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87% Kashmiris wants independece

We stopped cross LoC movemnent as this was the first condition the indians wanted forfilled before you would have negotiation on the issue......you did nothing but send a bus.
We can stop people crossing the LoC and we can let fighters cross it if we want.......the inflow of fighters being decreased is due to pakistan and nothing to do with the indian army.

Well kargil.. Parliment attack.. 26/11... Kupwara..!!! Yes i think we should trust you completely..!!!!:disagree:
The same type of benefits and laws apply in azad kashmir.....your not nothing out of the ordinary.

What about the demographical change that you have brought out in Azad kashmir and Northern Areas.

"Literally they are FREE in all terms"........yeah you said it literally free but not totally free.

Why dont you give the freedom to the kashmiris to vote under the UN the only freedom they want?

Your getting mixed up......its the indians that the kashmiris want out.....the freedom fighters are there own kashmiri-muslim brothers.

Becuase we are exposed to facts and understand the situation in Kashmir. Unfortunately i have to say yours is a one dimensional thinking, which i believe is the result of years of propoganda.

Thats what has happened during last 7 years....you have not moved a inch on the issue.
We have seen "what happens"......a bus in return and the Loc being fortified

Be honest and do honour your commitments. Change wont happen over night.. but you have to have the patience to honour your commitment and see the results..!!!

:rofl::rofl:You tried to fill kashmir with "with biharies or keralites" but the fredom fighters chased them out.;)
I personally met a punjabi hindu who was promised the sky to move to kashmir only to be attacked by kashmiri freedom fighters...it was nothing personal but the only way to thwart indian plans on making the kashmiris a minority in there own homeland......better luck next time.

Well if we are the demons as you are charactrsing, dont you think it would be easy for us to do that.. ;) And as i said you are not getting what i was trying to say. We have passed laws to maintain the culture and demography of kashmir unique and intact..!!! Which explains our intentions on kashmir..!!!
What's with link?anyone here going to decide Kashmir fate?All the above stated are fantasies,none of it is practical or ever going to happen.

Duh!! No... Kashmir will have only 1 flag flying over it.. The indian One.

:cheers:.....just wanted to prove a point to a friend and you have guys have totally obliged.
We'll see who'll be doing the bleeding

it will be the Indians both ways, if indian army could really control things in its parts of Kashmir. It would have done so, if the army tries forcefully,indian civilians will lose blood, and then the army willl bleed also.
Well kargil.. Parliment attack.. 26/11... Kupwara..!!! Yes i think we should trust you completely..!!!!:disagree:.

And i can list things india has done to dreail the process and what?

What about the demographical change that you have brought out in Azad kashmir and Northern Areas.:.

Anybody that is not is not a citizen of AJK can not vote and you cant become a citizen unless you can prove your family is from kashmir and still lives there.

Becuase we are exposed to facts and understand the situation in Kashmir. Unfortunately i have to say yours is a one dimensional thinking, which i believe is the result of years of propoganda.

I am from kashmir so i think i have a understanding of the issue.

Be honest and do honour your commitments. Change wont happen over night.. but you have to have the patience to honour your commitment and see the results..!!!.

I would really like to say i trust the indians and that they will keep there word but from your track record i doubt it.
It been just under a decade that the present peace process has happened and nothing.....the previous efforts bore nothing so am not holding my breathe.

Well if we are the demons as you are charactrsing, dont you think it would be easy for us to do that.. ;) And as i said you are not getting what i was trying to say. We have passed laws to maintain the culture and demography of kashmir unique and intact..!!! Which explains our intentions on kashmir..!!!

The only thing that will bring peace is a free vote under the UN.....we tried moving away from fixed postions but you indians did not move so i think we should go back to our stated postion of helping the kashmiris morally and politically and start the jihad back up.
Take care of your bleeding first.. We will worry about ours.
Yeah Kashmir is a part of india and so it will be. We we cant say how long pakistan might survive as a state ... Thats something we have to see.

First fight for your survival coz you might be extinct as a state in the next decade.. Yeah maybe that the western powers might divide you just as they did germany in the post world war 2 era and make you guys a more civilized lot. India might also willingly help in the process of upliftment of an obliterated pakistan .... bled to death by islamic Jihad.......may be.......hope that the terrorists dont get the best of you good luck.....

When these problems are solved we might have even Azad kashmir in Indian territory. Thats the way it should and will be ... we hope:cheers:

we are taking care of our bleeding, and i have a bad news for u, i have just been informed that we are here to stay and will not be going anywhere for quite a time. As for those keep wishing for pakistan to be a failed state, just a heads up prepare ur selves your next on the map.:wave:
I would really like to say i trust the indians and that they will keep there word but from your track record i doubt it.
It been just under a decade that the present peace process has happened and nothing.....the previous efforts bore nothing so am not holding my breathe.

