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A question for Indian Users here

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You are innocent hafiiz :D :P

These are insecure emotional Indians who mind whenever you bring any negative news about India/Indians because for them India is perfect land and Indians are perfect people :P

On serious note if Indians stop giving attention to such topics then such topics will cease to exist :) 
I meant he met the profile of anti Indian poster nicely.
If I open 10 threads out of which 8 are critical of pakistanis (or say most of my posts critical of pakistanis) one would assume that I am against pakistan or pakistanis. However if I had pakistani flag and post similar posts, I would be considered somebody who wants his own people to improve, hence my criticism will be taken positively.

We are actually generous to take criticism from our country men but we become defensive when someone else try to point out our faults, weakness or social ills
I see. You have a girlfriend and for the things she does you come hear and bash Indians to release pressure because you can't directly bash her. Is that what happening? ;) :P
these indian gals will nvr learn :angry:

Don't be silly. 
So - Richi Rich Indian offered just few Samosas? Make deal with me, i will give you Samosas, Pakoras, Pathoras, Kachori and many more - If you do cluster bombing of Indian Threads and make force them retreat and never come back on PDF

In case you haven't noticed, you are beginning to resemble Riaz Haq, American Pakistani, Umair Nawaz, and their silly friends. Some others are quieter, perhaps because their parents have cut down their Internet access.
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In case you haven't noticed, you are beginning to resemble Riaz Haq, American Pakistani, Umair Nawaz, and their silly friends. Some others are quieter, perhaps because their parents have cut down their Internet access.

I dunno what grudge you have on me but let me tell you that I only counter post Indians when they are out of control & need to be corrected. If some dumb trolls keep bringing their Kashmir propaganda or wars propaganda you think we should sit idle & let them freely post their propaganda here?

BTW you are free to think whatever you feel like about me, it doesn't effect me, I'll continue countering trolls propaganda with my posts.
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Coz we like our country and you don't

Not exactly but while we identify ourselves with our country primarily, they are still arguing whether country or religion requires their main loyalty. 
I dunno what grudge you have on me but let me tell you that I only counter post Indians when they are out of control & need to be corrected. If some dumb trolls keep bringing their Kashmir propaganda or wars propaganda you think we should sit idle & let them freely post their propaganda here?

BTW you are free to think whatever you feel like about me, it doesn't effect me, I'll continue countering trolls propaganda with my posts.

Funny that you insist on answering for post directed @LoveIcon...........:azn:

I'm in my late twenties and I've lived through the time when the only adjectives used to describe Indians were "bhooke" and "nange." But we took it as a badge of honor, swam against all odds and became champions in our own right. After all, what more can you strip away from a bhooka and a nanga? There is absolutely nothing that you can find on the internet about us that we don't already know because we are a very self aware nation.

Contrast this to a few viewpoints across the border:

"Once Gwadar port becomes functional, Pakistan will transform into the trading hub of the world!!!"

"Once the Americans leave, the terrorist factions will magically stop targeting us and go fight India instead."

"Once Kalabagh dam becomes operational, all our electricity problems will be history!!!"

"Vote for Imran Khan!!! He will solve all our problems within 80 days(or whatever his campaign promise was)"

See a pattern here? There is nothing wrong in hoping that good things happen to your nation but being delusional about it is distinctly a Pakistani trait.As John Steinberg famously quipped,

“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.”

I suspect that is how the majority of Pakistanis view themselves and their nation, as a temporarily inconvenienced super power.
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I wonder why Indian users here get so excited whenever they see a new thread created that relates to things that happened in India ?

Countless Indian members jump on me and accuse me of being "anti-India". Frankly speaking, I am just a messenger and not anti-Indian at all. I love Indian culture. I eat lots of Indian food and snacks. I love to watch Bollywood movies and I even have an Indian Girlfriend.

So how could someone point a finger at India-friendly Hafizzz and label him "anti-India" ?

I think it has something to do with what Jack Nicholson said "You can't handle the truth". Yes Indians here cannot handle the truth. Indians are brought up to think that their country shines very brightly so whenever someone post a News article about India that does not reflect any thing positive then Indians here become very upset and will do anything to stop the OP from digging up more dirt. I received many emails from Indians telling me to quit. I was also bribed by an Indian with a few Samosas.

I would like to tell fellow Indian friends here that nothing is wrong with a few negative News articles about India because there are bad things happening in every country around the world.

Of course you are only a messenger.

In this region there is no country who can handle the truth like India does & can. This is brought out by the number of active politicians now behind bars and the fact that every 5 years the truth comes out and people elect new reps. This has been going on for over 60 years uninteruptedly,

Perhaps if you were to post & contribute to negative stories relating to the constant turmoil in your homeland ppl would see you as balanced.
Maybe but you guys should prove it ;)

You really dono what makes us stay here... That Trade mark warm welcome you provide for every new member here :smitten:
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So how could someone point a finger at India-friendly Hafizzz and label him "anti-India" ?

I think it has something to do with what Jack Nicholson said "You can't handle the truth". Yes Indians here cannot handle the truth.

Fact that 90% of your troll baiting is initiated with a column that has appeared in an Indian Publication itself betrays your lack of common sense

Of the remaining articles you initiate trolling, half of it is authored by an Indian for a Gora outlet & most of the rest by a Brit/Brit-dependency-based publicaton that is still licking its wounds inflicted by its loss of preeminence on the world stage

living on the streets on hand-puts shared by passersby, outside a building under construction, some people have made a habit of sniggering at the present state of its construction.

"LMAO! the this building which the makers say would be 30-storeyed one has only 2 floors"
"LOL! the building has no plumbing"
"ROTFL! the building has no walls"

living in a deliberate make-believe cuckoo world, 'cause some people have given up any hope of uplifting self from the pits of excreta

In the final analysis, its the building-maker who will have the last laugh, 'cause while there is only 2 floors today, there was only 1 y'day, 3 tomorrow, & so on

We wouldn't mind so much if threads criticizing Pakistan are at least allowed to exist.......
Don't you think you guys are committing 'war crimes' by killing threads criticizing Pakistan while nurturing threads criticizing India.......the matter must be taken to UN.....
such threads are useless because we all know Indians are anti-Pakistan and many Pakistani posters are equally hostile towards India.
I don't find anything grinning about it. They are here to demonize Pakistan NOT a rocket science and also if they see any thread pointing out Indian ills they will consider the poster anti-India
its just that all ur concern is just about india and not about pakistan makes indians concerned here.we'd love to see some of that concern on ur country as well..u can find better and bitter truths there aswell.we all admire ur passion for truth its just that we think its just subjective.lets see threads on fatwas,terrorisms and what not..looking forward for learning more truths about ur country aswell not just india..regards and love ..:whistle: 
such threads are useless because we all know Indians are anti-Pakistan and many Pakistani posters are equally hostile towards India.
I don't find anything grinning about it. They are here to demonize Pakistan NOT a rocket science and also if they see any thread pointing out Indian ills they will consider the poster anti-India
oh come on onion ji...dont we have the liberty even to defend our country against bashing??
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