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8 Chinese submarines approval & used western subs talks

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying's Regular Press Conference on April 2, 2015

Q: According to media reports, Pakistan will buy 8 submarines from China. Is it true?
A: China and Pakistan are neighbors boasting traditional friendship, and the two sides maintain normal cooperation in the military industry and arms trade. Relevant cooperation adheres to international treaties, and complies with the consistent principles of China's military products export.
Q: General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong of the Communist Party of Vietnam is said to visit China soon. Please tell us more about the agenda of and China's expectations for this visit.
A: Vietnam is a very important and lose neighbor of China. We attach great importance to developing bilateral relations with Vietnam. We are ready to maintain high-level exchanges, strengthen the friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields and ensure the sound and stable development of the bilateral relations. As for the specific agenda of the visit you mentioned, I don't have any information to offer to you at this moment.
Q: First, media reports say that a Pakistani government official is in China today to talk about the details of purchasing submarines from China. Please confirm this. Second, the Pakistani side announced that President Xi Jinping would visit Pakistan in recent days. Can you confirm this? What is the specific date of the visit?
A: On your first question, I have no information in this regard.
On your second question, China and Pakistan are close neighbors boasting traditional friendship and all-weather partners. The close high-level exchanges between the two countries have been leading the way for the growth of the bilateral relations. President Xi Jinping looks forward to paying a state visit to China at an early date within this year, and the two sides are in close communication on this. We hope and believe that this visit will further cement China-Pakistan friendship and deepen all-weather cooperation. As for the specific date of the visit, I have nothing to offer at this moment.

Q: When meeting with Sri Lankan President Sirisena last week, did President Xi Jinping propose a three-way meeting with India and Sri Lanka?
A: On March 26, President Xi Jinping held talks with Sri Lankan President Sirisena, and the relevant information has been released. During the talks, the two sides spoke highly of the bilateral relationship, underscoring that efforts would be made to carry forward and maintain China-Sri Lanka friendliness,push forward the continuous, sound and stable development of the bilateral relations under the new circumstances and bring more benefits to the two countries and two peoples.
Both Sri Lanka and India are significant and friendly neighbors of China in South Asia. We hope for the sound development of China-Sri Lanka and China-India relations, and are happy to see the growing relationship between Sri Lanka and India. The good interactions and mutual reinforcement among the three pairs of relationship deliver benefits to the three countries,and contribute to peace, stability and common prosperity of the region. We are poised to make joint efforts with Sri Lanka and India to promote the sound interactions with each other.

Q: Yesterday two US military jets landed at an air force base in Tainan because of a mechanical glitch. Does China have any comment on this?
A: We have taken note of the relevant report, and have lodged solemn representations with the US side. China urges the US to abide by the one China policy and the principles enshrined in the three joint communiques between China and the US, prudently and properly handle relevant issues and prevent similar case from emerging again.
Q: The negotiation on the Iranian nuclear issue on a comprehensive agreement is ongoing in Lausanne, Switzerland. How does China view the current situation?
A: In the final stage of the Iranian nuclear talks, Foreign Minister Wang Yi made a special visit to Switzerland, where he exchanged in-depth views with his counterparts on a wide range of issues and discussed what should be done to resolve the focal issues.
In order to move forward the negotiation, Foreign Minister Wang Yi brought about a four-point proposal on the future negotiation. First, political guidance should be upheld. Second, all parties should meet each other halfway. Third, a step-by-step and reciprocal process should be followed. Fourth, a package solution should be pursued.
After years of negotiation, remarkable progress has been made to resolve the Iranian nuclear issue. As an important party to the talks, China has been playing a positive and constructive role in the negotiation. Now the negotiation has come to its final stage, which is like the race to the top when climbing a mountain and the home stretch when running a marathon. It is hoped that parties concerned can seize the opportunity and strive for a comprehensive agreement at an early date.

Q: The US government launched a new sanctions program to target individuals and groups outside the United States that use cyber attacks to threaten US foreign policy, national security or economic stability. Given that China is often regarded as the major source of cyber attacks against the US, how do you respond to this move?
A: China firmly opposes and combats any form of cyber attack, and this stance remains consistent and clear. Cyber security bears on the common interests of all countries. Cyber attacks, usually launched across nations, are hard to trace back, thus requiring the common efforts of the international community through dialogue and cooperation on the basis of mutual respect and trust. China always disapproves one country's wilful use of sanctions on citizens and entities of another country following its domestic laws.
Q: Spain has reportedly applied to join the Asian Infrastructure Bank (AIIB). Please confirm this.
A: Please ask the multilateral interim secretariat of the AIIB for the specifics. As we have put it many times, we welcome the participation of any country as long as it is intended to join the AIIB.

