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87% Kashmiris wants independece


Nov 20, 2008
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87 pct in Kashmir Valley want independence - poll
Thu, Apr 2nd, 2009 10:20 pm BdST Dial 2324 from your mobile for latest news

NEW DELHI, Aug 13 (bdnews24.com/Reuters) - Nearly 90 percent of people living in Indian Kashmir's summer capital want their troubled and divided state to become an independent country, according to a poll in an Indian newspaper on Monday.

India and Pakistan have fought and argued over the Himalayan region ever since partition in 1947, but 87 percent of people questioned in Srinagar have no allegiance to either side.

Only 3 percent of the mainly Muslim inhabitants of the city think Kashmir should become part of Pakistan, and 7 percent prefer Indian rule, the poll said.

But down in Jammu, the state's mainly Hindu winter capital in the plains to the south, 95 percent think Kashmir should be part of India.

Both countries claim the region in full, and both have ruled out independence as an option. India controls around 45 percent of the former princely state, Pakistan around a third and China the rest, a largely uninhabited slice of high-altitude desert.

Delhi's Centre for the Study of Developing Societies interviewed 226 people in Srinagar and 255 in Jammu for the poll, published in Monday's Indian Express.

People in 10 Indian and 10 Pakistani cities were also interviewed.

Indians were keener to keep control of the region than Pakistanis -- 67 percent of urban Indians think it should be ruled from New Delhi, against 48 percent of Pakistanis who wanted Islamabad to take full control, according to the poll.

Another 47 percent of Pakistanis said they supported independence for Kashmir.

The fate of Kashmir -- known for both its natural beauty and for its bloody recent past -- has been uncertain ever since its Hindu ruler hesitated in choosing whether to join the region to India or the newly formed Pakistan in 1947.

Officials say more than 42,000 people have been killed since militants started a violent separatist revolt in 1989. Human rights groups put the toll at about 60,000 dead or missing.

However, roughly seven out of 10 Kashmiris think the situation has improved since 2002.

The overwhelming majority of Srinagar's residents think the security forces have too much power. The army is often accused of killing innocent people and other rights abuses, operating under a special law that largely protects soldiers from prosecution.

Around 84 percent of people in Srinagar want to see the return of Kashmiri Pandits, a Hindu community, large numbers of whom fled the region after being targeted by Islamist militants. Many live in refugee camps elsewhere in India.
Majority of Pakistanis, including myself, want Kashmiris themselves to decide their own fate.
Set *** free then.
The decisions regarding Indian Kashmir rests with the GoI

When did anyone protest demanding independence in Pakistan's Azad Kashmir from Pakistan? Azad Kashmir is already free, they even have their own flag, they just need Indian Occupied Kashmir to be free so they can make their own independent country.
I applaud your accommodating them.As for Indian Kashmir it's fate rests firmly with India and no amount of protests by separatist terrorists and not even the UN can do otherwise.Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir will just have to make do with the land that they have.
You can't hold people hostage against their will. What do you do when 90% of them become separatists? Its people with attitude like yours that make supporting an armed struggle against Indian occupation easy to support.
When did anyone protest demanding independence in Pakistan's Azad Kashmir from Pakistan? Azad Kashmir is already free, they even have their own flag, they just need Indian Occupied Kashmir to be free so they can make their own independent country.
Don’t want to wake you up from that nice slumber that you are in, but may be, someday, when you have some time to spare, you may just want to take a peek into this Human Rights Watch Report, titled "With Friends Like These..."

Mind you, it is the same organisation whose other reports get thrown around on this forum as proof of IA excesses in Kashmir.
Pg 27~28 said:
Azad Kashmir has its own constitution, the Azad Jammu and Kashmir Interim Constitution Act of 1974, and a locally chosen parliamentary form of government……


But these provisions are hollow. Under Section 56 of the Jammu and Kashmir Interim Constitution Act (which was drafted by the Federal Ministries of Law and Kashmir Affairs in Islamabad), the Pakistani government can dismiss any elected government in Azad Kashmir irrespective of the support it may enjoy in the AJK Legislative Assembly.


