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A PTI and Musharraf Political Alliance?

Im sorry to go hard on you but who gave you a title and rank of Think Tank? Did musharraf had a crazy glue or alfi to fix Political system of Pakistan? Wtf has happen to this forum? Where are all the members who had some sense? What did you guys expect Musharraf to do? he did kick out these two main looters of Pakistan Nawaz and Benazir. when general election time came The entire media INCLUDING IMRAN KHAN was saying how can these be free and fair elections if two main leaders of two main political parties are out of country? Go do some god damn research on news and videos of that time! So one side you ask Musharraf to bring back Nawaz and BB then if he doesn't you say oh no how can these elections be free and fair if two main leaders aren't here in Pakistan to lead their parties? So you wanna check mate Musharraf? along with media the entire country was asking same thing. I had been on this forum for god damn 6 years now and i have seen all this cooking up here and on media myself. Yet you say Musharraf is bad? This very Public of Pakistan asked for trouble and asked Musharraf to bring these ****** back and when Musharraf submitted himself to people's wish and then all these people voted for these two parties and now you blame Musharraf? WTF all you should have some dignity and self respect to take some credit of ruining this country. When Musharraf took action his hand like Lal masjid terrorist haramis you all said no now Musharraf is bad. when Musharraf liberated Bolochistan from worst person called Akber Bugti which was killed in military action along with four majors which he killed, now you wanna hang Musharraf for this that why did he liberated 47,000 boloch from akber bugti jails a murderer of 25,000 plus boloch plus forced evacuated over 100,000 boloch yet Musharraf is bad guy. come on man you guys say he didn't improve economy when the entire world acknowledge it including state bank of Pakistan. you guys don't accept that Pakistan flourished list goes on and on but i have no time to waste on this stuff, bottom line you all are Ahsan faramosh, this nation is sick, this nation call people Kafir azam then later on Qaid e azam, this nation call first Sirsyed engraz khan then later call the same person sirsyed ahmed khan ramat uallah allay. his will fix matters since this nation is confused
Yes, Pakistan needs fundamental change.

In nine years, Musharraf did not fix the fundamental flaws in the political system. As soon as he left, the corrupt feudals returned and things are exactly back to where they were.

We need someone who will fix the system and neutralize the feudals once and for all. I agree all the corrupt politicians are jumping on the IK bandwagon to save their as$. I am not convinced any of them are genuine at this point.
Because idiots think about people of Pakistan and state of Pakistan while "non-idiots" think about Musharaf and few things which he did well while ignoring 100s of blunders which are still making countrymen bleed. How can you defend a single NRO deal which caused this most corrupt allience get into power? What about Baluchistan insurgency? Kashmir Reversal? The violation of constitution?? When this governemtn fails to follow orders of Supreme Court, you guys jump up and down in anger.. but what makes you forget that same Musharaf kept Chief Justice under siege and broke whole constitution TWICE?

Sab se pehle Pakistan.. lakin us se pehlay may khud - Musharaf!

Forget it man.. this is so done issue and I am glad PTI is not going in wrong direction. So Chears and hope for the best!

I agree with your post, but his circumstances were different. He had to make difficult decisions and got forced in bed with the US, just like Zia. There's no denying he broke the laws of the constitution twice, but which party in Pakistan's history has ever even followed the constitution?

I do have to admit though his stance on Kashmir was appalling as I don't think there should be any compromise on an oppressed people, but do you think IK will fight for Kashmir?

Do you think he will not compromise with the Indians as well to resolve the issue?
1.To study how a person will behave or what he will deliver as a leaders, his personal character, the pressure from his family ties and clan loyalties become crucial factors. Though not a Yahya, did Mush qualify to be the leader, Amir ul Momenin, of an Islamic Republic a nation actually manufactured to be the home of Muslims?