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying's Regular Press Conference on April 2, 2015

Image Credit: Department of Defense
Confirmed: Pakistan Will Buy Eight Chinese Subs
Details on the type of vessel as well as the new fleet’s price tag remain unknown.


By Franz-Stefan Gady
April 02, 2015
Yesterday, the Pakistani government confirmed the purchase of eight new submarines from China. “The National Security Committee has approved, in principle, the acquisition of eight Chinese submarines,” Additional Secretary of the Ministry of Defense, Rear Admiral Mukhtar Khan, informedthe National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Defence in Islamabad.

Details on the type of vessels or their price tag are murky. IHS Jane’s quotes an unnamed Pakistani Foreign Ministry official who said that, “in the recent past, there have been reports of discussions for the Type 041 submarines.”

According to IHS Jane’s Fighting Shipsthe Type 041 Yuan-class is,“a diesel electric attack submarine (SSK), potentially with Stirling air independent propulsion, that is armed with YJ-2 (YJ-82) anti-ship missiles and a combination of Yu-4 (SAET-50) passive homing and Yu-3 (SET-65E) active/passive homing torpedoes.” The export version of the vessel allegedly displaces about 2,300 tons, according to public sources.

However, as I noted here, the Wuhan-based China State Shipbuilding Industrial Corp (CSIC) supposedly had already signed a contract in April 2011 to deliver six Type 032 Qing-class conventional attack submarines by 2016/2017. Apparently, this deal must be off the table now.

Still other media sources report that Islamabad will build submarines under license based on the Qing-class vessels displacing 3,000 tons: “Pakistan will also build two types of submarines with Chinese assistance: the Project S-26 and Project S-30. The vessels are to be built at the Submarine Rebuild Complex (SRC) facility being developed at Ormara, west of Karachi.”

The procurement of a new fleet of submarines constitutes Islamabad’s most expensive arms deal by far. Estimated total costs range between $4-5 billion. IHS Jane’s quotes a former Pakistani defense official who said that it is “difficult to imagine a price of less than USD 500 million per submarine, if not more.”

He also said that he suspects China to extend a long-term loan, possibly at a low interest rate. Another Pakistani military expert told the Financial Times that there are still many unknowns: “At this stage, we don’t know the exact financial terms and unless we know the financial terms we can’t be certain about the significance of this order,” he said. “Still, it’s an important contract for Pakistan.”

Ali Sarwar Naqvi, a former senior Pakistani diplomat, said about Beijing’s rationale behind the weapons deal: “China has its own strategic reasons to help Pakistan in this area. As India prepares to head in to the Pacific Ocean, the Chinese are looking to head in to the Indian Ocean.”
"the Pakistani government confirmed the purchase of eight new submarines from China."
The deal was signed in 2011 for Qing class type 041 submarines, but it was for 6, they have apparently added 2 to the initial deal, maybe to be made in Pakistan. These are big ones of 4000t to 6000t submerged, with AIP and an all electric propulsion system. If the price is at least 500 million $ per submarine, one should expect them to be some of the most sophisticated submarines in the world, since this is the same price as the German Type 214, but made in China, meaning they must have something much better than the type 2014, and sold to Pakistan at this price means also that they are very special submarines made to order by Pakistan...

Chinese Type 041 Qing Class Submarine

Chinese Type 041 Qing Class Submarine was launched at Wuhan Shipyard last year. It is rumored that Type 041 Qing Class Submarines are fitted with flank sonar arrays and improved targeting system to effectively provide guidance to the long-range antiship missiles and land attack cruise missiles.

Qing Class Submarine features hull mounted retractable foreplanes and very large hydrodynamically streamlined sail.

Type 041 Qing Class submarines may also be able to house vertical launch tubes in its sail section to launch cruise missiles.

Submarine's submerged displacement is around 4,200t.


Chinese Type 041 Qing Class Submarine | Chinese Military Review
"the Pakistani government confirmed the purchase of eight new submarines from China."
The deal was signed in 2011 for Qing class type 041 submarines, but it was for 6, they have apparently added 2 to the initial deal, maybe to be made in Pakistan. These are big ones of 4000t to 6000t submerged, with AIP and an all electric propulsion system. If the price is at least 500 million $ per submarine, one should expect them to be some of the most sophisticated submarines in the world, since this is the same price as the German Type 214, but made in China, meaning they must have something much better than the type 2014, and sold to Pakistan at this price means also that they are very special submarines made to order by Pakistan...

