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A PTI and Musharraf Political Alliance?

Its been used for PTI-APML alliance which Imran currently denying..vehemently..as ususal..!!

In all my 3 numbered examples, no one can deny “flip flops” of IK in his own words..!!

And Let me update you on this as well…Currently Imran is not saying that “only” clean people will be allowed……instead he clearly injecting nowadays that he too needs “winning horses” as well bcz it’s a parliamentary democracy….blah blah….!!! Just read my last example again for his new line of words.

You people cannot defend Imran…word by word…ever….don’t be a teenager…!!!

Don't worry, He is Making his Team. And we know, He will select best for the interest of country. Simple, Anybody, who is coming in PTI, has to follow PTI charter, Should be clean record, and has to keep intact to PTI for their assets fluctuation.. Otherwise there is no place for them IN PTI. PTI is our need to break PPPP,PMLN old partnership. We need Charismatic Leader Like Imran Khan. This is our need,
Its been used for PTI-APML alliance which Imran currently denying..vehemently..as ususal..!!

In all my 3 numbered examples, no one can deny “flip flops” of IK in his own words..!!

And Let me update you on this as well…Currently Imran is not saying that “only” clean people will be allowed……instead he clearly injecting nowadays that he too needs “winning horses” as well bcz it’s a parliamentary democracy….blah blah….!!! Just read my last example again for his new line of words.

You people cannot defend Imran…word by word…ever….don’t be a teenager…!!!

What exactly has he flip flopped on? You said he will give tickets to corrupt people - so far he hasn't and has said he won't. So yes I can deny it. Tell me when it happens.

Imran has said in the Karachi jalsa and the day before in the IBA conference that he will bring the best team forward who will declare their assets and would have paid their taxes. So again "Yeh hoga, woh hoga" is the only argument you have.
So for Imran to deliver anything he must have 1000 Angels who should have popular support in the masses?
I think we should be reasonable in our expectations.

So far i have not seen any name which is strongly associated with corruption in Pakistan.
The declaration of assets is a must for getting a party ticket as per Imran and it is a first good step to make things transparent.

Regarding concerns about the new entrants, i think Imran is not a person of weak resolve so he may succeed in managing his team.
Example at hand, a party leader apparently as weak as Zardari can also maintain control over party/country even while humiliating the veteran old guard of PPP and sidelining them.

Imran is not perfect but he is offering us something we lost for decades, Hope.
I want Hamid Gul for foreign policy and Imran Khan for domestic affairs. That combination will truly be deadly! :enjoy:

We need Zaid Hamid for foreign policy

Oh my goodness...That is a recipe for disaster.
We have many fine people who have decades of relevant experience, no need to go ballistic.
Wrong. We support him because of his sincere and honest efforts for betterment of Pakistan and it's people. Be it policital reforms (local bodies), health care (rescue 1122), education (HEC), women empowerment, minority rights and etc.

The key being he is NOT corrupt. Imran Khan is yet to be tested. Musharraf has proven that he is not corrupt.
Utter nonsense. Decisions he made were with due consideration and consultations with his team. Unlike Imran Khan who goes with the flow to win votes.

Bullsh!t this, Bullsh!t that...what a disrespectful way to initiate a discussion. Seems like the dictator has hammered his image into you....don't blame you brotha, not your fault you didn't get the chance to vote him to office.

You failed to mention his biggest acheivements, the first being a free media first time in 60 year history of Pakistan, second one was setting up the NAB that cleaned up the dirty political field. both being vital pillars of democracy. I give him a lot more credit for these two accomplishments over entire Bhutto and Nawaz political lives.

But then it turns out all of these advancements were in fact to save his own chair and prolong his rule. the plan soon backfired. Once they began questioning his misadventures and wrongdoings, he went total psycho nutcase on the media and pulled the plug sent them all off air, then he shut down the supreme court with his macho police comrades, then he shut the NAB office and gave NRO to Zardari....then he gave free bases to the CIA, so on and so forth...ALLL UNDER AMERICAN PRESSURE.