2. His wife is a Qadyiani. His son is married to the daughter of a Qadyiani. His closest staff/advisers when in power were Qadyianis or semi-Qadyianis like him. The Qadyinais, led by Briga Niaz at Islamabad (UK) were the most benefited in business during his tenure.

3. For the first time in the history of this Muslim nation, Zionists/Israel was contacted. Israelis liked him so much that the Israeli PM was the first to call a fallen Mush and offer asylum. Do we not know of the strategic alliance between the Zionists and the Qadyianis?

4. We should not forget Mush was brought in throw out a govt that was enjoying very comfortable majority in Parliament. Without Mush in helms of affairs in Pakistan Bush could not have enacted the 9/11 drama or the invaded Afghanistan.

5. It is very clear where Mushi's true loyalties lye.

6. What about IK. If Mushi's children are Qadyiani, then let us not forget that the children of Jemima Goldsmith are Jews. The Goldsmiths are a very powerful Jewish family - which is also well to remember.

7. Pakistan is truly facing the prospect of falling into the fire out of the frying pan. Unless the military or aroused common man, or both come forward to rescue the state.

His personal guard when Musharraf was in charge, too was/is a Qadiyani - I know him personally.
There might be 1% people who would join Imran Khan if he made alliance with Musharaf but there will be millions who will leave PTI if this happens. You are asking about ecnomic progress, I wish you would talk about historic and catastrophic blunders which this guy brought to the Federation of Pakistan. (NRO, Zardari, Selling of countrymen, US Slavery, Media Blockage, Violation of Constitutions, Broken Promises, Silence over water-stealing by India, destruction of Kashmir stance, Anti-Pakistan movements in Baluchistan and FATA, underhand deals with corrupt and worst and the list goes on.. ) I don't need to repeat them but if you can see, people of Pakistan are following Imran Khan when option to join Musharaf was there.
What did you guys expect Musharraf to do? he did kick out these two main looters of Pakistan Nawaz and Benazir.
Musharraf took action his hand like Lal masjid terrorist you all said no now Musharraf is bad?
Musharraf liberated Baluchistan from militants who were playing in the hands of India.
Pakistan Media is very Pessimist. They enjoys fight b/w guests just to make "Hot program".
Save this Message, PAK Media will speak and Attack on Imran Khan, When he becomes the Prime Minister of Pakistan.
Positive Criticism is always Welcome, but Pak Media is busy to earn Sponsors and money, money and money with Keeping Behind the Interest of country.

Never doubted Imran Khan Brilliance, Passion and his abilities.......:cheers:
Is there any lowest level can you get? Musharraf is not qadiyani first secondly his wife isn't qadiyani. his son is not married to qadiyani wtf is wrong with morons on this earth. Musharraf is Syed by cast, he is the only president of Pakistan who has been inside both Kabba and Roza-e-rasul, He is the only Muslim ruler in recent history who has climbed on the top of Kabba sharif and helped changing Kabba sharif's cloth and Chanted Allah-O-Akber, Regarding his SSG security! What do you know about them? We even had one of his guard on this site and very authentic one!!! Is there any other lowest level can you get on character assassination? If we start doing character assassination of IK he is truly reading namaz like a none muslim, Instead of putting his hands on his belly he put it all the way down like he is covering his private part! How does MODS let people like these roam around on this forum? It was never like this before! I still remember when CNN and BBC used this forum on news as a best rated think tank but now it is worst then yahoo chatroom
also goes for asad71 When Musharraf took offiice Pakistan had 10 warheads it had missiles ranged upto 700kms but soon after he took office he speed up nuclear deterrence and Pakistan became world 4th biggest nuclear arsenal of nuclear weapons right yet he was pro Israel or qadiyani? during his time Pakistan increased missile range fron 700km to 4000km which is expected by our enemies and ISRAEL is well in range. He went to Russia for JF17 engines for Pakistan yet he is against Pakistan and yet you guys brag about this plane? remember the time when Pakistan was having issues for the engines because Russia wasn't giving approval? for radars EU! ukrine for Al khalid engines list goes on. AWES saab2000 all that? yet you wanna brag about all the givings of Musharraf in charge as COAS to Indians and world and call him anti Pakistan. It is making me sick to think what kind of Nation we are? We can get as low as where we will say that Allay Rasul is not even Allay rasul? and call them none muslims? You guys should shame on yourself all i have to say this.
His personal guard when Musharraf was in charge, too was/is a Qadiyani - I know him personally.
Argument with you on IK is baseless when you just persists that “your crow is white one way or other..!!

