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87% Kashmiris wants independece

No I'm not. I'm equating this action which is indisputably nothing short of terrorist hostage taking. You can't get a clean chit on this terrorist act by showcasing your democracy.

It's like India's saying "So what if we do some terrorism in Kashmir, at least we're a democracy

Well asim i would strongly disagree with that. There is a history behind kashmir and we all know it. Indian armed forces are in kashmir only because there is or i would more confidently say dwindling armed insurgency in kashmir which we believe and you acknowledge is fueled by across the border. Its difficult to identify an insurgent and a peaceful protestor or any one who supports the armed struggle or any one who is pro india, everybody is a suspect. I am telling you this to inform you that we all in india acknolwdge the hardship they have to face due to the indian armed forces and the terrorists in their beautyfull homeland.

But having said that, you should know that kashmir enjoys special powers and rights more than any one in our country. Price of commodaties are subsidised, their land is safe from outside enorachment, they are free to vote and decide who can govern them..!!! They enjoy the freedom to practise their religion and beliefs. Literally they are FREE in all terms. even though on the ground they are infact are suffering or frustrated by the fight between indian army and terrorsits in their day to day life...

That is why i said brother.. put down the guns.. give peace a chance.. and see what happens..!!!!!

And more over India never did try to change the demography of kashmir brother.. kashmiris now in kashmir are the direct descendents of kashmiries of 1947... you should understand by that indian government intention is not to take away the freedom but to give them the freedom..!!! Else it would have been filled with biharies or keralites for that matter...;) and ahmedkutty from kerala would be voting for india as a kashmiri...in the above article..!!!! ;)
Kashmiris prefer India over Pakistan: Poll
H S Rao in London
September 22, 2008.

A vast majority of Kashmiris want want Kashmir to be a part of India.

A poll conducted by an independent market research group in Jammu and Kashmir reveals that a vast majority of Kashmiris believe that the correct way to bring peace to the region is by holding free and fair elections and encouraging economic development.

The survey conducted by MORI International says: "Overall, two thirds of people in Jammu and Kashmir take the view that Pakistan's involvement in the region for the last ten years has been bad [for the region]. Only 15 per cent believe it has been good for the region, while 18 per cent say it has made no real difference."

On the issue of citizenship, 61 per cent said they felt they would be better off politically and economically as an Indian citizen. Only 6 per cent said they would perfer to be Pakistani citizens, and 33 per cent said they did not know.

Eighty per cent of the people interviewed said that allowing displaced Kashmiri Pandits to return to their homes would help bring peace to the Valley.

An overwhelming 92 per cent oppose the state of Kashmir being divided on the basis of religion or ethnicity. "There is also overwhelming support - 91 per cent -- for a forum in which Kashmiris from both sides of the Line of Control can discuss common interests," the survey said.

Kashmiris prefer India over Pakistan: Poll
H S Rao in London
September 22, 2008.

A vast majority of Kashmiris want want Kashmir to be a part of India.

A poll conducted by an independent market research group in Jammu and Kashmir reveals that a vast majority of Kashmiris believe that the correct way to bring peace to the region is by holding free and fair elections and encouraging economic development.

The survey conducted by MORI International says: "Overall, two thirds of people in Jammu and Kashmir take the view that Pakistan's involvement in the region for the last ten years has been bad [for the region]. Only 15 per cent believe it has been good for the region, while 18 per cent say it has made no real difference."

On the issue of citizenship, 61 per cent said they felt they would be better off politically and economically as an Indian citizen. Only 6 per cent said they would perfer to be Pakistani citizens, and 33 per cent said they did not know.

Eighty per cent of the people interviewed said that allowing displaced Kashmiri Pandits to return to their homes would help bring peace to the Valley.

An overwhelming 92 per cent oppose the state of Kashmir being divided on the basis of religion or ethnicity. "There is also overwhelming support - 91 per cent -- for a forum in which Kashmiris from both sides of the Line of Control can discuss common interests," the survey said.


Please provide the source..!!!
Kashmiris prefer India over Pakistan: Poll
H S Rao in London
September 22, 2008.

A vast majority of Kashmiris want want Kashmir to be a part of India.

A poll conducted by an independent market research group in Jammu and Kashmir reveals that a vast majority of Kashmiris believe that the correct way to bring peace to the region is by holding free and fair elections and encouraging economic development.