What does that tell you about your macho hero cum saviour of Pakistan? Turns out he was indeed a coward in a uniform.

you seem to have a very selective memory in his favour

It would be interesting to see what Imran Khan would do (if he is elected) when he gets a phone call from Obama with the speech of "with us or against us" or 'stone age' threat'.
The main threat being sanctions or economic pressures. It is easy for you because you're in Canada but the people of Pakistan would suffer. The same people applauding him would throw eggs at him.
I lived in Pakistan under American sanctions during the 90s, especially after the Nuclear tests. Trust me life of average pakistan didn't change much.

Mostly the rich political elite suffered who were making transactions in US dollars and sending money tot he swisss accounts.

Atleast you're willing to accept he did wonders while the Pakistani economy was going downhill he stood up to the challenge and turned it around. Nonetheless, I completely disagree with the rest. He was not power hungary he empowered the people by introducing the true essence of democracy that is 'local bodies' even PTI supports this.
Yes...not taking away any credit from the good things he has done. But the scar that his rule left on the Pakistani mind is too much, and will never forget the blood of their innocent civilian brothers who died in the streets in the WOT that Musharaff signed up at whim without consulting any one in the country.

Utter nonsense, corruption being rampant today is not because of Musharraf rather Mr. 10% (Zardari) becoming Mr.50% and people he chose to run the country.

NRO is gift of Musharraf. Nawaz had Zardari in Jail for 10 years, i give him credit for that, but Musharaf gave them both a jail pass later. thereby negating anything good that was to be expected from his earlier policy.

What a waste of time and your tax money formulating all those laws.

BS. His decisions were based on merit not emotional rants.
Making Chaudhary prime minister of the Islamic republic, a nefariously corrupt land mafia man and intellectually and ethically a bankrupt person, who can't even write or utter a coherent sentence let alone make a speech, seems like an intelligent and meritocratic decision to you?? What about letting the MQM loose on karachi??

He was indeed a power hungry dinasour dictator in a suit who did everything to stay in power.

All I have to say is, Wake up kid, before it's too late...
What exactly has he flip flopped on? You said he will give tickets to corrupt people - so far he hasn't and has said he won't. So yes I can deny it. Tell me when it happens.

Imran has said in the Karachi jalsa and the day before in the IBA conference that he will bring the best team forward who will declare their assets and would have paid their taxes. So again "Yeh hoga, woh hoga" is the only argument you have.

Argument with you on IK is baseless when you just persists that “your crow is white one way or other..!!

OK let me try it the last time from my end….again…!!

Why he said earlier that “All Politicians are Thieves”???
And than accepts some of them!!
Why he said earlier PTI only accepts good People???
And than accommodates everyone!!
Why he said earlier PTI will not grants Tickets to everyone??
And than comes up again by proclaiming his personal management skills…if he might award them too in future…!!

These are all current flip flops….OK another point….PTI is a true democratic party as per Imran unlike other parties in our country….. Than how come SMQ forced upon as Vice chairmanship on PTI????

There are hundreds of such examples where IK/PTI exposed beyond recognitions!! Just don’t force me to put it…!!!
Argument with you on IK is baseless when you just persists that “your crow is white one way or other..!!

OK let me try it the last time from my end….again…!!

Why he said earlier that “All Politicians are Thieves”???
And than accepts some of them!!
Why he said earlier PTI only accepts good People???
And than accommodates everyone!!
Why he said earlier PTI will not grants Tickets to everyone??
And than comes up again by proclaiming his personal management skills…if he might award them too in future…!!

These are all current flip flops….OK another point….PTI is a true democratic party as per Imran unlike other parties in our country….. Than how come SMQ forced upon as Vice chairmanship on PTI????

