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A.Q Khan's 'secret letter' to wife?

IF these news are true.

this fella turn out of be shame for pakistan.

if he was such a great hero why would he reveal all these secret .

or pakistan reveal all these secrets.

i guess - what pakistan did was - indeed a deal with the DAVIL himself.
they did sell the soul but in return of life.
More than Pakistan he is a shame for Dutch,germans and all those nuclear proliferation ayotallahs
pakistan's image in the world commmunity is translucent when it comes to nuclear proliferation

if indeed what mr. khan expresses in his letter is true than it is a grim and serious situation which has indeed backfired
pakistan's image in the world commmunity is translucent when it comes to nuclear proliferation

if indeed what mr. khan expresses in his letter is true than it is a grim and serious situation which has indeed backfired

The IF is a big IF - in the mean time, as I pointed out, there are a lot of loop holes in his story and aspects that do not make sense, which would likely imply that the story is not true.

Last I checked, despite the 'sensational' nature of these revelations, the story was not on the TimesOnline main page, nor was it on their 'World news' main page.

Nor is the story on the NYT or Washington Post (for now - I expect David Sanger to come out with a Chidu Raj style version of the events at some later date), which means that there are a lot of questions around both the authenticity of the letter and the validity of the claims made - especially because they drag in China.
“We put up a centrifuge plant at Hanzhong (250km southwest of Xian).” It went on: “The Chinese gave us drawings of the nuclear weapon, gave us 50kg of enriched uranium, gave us 10 tons of UF6 (natural) and 5 tons of UF6 (3%).” (UF6 is uranium hexafluoride, the gaseous feedstock for an enrichment plant.)

I was reading the discussion on this on another forum and a poster, Officer of Engineers (with whom I do not always agree) brought up these points that really put in doubt the credibility of the letter and the allegations made:

1. The Chinese would not give Pakistan enriched Uranium for a bomb since there is no way to hide the origin of that uranium (enrichment facility), and if it fell into the wrong hands, the country of origin gets blamed.

2. The processing plant was constructed with Russian help, and not by Pakistan as the letter alleges.
China currently operates only one indigenously built facility at Heping for uranium enrichment; it also operates two larger gas centrifuge enrichment facilities at Hanzhong built by Russian firms in the 1990s, both Russian-built plants are under IAEA safeguards.

Uranium Enrichment
Years earlier, Khan had been warned about the Pakistan army by Li Chew, the senior minister who ran China’s nuclear-weapons programme. Visiting Kahuta, Chew had said: “As long as they need the bomb, they will lick your balls. As soon as you have delivered the bomb, they will kick your balls.” In the letter to his wife, Khan rephrased things: “The *******s first used us and are now playing dirty games with us.”

3. So far there is no record of an official named Li Chew in the position alleged in the letter.

That is a clear refutation of the claims made, and along with the other issues pointed out earlier, and really throws in doubt the veracity of the letter - sorry to let all of you who thanked Screaming Skull's post down.;)
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There is a very informative book called The Nuclear Jihadist: by Douglas Frantz.
No need to believe every word of it...But its highly recommended to understand what happened...

What AQK was not wrong for Pakistan?...Infact, in this whole affair nothings wrong...as they say Everything is fair in love and war...This however dosesnt mean that eveyone has acquired weapons through clandestine means...
What AQK was not wrong for Pakistan?...Infact, in this whole affair nothings wrong...as they say Everything is fair in love and war...This however dosesnt mean that eveyone has acquired weapons through clandestine means...

Nations could have acquired the nuclear capability in two ways -

1. Cooperation with nations that had the technology and were willing to cooperate with those of their choosing and share that technology - atoms for peace program for example - and spending exorbitant amounts of resources on absorbing that know-how and further developing it (From reactor to bomb).

2. Acquiring it clandestinely because no one was willing to share the technology, for whatever reason.

The second option is by far the harder.

India managed to get a leg in early on with the atoms for peace program and her cooperation with the Soviet Union.

Pakistan had a nascent nuclear program early on, but did not really have the resources or drive to put it into high gear. That drive came after the Indian nuclear test, and by that time the nations with nuclear weapons, especially the West, were extremely leery of transferring any technology that might help the development of a bomb, as India had done, and as now they are concerned Iran might do.