The survey conducted by MORI International says: "Overall, two thirds of people in Jammu and Kashmir take the view that Pakistan's involvement in the region for the last ten years has been bad [for the region]. Only 15 per cent believe it has been good for the region, while 18 per cent say it has made no real difference."

On the issue of citizenship, 61 per cent said they felt they would be better off politically and economically as an Indian citizen. Only 6 per cent said they would perfer to be Pakistani citizens, and 33 per cent said they did not know.

Eighty per cent of the people interviewed said that allowing displaced Kashmiri Pandits to return to their homes would help bring peace to the Valley.

An overwhelming 92 per cent oppose the state of Kashmir being divided on the basis of religion or ethnicity. "There is also overwhelming support - 91 per cent -- for a forum in which Kashmiris from both sides of the Line of Control can discuss common interests," the survey said.


That is bull, your quoting a biased source. Go find on that is independent.
PTI = Press Trust of India
^^ Obviously as always, Pakistanis cant see beyond inciting terrorism. This is the entire report of the survey.

MORI publishes results of major new survey

The vast majority of Kashmiris oppose India and Pakistan going to war to find a permanent solution to the situation in Kashmir and believe the correct way to bring peace to the region is through democratic elections, ending violence, and economic development.

They also believe the unique cultural identity of the region should be preserved in any long-term solution, and there is virtually no support for the state of Jammu and Kashmir being divided on the basis of religion or ethnic group.

These are the main findings to emerge from a poll conducted by the independent market research company, MORI International, at the end of September, 2008 just before the start of the recent escalation of conflict in the region.

Interviews were conducted in the Jammu and the surrounding rural areas, Srinagar and its surrounding rural areas and in Leh. Interviewers were set quotas for sex and religion (assessed by the interviewer) to match the population of each region.

Although the vast majority in Jammu and Leh believe the correct way to bring about peace is though democratic elections, opinions are more evenly divided in and around Srinagar, with a bare majority (52%) agreeing with this view.

Nevertheless, the vast majority — 76% — of those in the Srinagar region believe India and Pakistan should not go to war to bring about a permanent solution.

There is a general consensus across the regions that it is not possible to hold democratic elections while violence continues — 65% agree while 34% disagree.

A very clear majority of the population — 65% — believes the presence of foreign militants in Jammu and Kashmir is damaging to the Kashmir cause, and most of the rest take the view that it is neither damaging nor helpful.

Overall, two thirds of people in Jammu and Kashmir take the view that Pakistan's involvement in the region for the last ten years has been bad. Only 15% believe it has been good for the region, while 18% say it has made no real difference.

On the issue of citizenship, overall, 61% said they felt they would be better off politically and economically as an Indian citizen and only 6% as a Pakistani citizen, but 33% said they did not know.

A suggestion that most people do not feel that the current political parties have the solution to the problems in Kashmir is reflected in the fact that around half, or more, of the population in each region agree with the view that 'a new political party is needed to bring about a permanent solution in Kashmir'.

People in all regions are in general agreement that 'the unique cultural identity of Jammu and Kashmir — Kashmiryat — should be preserved in any long-term solution'. Overall, 81% agree, including 76% in Srinagar and 81% in Jammu.

There is also widespread consensus on the types of proposals which will help to bring about peace in Jammu and Kashmir. More than 85% of the population, including at least 70% in each region, think the following will help to bring about peace:

•Economic development of the region to provide more job opportunities and reduction of poverty — 93%
•The holding of free and fair elections to elect the people's representatives — 86%
•Direct consultation between the Indian government and the people of Kashmir — 87%
•An end to militant violence in the region — 86%
•Stopping the infiltration of militants across the Line of Control — 88%
The critical role people see for economic development in helping to solve the problems is further underlined by the 74% who think that 'people from outside of Kashmir being encourage to invest in the area to help rebuild Kashmir's economy and tourist industry' will help to bring peace to the state.

There is also a widespread view, held by 80%, that allowing displaced Kashmiri Pandits to return to their homes in safety will help to bring about peace.

An overwhelming 92% oppose the state of Kashmir being divided on the basis of religion or ethnicity. There is also overwhelming support — 91% — for a forum in which Kashmiris from both sides of the Line of Control can discuss common interests.

A clear majority — 70% — also support the borders between Pakistani-controlled Kashmir and Indian Kashmir being opened for much more trade and cultural exchange. However, while the views in Srinagar and Leh were very decisive — over 90% support — those in Jammu were much more balanced — 47% support, 53% oppose.