There are hundreds of such examples where IK/PTI exposed beyond recognitions!! Just don’t force me to put it…!!!
Sir most who have joined PTI don't have corruption charges you should talk on moral authority and Imran Khan has one and when tickets will be give more scruitny will be done and before talking give proof
Sir Qurashi was selected by the council not imposed by Imran Khan Sir at least tell the facts right Sir
don't blame you brotha, not your fault you didn't get the chance to vote him to office.

I did vote in his favor during the referendum and will do so this time along too.

You failed to mention his biggest acheivements, the first being a free media first time in 60 year history of Pakistan, second one was setting up the NAB that cleaned up the dirty political field. both being vital pillars of democracy. I give him a lot more credit for these two accomplishments over entire Bhutto and Nawaz political lives.

That and theres a lot more he did for the people to prosper.

But then it turns out all of these advancements were in fact to save his own chair and prolong his rule. the plan soon backfired. Once they began questioning his misadventures and wrongdoings, he went total psycho nutcase on the media and pulled the plug sent them all off air,

The media was being used by corrupt political parties to politicize a subjudice matter and to dent economic progress being made. However, Musharraf did mention he did regret a few decisions he made during the time but they were all in good faith and not with ill intent rather to keep Pakistan's economy progressing. He's human. Further more, he is NOT corrupt.

then he shut down the supreme court with his macho police comrades,

Wrong again, he did not shut down the Supreme Court rather referred a legitimate case against the CJ to the supreme judicial council. He repeatedly said he would accept the verdict of the case but it was being manipulated that is the bench being raised 4 times (3 to 5 to 9 and so on) the supreme court was being used as a political tool by the CJ and NS.

Regardless of the matter, following this it is pretty evident these days that the incumbent CJ wanted to save his 'kursi' didn't gave a damn about Pakistan or the well being of it's people even people who supported him say so.

then he shut the NAB office and gave NRO to Zardari....then he gave free bases to the CIA, so on and so forth...ALLL UNDER AMERICAN PRESSURE.

True. NRO was his mistake, he accepted it but that did not elect PPP and PML-N into office. Further more, following his resignation NRO became irrelevant.

With regards to base, we had little choice. May 2 ring a bell?

What does that tell you about your macho hero cum saviour of Pakistan? Turns out he was indeed a coward in a uniform.

you seem to have a very selective memory in his favour

You sir, too have selective memory of the mistakes he made. His achievements outperform allegedmistakes he made during his tenure. He's human we all make mistakes.

He served in the SSG, fought 2 wars and has a proven record that he's not corrupt.

I see the glass half full while you interpret it as half empty.

I lived in Pakistan under American sanctions during the 90s, especially after the Nuclear tests. Trust me life of average pakistan didn't change much.

Mostly the rich political elite suffered who were making transactions in US dollars and sending money tot he swisss accounts.

So did I. I have seen Pakistan under sanctions. Have you forgotten Mulk bachao Karz Utharo scheme? Pakistan did not have enough money to make any kind of payments.

Life during Musharraf was 1000 times better. Middleclass grew record numbers. Just compare the GDP figures to get an idea. If you don't believe me look at reports by UN, IMF, ADB, WB or any other institution of your choice.

Yes...not taking away any credit from the good things he has done. But the scar that his rule left on the Pakistani mind is too much, and will never forget the blood of their innocent civilian brothers who died in the streets in the WOT that Musharaff signed up at whim without consulting any one in the country.

Musharraf was NOT responsible for that. We had 100s of criminals in our tribal regions hell bent on destroying Pakistan and using our land to spread menace around the world. We had to put an end to those fanatic goons roaming around. They are the ones who murdered thousands of innocent civilians and our soldiers.

If you are soo appalled by the US, you should equally voice your disgust over those lunatics who violate our sovereinty at will use our land for evil doings and murder Pakistanis at will.

