
read this in a comment section -

Aamir Khan's wife says, she wants to leave India for SAFETY of their children. Martyr Colonel Santosh Mahdik's wife says, both her children will join Indian Army to SAFEGUARD our nation.

Time to re-think about our definition of Heroes. Shame on amir khan and his stupid wife to say the least , india deserves better.

Lets trade our fat pig adnan sami with your amir khan....
fat pig is already ours

Adnan Sami to get Indian citizenship - The Hindu

if AK means a something for you guys lets do it for hot Hina rabbani khar :man_in_love: , deal :azn:


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