OK let me try it the last time from my end….again…!!

Why he said earlier that “All Politicians are Thieves”???
And than accepts some of them!!
Why he said earlier PTI only accepts good People???
And than accommodates everyone!!
Why he said earlier PTI will not grants Tickets to everyone??
And than comes up again by proclaiming his personal management skills…if he might award them too in future…!!

These are all current flip flops….OK another point….PTI is a true democratic party as per Imran unlike other parties in our country….. Than how come SMQ forced upon as Vice chairmanship on PTI????

There are hundreds of such examples where IK/PTI exposed beyond recognitions!! Just don’t force me to put it…!!!

First all, this isn't about My crow or your crow. This is about Pakistan. Imran Khan has given us confidence in him and hence I can speak with authority that he is the best for Pakistan.

He did not say "All politicians are thieves" - please quote him with sources.
Tell me which BAD people has PTI accepted?
He didn't accept anyone, everyone pledged their support to him. His acceptance would come in the form of Party Tickets.
First of all PTI really can't grant tickets to everyone. There are limited number of seats and PTI will get just that many tickets.

I think you are not knowledgeable on the issues you are talking about. So please consider reading and coming back with some solid arguments. It is not surprising ke sadaa kaan chitta nazar araha hai, apko.
pakistan made rapid advances in military progress, this day when we feel secure not being bullied by america on weapons embargho, credit goes to musharraf for making military self reliant, thing which didnt happen in pak history

and then he made pakistan less inclined to loans, he brought investment etc, musharraf made many mistakes but he was a patriot and a practical guy

if imran wants on his ego to let a talent stay away then its his choice, i dont think he is worse then NRO pml q lota league
Did musharraf had a crazy glue or alfi to fix Political system of Pakistan?

This is the problem with people in Pakistan. No one addresses the fundamental issues and get defensive when their hero is called to task.

Pakistan's problems are systemic. Removing (or not removing) one or two feudals will do nothing, for there are a hundred more to fill their shoes.

You guys can try to spin it any way you like, the fact remains that Musharraf had nine years to fix the mess. He failed. The feudals are running rampant and the country is exactly back where it was. When history looks back, Musharraf will be a flash in the pan, for he left no legacy.

The bottom line is this: if Musharraf is such a hotshot, why doesn't he run on his own merit? Why is he trying to ride Imran Khan's coat-tails?
What did you guys expect Musharraf to do? he did kick out these two main looters of Pakistan Nawaz and Benazir.

and brought Zardari, Choudries in.. also he hused Nawaz and BB out only as long as it suited him personally.. Why you forget it was Same Musharaf who signed NRO with BB (The same corrupt who he hushed out) and got her back.

Musharraf took action his hand like Lal masjid terrorist you all said no now Musharraf is bad?

Lal Masjid was a massacre.. I regret for innocent children, women and people who died there. What is your logic when drones hit terrorists, you weep, cry and protest for the innocent women and children who died for no reason but in the case of Lal-masjid you assume every one who died was terrorist. People have been collecting skulls of under 10 years old there.. so unfortunate and inhuman act of massacure. If Musharaf couldn't handle those 10-15 terrorists who were hiding there, he seize to be chief of Army Staff, let alone President of the country.

Musharraf liberated Baluchistan from militants who were playing in the hands of India.