Chinese Type 041 Qing Class Submarine

Chinese Type 041 Qing Class Submarine was launched at Wuhan Shipyard last year. It is rumored that Type 041 Qing Class Submarines are fitted with flank sonar arrays and improved targeting system to effectively provide guidance to the long-range antiship missiles and land attack cruise missiles.

Qing Class Submarine features hull mounted retractable foreplanes and very large hydrodynamically streamlined sail.

Type 041 Qing Class submarines may also be able to house vertical launch tubes in its sail section to launch cruise missiles.

Submarine's submerged displacement is around 4,200t.


Chinese Type 041 Qing Class Submarine | Chinese Military Review
there wasn't any deal signed in 2011 ....

and Qing class was only a test bud

Pakistan is going for S20 submarines which is available for export .. these submarines will be equipped with AIP And SLCM
Great News...

I think Pakistan also needs to buy Nuclear and Ballistic Missile Type 092 / Type 094 subs from China, and German U-214 / U-216 subs...with these Chinese Type 041 / S20s.

Yes Qing Class is only a test bud....no updates yet.
here is the most important part in the news

media sources report that Islamabad will build submarines under license based on the Qing-class vessels displacing 3,000 tons: “Pakistan will also build two types of submarines with Chinese assistance: the Project S-26 and Project S-30. The vessels are to be built at the Submarine Rebuild Complex (SRC) facility being developed at Ormara, west of Karachi.”

So there will be 2 types of submarines project s26 and s30
Which one is expected to be bought Yuan or qing or both?
Which one is latest and best?
According to a December 2014 article in India Today, a Sino-Pak strategic submarine project launched in 2010 – and suffering from various setbacks according to other sources – will “transform the Pakistan Navy into a strategic force capable of launching a sea-based nuclear weapons strike.”

The article furthermore notes that,

“Pakistan will build two types of submarines with Chinese assistance: the Project S-26 and Project S-30. The vessels are to be built at the Submarine Rebuild Complex (SRC) facility being developed at Ormara, west of Karachi. Intelligence sources believe the S-30 submarines are based on the Chinese Qing class submarines-3,000-tonne conventional submarines which can launch three 1,500-km range nuclear-tipped cruise missiles from its conning tower. A Very Low Frequency (VLF) station at Turbat, in southern Balochistan, will communicate with these submerged strategic submarines.”

According to globalsecurity.org, the Wuhan-based China State Shipbuilding Industrial Corp (CSIC) signed a contract in April 2011 to deliver six Type 032 Qing-class conventional attack submarines by 2016/2017. “Each can carry three CJ-10K submarine-launched, 1,500km-range land attack cruise missiles (LACM) capable of being armed with unitary tactical nuclear warheads,” the article notes. Yet, globalsecurity.org emphasizes that the reports on this Sino-PAK contract “must be taken with a grain of salt.”

To make matters more complicated, most reports note that the submarines purchased will be six Type 041 Yuan-class vessels. Pakistan’s current submarine fleet consists of two upgraded French DCNS Agosta-70 and three Agosta 90Bs (equipped with air independent propulsion).

Does Pakistan Have a Sea-Based Second-Strike Capability? | The Diplomat
The dhotis are on fire, with subs all around it...Also with these beautiful S 20 / Type 041...Pakistan also needs to buy Nuclear and Ballistic Missile Type 092 / Type 094 subs from China, and German U-214 / U-216 subs...
8 subs (Originally we're in negotiation for 6)

6 MPA's (Complete surprise)

4 Frigs ( old news just popped out of nowhere today)


Meanwhile Army just approved to buy MI-35s.
3 Z-10s also landed ( supposedly free )


Other major acquisitions this year 8 xCutter ships

90+ SH-1 SP guns.

Nurol Arnoured vehicles



Jf-17 BLK II

The fk.
when did we order the ATR's?????sorry i could not keep my self updated due to my exams
If true I expect more reaction from India. Should do the same to SCS nations . Including Taiwan . And help IRAN with our new futuristic war ships . Openly or covertly don't matter . Because when India work hard to buy weapons and we have our problems to be taken care of . But Chinese comes and keep giving freebies to Pakistan which openly choose the path of self destruction path. This 8 submarine will give Pakistan a much needed advantages over surprised Indian fleet groups
Tu to tension hi le gya bhai..... abi to bas news ayi he...submarine ane de...phr kch kehna!!!:p:

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