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A PTI and Musharraf Political Alliance?


Musharraf - IK alliance is nightmare of anti Pakistan forces.
I am not sure about this move. Too many cooks spoil the broth, and both of these guys do not take kindly to playing second fiddle. The internal tensions will destroy any coalition and Pakistan will be the wrose off.

Also, this reinforces the anti-PTI propaganda that Imran Khan is an 'establishment puppet'.

Let Musharraf run his own campaign; even though he did some good things for Pakistan, there's too much baggage with him.

What Pakistan need is sweeping change!

While i always failed to understand... what did Musharf not did correct?

Even the NRO was in good spirit, which expired automatically once he resigned. begin he got deceived by the evil.
1.To study how a person will behave or what he will deliver as a leaders, his personal character, the pressure from his family ties and clan loyalties become crucial factors. Though not a Yahya, did Mush qualify to be the leader, Amir ul Momenin, of an Islamic Republic a nation actually manufactured to be the home of Muslims?

2. His wife is a Qadyiani. His son is married to the daughter of a Qadyiani. His closest staff/advisers when in power were Qadyianis or semi-Qadyianis like him. The Qadyinais, led by Briga Niaz at Islamabad (UK) were the most benefited in business during his tenure.

3. For the first time in the history of this Muslim nation, Zionists/Israel was contacted. Israelis liked him so much that the Israeli PM was the first to call a fallen Mush and offer asylum. Do we not know of the strategic alliance between the Zionists and the Qadyianis?

4. We should not forget Mush was brought in throw out a govt that was enjoying very comfortable majority in Parliament. Without Mush in helms of affairs in Pakistan Bush could not have enacted the 9/11 drama or the invaded Afghanistan.

5. It is very clear where Mushi's true loyalties lye.

6. What about IK. If Mushi's children are Qadyiani, then let us not forget that the children of Jemima Goldsmith are Jews. The Goldsmiths are a very powerful Jewish family - which is also well to remember.

7. Pakistan is truly facing the prospect of falling into the fire out of the frying pan. Unless the military or aroused common man, or both come forward to rescue the state.

wow, i didnt know it, shocking
Musharraf made Pakistan's economy very good. I wouldn't mind if he joined PTI...
What Pakistan need is sweeping change!

While i always failed to understand... what did Musharf not did correct?

Even the NRO was in good spirit, which expired automatically once he resigned. begin he got deceived by the evil.

Yes, Pakistan needs fundamental change.

In nine years, Musharraf did not fix the fundamental flaws in the political system. As soon as he left, the corrupt feudals returned and things are exactly back to where they were.

We need someone who will fix the system and neutralize the feudals once and for all. I agree all the corrupt politicians are jumping on the IK bandwagon to save their as$. I am not convinced any of them are genuine at this point.
Every politician wanted for IK to be in their sphere of influence or in their cabinet. Reaping the fruit of his popularity they will just join PTI and corrupt it from within. Basically instead of standing against him they are joining his party, and taking advantage in a stealthy way. :lol:


IK can't really say no, because then he would be accused of being an egotistical one-man show and not having a seasoned team. He has to accept these corrupt leeches, at least for the time being. Hopefully, he will be able to keep them in check.
Musharrif is an Indian, born in Delhi, even worst he is a muhajir.

He was an American agent, enemy of Pakistan and its native people, a altaf hussain of the Pakistan army.

PLease musharrif don't come to Pakistan and take your unloyal serpent kind from Pakistan too.

Imran khan should never compromise with him as he has blood of innocent pakistanis on his hand.

the same muhajirs have let you idiots in karachi, if it were sindhis, you would be dying of hunger while remaining in KP, KP runs on karachi money guy
NO NO to mushy-the-traitor...
I think you forgot when Pakistan was 7th Fastest Economy in Asia in 2005, With GDP growth of 7.35%.
You forgot, It was PPPP, PMLN, MMA who never allowed Kala Bagh Dam as they started dirty Politics in the name of Provinces just to Gain seats.
So i believe This was PPPP, PMLN ,MMA dirty politics which we are facing Water and energy Crises.
Musharrif is an Indian, born in Delhi, even worst he is a muhajir.

Racist rant. Not even worthy of a reply.

He was an American agent, enemy of Pakistan and its native people, a altaf hussain of the Pakistan army.

PLease musharrif don't come to Pakistan and take your unloyal serpent kind from Pakistan too.

Imran khan should never compromise with him as he has blood of innocent pakistanis on his hand.

You are talking about a man who fought 2 wars for this country and several skirmishes. He served in the SSG, saw his best friend die in battle. And, yet you question his loyalty?
Karachi is part of Pakistan and we came to reside there as we are pakistanis, native and the genuine article pakistanis, unfortunately not same can be said for your ethnic group which is not native of the land of Pakistan.

No muhajir and i mean no muhajir has let us in to Karachi as its not theirs to let or to not let. Muhajirs are a cancer for Karachi, people whom were given refuge have hijacked Karachi from native pakistanis, pushtoons are coming in to reclaim Karachi for native pakistanis.

Karachi money hay, KP and baloch are so rich that all we have yo for is shut down the gas and electric and see how Karachi is, better get used to it pushtoons are unmatched in Pakistan.

sindhi, Punjabi, pushtoons, baloch and Kashmiris are true and native pakistanis so tell me where do you fit in to this outcast?.

We pay taxes and do our part for the development of this country. Who are you to question our loyalty?

Karachi generates 65% of the revenue. The shiny roads and other development you see in KP are paid for by KARACHI and it's hard working people.
Karachi is part of Pakistan and we came to reside there as we are pakistanis, native and the genuine article pakistanis, unfortunately not same can be said for your ethnic group which is not native of the land of Pakistan.

No muhajir and i mean no muhajir has let us in to Karachi as its not theirs to let or to not let. Muhajirs are a cancer for Karachi, people whom were given refuge have hijacked Karachi from native pakistanis, pushtoons are coming in to reclaim Karachi for native pakistanis.

Karachi money hay, KP and baloch are so rich that all we have yo for is shut down the gas and electric and see how Karachi is, better get used to it pushtoons are unmatched in Pakistan.

sindhi, Punjabi, pushtoons, baloch and Kashmiris are true and native pakistanis so tell me where do you fit in to this outcast?.

Not sure if this is a serious post
but if it is then u sir are a racist of the highest level
2. His wife is a Qadyiani. His son is married to the daughter of a Qadyiani. His closest staff/advisers when in power were Qadyianis or semi-Qadyianis like him. The Qadyinais, led by Briga Niaz at Islamabad (UK) were the most benefited in business during his tenure.

even if true, NONE of your business or anyone else's

3. For the first time in the history of this Muslim nation, Zionists/Israel was contacted. Israelis liked him so much that the Israeli PM was the first to call a fallen Mush and offer asylum. Do we not know of the strategic alliance between the Zionists and the Qadyianis?

who cares? did anything materialize? its better to present Pakistan's views to the world, doesnt mean he bent over for "zionists"

4. We should not forget Mush was brought in throw out a govt that was enjoying very comfortable majority in Parliament. Without Mush in helms of affairs in Pakistan Bush could not have enacted the 9/11 drama or the invaded Afghanistan.

they were gonna invade Afghanistan regardess of our pleas for them not to

6. What about IK. If Mushi's children are Qadyiani, then let us not forget that the children of Jemima Goldsmith are Jews. The Goldsmiths are a very powerful Jewish family - which is also well to remember.


7. Pakistan is truly facing the prospect of falling into the fire out of the frying pan. Unless the military or aroused common man, or both come forward to rescue the state.

let Pakistanis determine that.....at the polls
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