Making Chaudhary prime minister of the Islamic republic, a nefariously corrupt land mafia man and intellectually and ethically a bankrupt person, who can't even write or utter a coherent sentence let alone make a speech, seems like an intelligent and meritocratic decision to you?? What about letting the MQM loose on karachi??

Let's not dwell over the past. As mentioned earlier his achievements outweigh any alleged mistakes he made during his tenure.

He was indeed a power hungry dinasour dictator in a suit who did everything to stay in power.

How can a man who implemented the true essence of democracy by introducing local bodies be a power hungary dictator is beyond me.
Imran Khan for the 2nd time trashed any possibility of alliance with former president Musharaf. This is no second line of leadership but Imran Khan, the Chair Person of PTI himself stating for the 2nd time. People who were having nightmares should now have peace and satisfaction that Musharaf holds no space in the future alliances of PTI.

Imran Khan Press Conference in Islamabad – 3rd January 2012
I would support Imran Khan if he makes Alliance with Musharraf. Because History tells that Pakistan made historical Progress in Musharaf time. Musharraf always had 20 year Vision. He was Wise Man. And Corrupted Political parties PPP, PMLN AND MMA never allowed Him to make Kala Bagh Dam and created Provinces issues just for Seats.
I think Musharraf can contribute His Charismatic abilities and his Experience for the Betterment of Pakistan.:pakistan:
oh no

musharaf might have done mitakes bt during his time i enjoyed very less loadshedding,cheap oil,66rs per dollar,cheap ata,cheap roti,even onlu 9% tax on charging mobile card.

so musharaf cheap formula and Imran khan patriotism if combines together they will brng hell alot of changes in the tensed country.

Imran/Musharaf party alliance Zindabad
Why do idiots hate Musharaf, he might have made some mistakes, but he is a capable man. He saved the country from being bombed by over-emotional Americans post 9-11, and made serious progress in economy and Kashmir dispute.

Basically he got **** done.
I would support Imran Khan if he makes Alliance with Musharraf. Because History tells that Pakistan made historical Progress in Musharaf time. Musharraf always had 20 year Vision. He was Wise Man. And Corrupted Political parties PPP, PMLN AND MMA never allowed Him to make Kala Bagh Dam and created Provinces issues just for Seats.
I think Musharraf can contribute His Charismatic abilities and his Experience for the Betterment of Pakistan.:pakistan:

There might be 1% people who would join Imran Khan if he made alliance with Musharaf but there will be millions who will leave PTI if this happens. You are asking about ecnomic progress, I wish you would talk about historic and catastrophic blunders which this guy brought to the Federation of Pakistan. (NRO, Zardari, Selling of countrymen, US Slavery, Media Blockage, Violation of Constitutions, Broken Promises, Silence over water-stealing by India, destruction of Kashmir stance, Anti-Pakistan movements in Baluchistan and FATA, underhand deals with corrupt and worst and the list goes on.. ) I don't need to repeat them but if you can see, people of Pakistan are following Imran Khan when option to join Musharaf was there.
Why do idiots hate Musharaf, he might have made some mistakes, but he is a capable man. He saved the country from being bombed by over-emotional Americans post 9-11, and made serious progress in economy and Kashmir dispute.

Basically he got **** done.

Because idiots think about people of Pakistan and state of Pakistan while "non-idiots" think about Musharaf and few things which he did well while ignoring 100s of blunders which are still making countrymen bleed. How can you defend a single NRO deal which caused this most corrupt allience get into power? What about Baluchistan insurgency? Kashmir Reversal? The violation of constitution?? When this governemtn fails to follow orders of Supreme Court, you guys jump up and down in anger.. but what makes you forget that same Musharaf kept Chief Justice under siege and broke whole constitution TWICE?

Sab se pehle Pakistan.. lakin us se pehlay may khud - Musharaf!

Forget it man.. this is so done issue and I am glad PTI is not going in wrong direction. So Chears and hope for the best!
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