Ignorance is bliss.. but this is not ignorance, this is denial. Cannot help you if you think Musharaf helped Baluchistan and it is in better shape after what he did.

Pakistan Media is very Pessimist. They enjoys fight b/w guests just to make "Hot program".

Life also exists outside Channels, on the streets, on roads and in towns.. if Mushraf was indeed that popular.. what Happened to his so popular PMLQ? Where is that today? In the last days of Musharaf, his popularity was under 5%. Call yourself lucky that you were in those 5%.

Save this Message, PAK Media will speak and Attack on Imran Khan, When he becomes the Prime Minister of Pakistan.
Positive Criticism is always Welcome, but Pak Media is busy to earn Sponsors and money, money and money with Keeping Behind the Interest of country.

Never doubted Imran Khan Brilliance, Passion and his abilities.......:cheers:

I am not worshiper of Imran Khan and no one should be.. Imran Khan is many hundred times better than other leaders out there. I will criticize and oppose him if he tries to go against the interest of Country or Countrymen and I am clear on that. I love his character, not figure and I am supporting his Principles and not the Personality he is. Also I don't love him because I have somebody to hate more. In case of Musharaf, many compare him with Zardari and Nawaz and then they say he was better. Andhon me kana raja hi lagta hai but take a moment to think he was still one eyed.
There might be 1% people who would join Imran Khan if he made alliance with Musharaf but there will be millions who will leave PTI if this happens. You are asking about ecnomic progress, I wish you would talk about historic and catastrophic blunders which this guy brought to the Federation of Pakistan. (NRO, Zardari, Selling of countrymen, US Slavery, Media Blockage, Violation of Constitutions, Broken Promises, Silence over water-stealing by India, destruction of Kashmir stance, Anti-Pakistan movements in Baluchistan and FATA, underhand deals with corrupt and worst and the list goes on.. ) I don't need to repeat them but if you can see, people of Pakistan are following Imran Khan when option to join Musharaf was there.

To add to it, even if Musharaff offers to merge all of APML into PTI without any position for himself in the party, IK would not accept it. Because in that case Javed Hashmi would leave the party and that one man is more important then entire APML.

Yeah you heard it right, that one man is 10 times more valuable then an entire APML!!
SIR JI wE SUPPORTERS OF Musharraf are not blind supporters as PTI PMLN PPP ANP etc, we respect him for his work. What are the basic of democracy or political system? Tell me? It is local body system where new members come up and introduced to political change, Yes Musharraf had 9 years in office and he kept many morons off the show and introduced new faces, go over Political parties in Pakistan pick their members of Assembly and see it for yourself. Now Pakistan was battling on many fronts. What is the basic need of Country? are you saying corruption free environment? Well no country in entire world has achieved that including USA, You will see every other day that their senators get caught for corruption or mayors. Point is it is economy. Bring economy up and bring new faces and wash off dirty laundry and this is what he did. He made Pakistan number one country in banking profitability in her region, and 3rd in ENTIRE WORLD, Pakistan was a BRICK 11 Countries. meaning Pakistan was one of worlds most fastest growing economy. let me sum it here, Pakistan's economy was number 3rd in asia, Banking profitability was Number 1 in south asia, and world's 3rd. Pakistan was in next 11 countries with fastest growing economy, Pakistan was given as an example in many world bank forums in a positive way, Pakistan was out of World bank and IMF program, Pakistan was getting organized in very progressive way. Pakistan was introduced to technology, Pakistan was building world class defense. Pakistan was exporting weapons, Pakistan was on her way to sell Big arms sales during his time. Pakistan was supposed to be declared ICBM state in the shape of Launching satalite when Musharraf declared 2008 a year for Pakistan to reach space. man you can cry about all you want my brother but facts are same. You simply can't kill or push all bad guys but you can make it hard enough for them to stay out, plus impose new faces on them and educate the public on political marina but Pakistani nation is weird. time for training ill be back late soon Pick his any interview and listen to it, Musharraf never relied on IK nor he does. every time he is asked a question who would you do alliance IF NEED and his answer is PTI and MQM, Musharraf never tried to ride IK nor does APML think that IK is up to the level of Musharraf, I can assure you bring All political leaders INCLUDING Musharraf as he has challenged to bring them up just like USA england style debate and compete me with anyone and if anyone is better then don't vote me and if not then do vote me for Pakistan. I personally believe that IK is way behind on Musharraf in all fields of government, Forget that i have seen Musharraf and followed him since 1999 like a tail and everything Musharraf has said IK repeats it as of his own. Everything Musharraf does you will see IK doing the same within months or year. Last was showing PUNCHES in KARACHI as Musharraf always did everywhere, haha IK ended up doing the same. seems like IK is inspired by Musharraf but just because of being a politician of Pakistan which means number one on hypocritical level, he avoid saying it all out. before you jump on me go check what i said and start watching Musharraf's videos from begining and then IK and you will see me rite.