Views are also split on the issue of granting more autonomy to Kashmir. Overall 55% support 'India and Pakistan granting as much autonomy as they can to both sides of Kashmir to govern their own affairs. However, while the majority in Srinagar and Leh support this, the majority in Jammu oppose this policy.

There are also mixed views about the role and impact of the Indian security forces. In Srinagar and Leh, at least nine out of ten believe that security forces scaling down their operations in Jammu and Kashmir would help to bring peace, whereas in Jammu opinions are reversed.

There are clearly different perceptions of the behaviour of the Indian security forces. Nobody interviewed in Leh or Jammu believes that human rights violations by Indian security forces in Jammu and Kashmir are widespread, whereas in Srinagar 24% of the population think they are widespread.

Perceptions are different with respect to human rights violations by militant groups in Jammu and Kashmir. 96% of those in Jammu believe such violations are widespread whereas only 2% of those in Srinagar believe they are widespread (although 33% believe they are 'occasional').

Technical details

In total, 1650 interviews were completed, face-to-face, with adults aged 16+ across 55 localities within Jammu and Kashmir. This comprised 22 localities in Jammu City, 20 in Srinagar City and 6 in Leh (urban areas), as well as in 3 villages around Jammu and 4 villages around Srinagar (rural areas).

Quotas were set by gender, religion (assessed by observation) and locality, according to the known population profile of the region.

A random selection procedure was used to select individual respondents.

Sample Profile

The following table details the profile of respondents by locality and religion:

Locality Total interviews Breakdown by religion (observed)
Muslim Hindu Sikh Buddhist Christian
Srinagar 300 292 8 - - -
97% 3% - - -

Villages nr Srinagar 60 58 2 - - -
97% 3% - - -

Jammu 344 103 229 7 1 4
30% 67% 2% *% 1%

Villages nr Jammu 71 21 50 - - -
30% 70% - - -

Leh 75 35 4 - 36 -
47% 5% - 48% -

Total 850 509 293 7 37 4
60% 34% 1% 4% *%

Quotas were based on 1981 Census data (population in 1,000s):

Total population Muslim Hindu Sikh Buddhist Christian
Kashmir Valley
(Srinigar & surrounding areas) 3,102 2,977 125 - 0.2 -
96% 4% - *% -

Jammu region 2,717 805 1,803 100 1 8
30% 66% 4% *% *%

(incl. Leh) 134 62 4 - 68 -
46% 3% - 51% -

Total 65% 32% 2% 1% *%

Statistical Reliability

The sampling tolerances that apply to the percentage results in this report are given below. This table shows the possible variation that might be anticipated because a sample, rather than the entire population, was interviewed. As indicated, sampling tolerances vary with the size of the sample and the size of percentage results. The confidence intervals take no account of design effects and, of course, there were certain areas in each region we did not conduct interviews.

Approximate sampling tolerances applicable to percentages at or near these levels (at the 95% confidence level)

Base: 10% or 90% 30% or 70% 50%
850 (total) 2 3 3
415 (Jammu region) 3 4 5
360 (Srinagar region) 3 5 5
75 (Leh) 7 10 11

Source: MORI

For example, for a question where 50% of the people in a sample of 850 respond with a particular answer, the chances are 95 in 100 that this result would not vary more than 3 percentage points, plus or minus, from the result that would have been obtained from a census of the entire population using the same procedures. Tolerances are also involved in the comparison of results between different elements of the sample. A difference, in other words, must be of at least a certain size to be statistically significant. The following table is a guide to the sampling tolerances applicable to comparisons.

Differences required for significance at the 95% confidence level at or near these percentages

Base: 10% or 90% 30% or 70% 50%
432 (Men) and 418 (Women) 4 6 7
415 (Jammu region) and 360 (Srinagar region) 4 7 7
415 (Jammu region) and 75 (Leh) 7 11 12
360 (Srinagar region) and 75 (Leh) 8 12 13

Source: MORI

The Market and Opinion Research an independent market research company based in the UK, recently conducted and published the results of a major survey[1] in Indian administered Jammu and Kashmir (J&K).

Ipsos MORI | Home[You have to search for "Kashmir" as a direct link doesnt work]
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You're talking bullshit.Your equating this 'action' doesn't mean squat.After 60 years and spending countless amount of money do you really think India will just walk away from the territory?We've spent more money on security of the Kashmiris than they're worth.Were in this for the long haul

Good.....we will bleed you!.....takes 5 years or 500 years we wont give up.
Indian armed forces are in kashmir only because there is or i would more confidently say dwindling armed insurgency in kashmir which we believe and you acknowledge is fueled by across the border.