Thus, Azad Kashmir remains for all intents and purposes under Pakistan’s strict control, exercising no real sovereignty of its own.
The above seems to be confirmed by a Pakistani lawer.
Pg 31 said:
Sardar Karamdad Khan, a Muzaffarabad-based lawyer, summed up for Human Rights Watch the dispensation of power in the territory:

The Pakistani bureaucracy is the real administrative power, the ISI and the Pakistan army exercise coercive power. And under the constitution, the elected representatives are subservient to the Kashmir Council controlled by Pakistan. High Court and Supreme Court Judges can only be appointed by approval of the Ministry of Kashmir Affairs in Islamabad. The Minister of Kashmir Affairs can dismiss the PM, as can the Chief Secretary—another Islamabad appointee. Under Article 56, the President of Pakistan can dissolve the Legislative Assembly. Surely, this is a truly unique form of self-rule.
Pg 29 said:
Because of the mandate of the AJK Legislative Assembly and its particular division of power with Pakistan, the elected political leaders of Azad Kashmir essentially remain titular heads of the territory while the real power resides in Islamabad.


Power in Azad Kashmir is exercised primarily through the Pakistani army’s General Headquarters in Rawalpindi, just outside Islamabad, and its corps commander based in the hill station of Murree, two hours by road from Muzaffarabad. It is widely understood in Pakistan and privately admitted by virtually all politicians from Azad Kashmir that the corps commander in Murree is known to summon the Azad Kashmir prime minister, president and other government officials regularly to outline the military’s views on all political and governance issues in the territory.

Not much of an "Azadi", eh?
The question and answer is given in the article itself. -VE opinion is the direct result of the oustide interference in kashmir.. you make the life of people a living hell.. what do you expect them to want..???

The overwhelming majority of Srinagar's residents think the security forces have too much power. The army is often accused of killing innocent people and other rights abuses, operating under a special law that largely protects soldiers from prosecution.

Why do security forces have special powers..?? Why do some innocent people get killed?? Its not because india is supressing a peaceful protest.. but india is trying to remove the terrorists who takes up the arms to kill..!!! And more over we are not treating kashmir as tibet.. from where you only hear Chinese governments version..!!! But since india is free.. you hear both versions of kashmiries as well as indians.. their frustrations with indian government,pakistan and miltants... their aspirations for independence...!!! I dont know why people dont get that beautyful thing?????
However, roughly seven out of 10 Kashmiris think the situation has improved since 2002.

But as stated above times are changing.. and people are understanding the freedom that a democarcy called india can give to them..and are slowely comming fowrard. Reduction of insurgency is also a factor..!!! Hence if peace is the objective.. then peace should be the way.. and not bombs..!!!! But i dont know whether our neighbours would allow that to happen..!!!!
Simply because Kashmir is not the part of Pakistan.

No. There's something called Azad Kashmir you know that's part of Pakistan. Its not one of the provinces of Pakistan but its a federally adminstred territory.

Anyways, I believe the only solution for peace in the subcontinent is for both Pakistan and India to give up their parts of Kashmir that they each control and join hands in working together to make an independent sovereign nation of Kashmir as a gift to the Kashmiri people. Another solution is that each keep the areas where majority of people from those areas dont favor independence but would like to stay in the respected countries and give up the areas that favor independence. Thats the only solution for peace in the subcontinent.
No. There's something called Azad Kashmir you know that's part of Pakistan. Its not one of the provinces of Pakistan but its a federally adminstred territory.

Anyways, I believe the only solution for peace in the subcontinent is for both Pakistan and India to give up their parts of Kashmir that they each control and join hands in working together to make an independent sovereign nation of Kashmir as a gift to the Kashmiri people. Another solution is that each keep the areas where majority of people from those areas dont favor independence but would like to stay in the respected countries and give up the areas that favor independence. Thats the only solution for peace in the subcontinent.

Ofcourse Omar.. That can be a solution.. in the long run. However first we have to let these guys taste the joy of peace for a while..!!! Let us all withdraw from kashmir.. even though adiminsitered by both Pakistan and Indian in their repsective portions.. and down the lane through peaceful dialgoue we can build trust and may be yes opt for the best solution.. if it is a fedarly administrated region governmend by both india and pakistan or an indepnent country of kashmir.. let us resolve through peaceful dialogue..!!!!!!
Changing border of indian state is a very remote possibility,thats not going to happen and nobody should pin their hopes on it.

In my opinion,they should take jammu & ladhak out J & K which jummuites are demanding for long time and make a separate state all together.
Also give the vally autonomy nehru had promised and let *** join it in future when that situation arises..
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Changing border of indian state is a very remote possibility,thats not going to happen and nobody should pin their hopes on it.

In my opinion,they should take jammu & ladhak out J & K which jummuites are demanding for long time and make a separate state all together.
Also give the vally autonomy nehru had promised and let *** join it in future when that situation arises..

that sounds good but right now everything is going fine... we will cross that bridge when we come to it...:india:
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