This is the problem with people in Pakistan. No one addresses the fundamental issues and get defensive when their hero is called to task.

Pakistan's problems are systemic. Removing (or not removing) one or two feudals will do nothing, for there are a hundred more to fill their shoes.

You guys can try to spin it any way you like, the fact remains that Musharraf had nine years to fix the mess. He failed. The feudals are running rampant and the country is exactly back where it was. When history looks back, Musharraf will be a flash in the pan, for he left no legacy.

The bottom line is this: if Musharraf is such a hotshot, why doesn't he run on his own merit? Why is he trying to ride Imran Khan's coat-tails?
I have supported President Musharraf for a long time. I met with him in 2010 in DC when APML was not around; I hosted the first ever 'Support Musharraf' event in North America in 2010. I was present at the launch of the APML and I was the first President of APML Canada. I have travelled with him and have had many one-on-one discussions with him. Last month I resigned from the APML due to reasons which I will discuss below.

Former President Musharraf is a great Pakistani who did a lot for the country; he also made some serious mistakes but still his legacy is far better than Zia, BB and Nawaz Sharif.

I truly hoped that, under his enigmatic leadership, APML will be able to bring out those Pakistanis who don't vote - roughly 60%. In my opinion this is the only way Pakistan can change.

I resigned because the APML was not able to build any momentum in Pakistan. there are plenty of people who support the former President but APML failed to bring these people under one banner. The main reasons for this failure are the internal party disputes and the control of non-political people over the party in Pakistan and in North America.

Personal friends and lobyist of President call shots in the party and ensure that no one come close to the President.

Three months ago, after discussing an email with me and two other people, President Musharraf decided to go to Pakistan. I was the first one to support the idea but I also advised him that the key is your support in Pakistan. I advised him that, if and only ifAPML is able to conduct big jalsas in your support ONLY then you must go to Pakistan. He agreed, directions were given but no action was taken in Pakistan. Again the reasons were internal disputes and interference of non-political people.

My suggestion to the former President: Please don't go to Pakistan as PPPP and PML-N are just waiting to dump all of their wrong doing on you. They will use Memogate to Salala incident and blame President Musharraf for everything under the sun.


It is not going to happen. Javed Hashmi sahib has joined PTI after assurance that no alliance will be formed with APML or with the former President. No matter what Mr. Qureshi or Mr. Qasuri say, Hashmi sahib carry far grater weight. Besides that, PTI's alliance with President Musharraf will be a disaster because majority of PTI workers and supporters ae those who don't support, rather dislike the former President.

1. President Musharraf disband the party and tell all supporters to join and support PTI.
2. Continue the role of elder statesman around the world and gather support for Pakistan.
3. Build his legacy further by building hospitals, universities and libraries etc. under the umbrella of Pervez Musharraf Foundation.

I wish former President the best!
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