In fact, one of the reasons Pakistan went for the Uranium route for a bomb was because the US government pressure the French to cancel a deal for a reprocessing plant with Pakistan, which was how AQ Khan came into the picture in terms of providing part of the puzzle for the Uranium route.
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We all are talking about prolification but for me we are missing other 2 other important disclosure also..
1. They tested only 2 devices (They claimed 6 tests)
2. and tested devices wr of very low yields..4 to 6 KT..
If this is the case then how Pakistani Guys feel so confident about their nuke deterrance..
We all are talking about prolification but for me we are missing other 2 other important disclosure also..
1. They tested only 2 devices (They claimed 6 tests)
2. and tested devices wr of very low yields..4 to 6 KT..
If this is the case then how Pakistani Guys feel so confident about their nuke deterrance..

1. How can you take that alleged 'confession' as true when the others have been shown to be false?

2. How can you take that alleged 'confession' as true when the others have been shown to be false?
1. How can you take that alleged 'confession' as true when the others have been shown to be false?

2. How can you take that alleged 'confession' as true when the others have been shown to be false?

I m not saying that all written in that letter is true or false.. I m inquiring about the alleged confession about your nuke tests. And on wat basis you are rejecting it as false, how can you be so convinced.. if its false claim then i can only say Dr. Khan need sincere metal check up..

You can not take it lightly after all it is affecting your repo in the whole world.. and for me this is an insult of nation and you should make him pay for this..
The letter has been shown to have some glaring errors putting in doubt its veracity and authenticity - would you care to address them?

I have neither the time nor the inclination to do so, so I'm going to accept the letter as fact, and so will most readers of that article.

I'm sure you have a lot of "glaring errors" to show, but the fact is that those "errors" cannot possibly be proven to be any more valid that this article.

Sorry, too bad for you guys.
I m not saying that all written in that letter is true or false.. I m inquiring about the alleged confession about your nuke tests. And on wat basis you are rejecting it as false, how can you be so convinced.. if its false claim then i can only say Dr. Khan need sincere metal check up..

You can not take it lightly after all it is affecting your repo in the whole world.. and for me this is an insult of nation and you should make him pay for this..

1. You are assuming the letter is indeed by AQ Khan.

2. If the letter has such blatant fabrications such as talking about a conversation with a non-existent Chinese minister and claiming credit for building a uranium enrichment facility that was actually built with the Russians, and this information is easily verified from open source material, then the letter should be dismissed as lacking credibility or BS.

If it turns out that AQ Khan did indeed write the letter, then given the fabrications pointed out above, he is indeed in need for a 'mental checkup'.

On the other hand, he may have tried to be a bit too clever, and deliberately fabricated all this stuff and sent it to his wife and daughter because he thought he could blackmail the GoP into being lenient with him.
I have neither the time nor the inclination to do so, so I'm going to accept the letter as fact, and so will most readers of that article.

I'm sure you have a lot of "glaring errors" to show, but the fact is that those "errors" cannot possibly be proven to be any more valid that this article.

Sorry, too bad for you guys.

Wow - so you have no interest in reading the refutations of the points made in the article that are easily verified from open source links, as posted above.

And then someone will post an article that suggests that a Martian landed in New York and is having dinner with the US president to discuss inter-planetary cooperation - and I suppose you'll just 'believe it'.

The 'letter' has been debunked.

People like you are what are called trolls and ********.

Sucks for you.

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1. You are assuming the letter is indeed by AQ Khan.
2. If the letter has such blatant fabrications such as talking about a conversation with a non-existent Chinese minister and claiming credit for building a uranium enrichment facility that was actually built with the Russians, and this information is easily verified from open source material, then the letter should be dismissed as lacking credibility or BS.

If it turns out that AQ Khan did indeed write the letter, then given the fabrications pointed out above, he is indeed in need for a 'mental checkup'.

On the other hand, he may have tried to be a bit too clever, and deliberately fabricated all this stuff and sent it to his wife and daughter because he thought he could blackmail the GoP into being lenient with him.

Instead of verifying the facts written in the letter, why not you guys do forensic test of that letter for writing match. It would solve wheher the letter is from Khan or someone else...:pakistan:
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