We stopped cross LoC movemnent as this was the first condition the indians wanted forfilled before you would have negotiation on the issue......you did nothing but send a bus.
We can stop people crossing the LoC and we can let fighters cross it if we want.......the inflow of fighters being decreased is due to pakistan and nothing to do with the indian army.

But having said that, you should know that kashmir enjoys special powers and rights more than any one in our country. Price of commodaties are subsidised, their land is safe from outside enorachment, they are free to vote and decide who can govern them..!!! They enjoy the freedom to practise their religion and beliefs. Literally they are FREE in all terms.....

The same type of benefits and laws apply in azad kashmir.....you have done nothing out of the ordinary.

"Literally they are FREE in all terms"........yeah you said it literally free but not totally free.
Why dont you give the freedom to the kashmiris to vote under the UN the only freedom they want?

even though on the ground they are infact are suffering or frustrated by the fight between indian army and terrorsits in their day to day life....

Your getting mixed up......its the indians that the kashmiris want out.....the freedom fighters are there own kashmiri-muslim brothers.

That is why i said brother.. put down the guns.. give peace a chance.. and see what happens..!!!!!....

Thats what has happened during last 7 years....you have not moved a inch on the issue.
We have seen "what happens"......a bus in return and the Loc being fortified

And more over India never did try to change the demography of kashmir brother.. kashmiris now in kashmir are the direct descendents of kashmiries of 1947... you should understand by that indian government intention is not to take away the freedom but to give them the freedom..!!! Else it would have been filled with biharies or keralites for that matter...;) and ahmedkutty from kerala would be voting for india as a kashmiri...in the above article..!!!! ;)

:rofl::rofl:You tried to fill kashmir with "with biharies or keralites" but the fredom fighters chased them out.;)

I personally met a punjabi hindu who was promised the sky to move to kashmir only to be attacked by kashmiri freedom fighters...it was nothing personal but the only way to thwart indian plans on making the kashmiris a minority in there own homeland......better luck next time.
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BY: Symbian>> View Post We've spent more money on security of the Kashmiris than they're worth

Symbian That is insult to the Kashmiri people..Kashmiri are worth everything they are respectable people who are oppressed by your Hindu army you keep calling humans are worthless than no wonder how you Indians treat people of Slums Inside India..

Mod take notice of Symbian's post.
Good.....we will bleed you!.....takes 5 years or 500 years we wont give up.

Dabong.. You have your own problems in aplenty...!!! Why dont you solve them first and help the Kashmiris??? Bleed india.. BS...!!!
Dabong.. You have your own problems in aplenty...!!! Why dont you solve them first and help the Kashmiris??? Bleed india.. BS...!!!

Its simple....if you are not willing to come to a just and equal soultion to the kashmir problem then the "bleeding" will continue.
Pakistan is not going to give up on kashmir and the indians will not give kashmir so we either contune the way i said or we reach a peace deal.
Do these 'respectable' people think India is a fool?Come to us for help and after our spending countless amounts of money and lives of our soldiers ask us to walk away?They need a reality check

Nobody said india will walk away only that it comes to deal that is just and fair to all.
The point was discussed a bit back..Settle Kashmir and Get the Reward!!!

1.The president of kashmir is rotated every year between the indian and pakistan president.

2.All three flags flown on public buildings.

3.Kashmir to have no military-foreign postions......the kashmiri wishes are represented through the indian-pak embassies.

4.elected memebers of the kashmir parliment are represented in the pak-india parliments.

5.Pakistan pays for the resettling of hindu kashmiri refugees and india pays for the resettling of muslim kashmiri refugees and both pay towrds the sikh refugees to be resettled.

6.People with pakistani-indian passports keep the same documentation but are issued a kashmir citizen card.

7.Merge the two police forces.

8.Both currencies can be used in kashmir....dual pricing like you have on any holiday location.

9.Kashmiris on the indian side participate in the the indian election and send representatives to the indian parliment

10.The kashmiris on the pakistani side participate in the pakistani election and send representatives to the pak parliment.

11.The people of kashmir also have kashmir specfic elections where non military-foreign issues are debated in the kashmir parliment.
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