Our track record?? We dont need to be accountable to to you. Kashmir is a sovereign part of India, and let me assure you that your Azad Kashmir will no longer be Azad if there is one more terror attack on India.

So far peace process has been unilateral from India's side only. Pakistan has just been exporting terror and been carrying out Kargil. Now that we have grown sick of your dirty cheap tactics, we have made it clear that there will be no resolution of Kashmir unless you stop terrorists from your soil. Either you do it, or you carry another attack anywhere in India and let us do it. And no wonder none in Pakistan seem to like it.

The only thing that will bring peace is a free vote under the UN.....we tried moving away from fixed postions but you indians did not move so i think we should go back to our stated postion of helping the kashmiris morally and politically and start the jihad back up.

Peace is what we will make sure Kashmiris achieve one day. And that trust me is not going to come by UN resolution. You can keep moaning about UNSC resolutions, while nobody is willing to listen to your case unless you stop terrorism.

Nobody said india will walk away only that it comes to deal that is just and fair to all.
The point was discussed a bit back..Settle Kashmir and Get the Reward!!!

1.The president of kashmir is rotated every year between the indian and pakistan president.

2.All three flags flown on public buildings.

3.Kashmir to have no military-foreign postions......the kashmiri wishes are represented through the indian-pak embassies.

4.elected memebers of the kashmir parliment are represented in the pak-india parliments.

5.Pakistan pays for the resettling of hindu kashmiri refugees and india pays for the resettling of muslim kashmiri refugees and both pay towrds the sikh refugees to be resettled.

6.People with pakistani-indian passports keep the same documentation but are issued a kashmir citizen card.

7.Merge the two police forces.

8.Both currencies can be used in kashmir....dual pricing like you have on any holiday location.

9.Kashmiris on the indian side participate in the the indian election and send representatives to the indian parliment

10.The kashmiris on the pakistani side participate in the pakistani election and send representatives to the pak parliment.

You can carry all this crap out in P-o-K.

1. Only flag that flies, is the Indian flag.
2. Only anthem is India's national anthem.
3. Only currency is INR.
4. And the only nationality is Indian.

This is the resolution of Kashmir. Period.
You can carry all this crap out in P-o-K.

1. Only flag that flies, is the Indian flag.
2. Only anthem is India's national anthem.
3. Only currency is INR.
4. And the only nationality is Indian.

This is the resolution of Kashmir. Period.

K you win bro, now y don't u go ahead and try to take pakistan occupied kashmir. Since none of you want to do it in harmony.
How's the blast at the mosque today?took care of the bleeding yet?

The more blast they do, the more the people realize and the less suport taliban gets, ISI and CIA are now workin together to find who is responsible for these attacks.

Just heads up, next time watch ur tone, i have respect for those people that lost their lives.
K you win bro, now y don't u go ahead and try to take pakistan occupied kashmir. Since none of you want to do it in harmony.

We spoke the language of "harmony" since 1947. we got 4 wars.
We spoke language of friendship, India-Pakistan brother hood.. we got armed terrorists and 26/11.

No we dont want violence. Kashmir can remain the way it is, with no IB but only if you dont stop sending in terrorists. That is what infuriates us. If you want Kashmir to be resolved, this the minimum criteria for any negotiations.

Now if you really sympathize with Kashmiris, this is not muchwe are asking for.
We spoke the language of "harmony" since 1947. we got 4 wars.
We spoke language of friendship, India-Pakistan brother hood.. we got armed terrorists and 26/11.

No we dont want violence. Kashmir can remain the way it is, with no IB but only if you dont stop sending in terrorists. That is what infuriates us. If you want Kashmir to be resolved, this the minimum criteria for any negotiations.

Now if you really sympathize with Kashmiris, this is not muchwe are asking for.

once again we are back to the blame game, ur sayin as if india does not have terrorists of its own. Secondly if you really want to bring peace to Kashmir, then your army and police should show some sympathy to them, so that way they don't breed terrorism.
Yeah we know we are next on the map for the sponsered Islamic Jihad from pakistan... Hell the world is **** scared of this Islamic Jihad breeding ground called pakistan. Well when it comes to survival the world also knows how parasite infested areas need to be disinfected.

So its time my friend to wage a war aganist any state which sponsers Jihad... ummm... which your country unfortunately does and has won many a slanderous remarks in the anals of the Western government.

So you see the systematic disection of your state has started.. It will end with the division of your country on the grounds of state sponsered terrorism.. And WE will watch it in the news over a bottle of Beer :wave:

by the looks of it only the indians are scared, and yet America is sponsoring jihad by giving $3 billion aid a year. They must be stupid...

As for the news, i will sit n watch also, i love those remakes star news and other news channels make they are so :cheesy:
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