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8 Chinese submarines approval & used western subs talks

Confirmed: Pakistan Will Buy Eight Chinese Subs

The Pakistani government has approved the purchase of eight new submarines from China. “The National Security Committee has approved, in principle, the acquisition of eight Chinese submarines,” Additional Secretary of the Ministry of Defense, Rear Admiral Mukhtar Khan, informed the National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Defence in Islamabad.

Details on the type of vessels or their price are murky. IHS Jane’s quotes an unnamed Pakistani Foreign Ministry official who said that, “in the recent past, there have been reports of discussions for the Type 041 submarines.”

According to IHS Jane’s Fighting Ships the Type 041 Yuan-class is a, “as a diesel electric attack submarine (SSK), potentially with Stirling air independent propulsion, that is armed with YJ-2 (YJ-82) anti-ship missiles and a combination of Yu-4 (SAET-50) passive homing and Yu-3 (SET-65E) active/passive homing torpedoes.” The export version of the vessels allegedly displaces about 2,300 tons.

However, as I noted here, the Wuhan-based China State Shipbuilding Industrial Corp (CSIC) allegededly signed a contract in April 2011 to deliver six Type 032 Qing-class conventional attack submarines by 2016/2017. Apparently, this deal fell through.

Still other media source note the construction of submarines in Pakistan based on the Qing-class displacing 3,000 tons: “Pakistan will also build two types of submarines with Chinese assistance: the Project S-26 and Project S-30. The vessels are to be built at the Submarine Rebuild Complex (SRC) facility being developed at Ormara, west of Karachi.”

The procurement of a new fleet of submarines will be one of Islamabad’s most expensive weapon deals of the last few decades. Estimated total costs range between $4 to 5 billion. IHS Jane’s quotes a former Pakistani defense official who said that it is ”difficult to imagine a price of less than USD 500 million per submarine, if not more.”

He also said that he suspects China to extend a long-term loan, possibly at a low interest rate. Another Pakistani military expert told the Financial Times that there still many unknowns: “At this stage, we don’t know the exact financial terms and unless we know the financial terms we can’t be certain about the significance of this order,” he said. “Still, it’s an important contract for Pakistan.”

Ali Sarwar Naqvi, a former senior Pakistani diplomat, said about Beijing’s rationale behind the weapons deal: “China has its own strategic reasons to help Pakistan in this area. As India prepares to head in to the Pacific Ocean, the Chinese are looking to head in to the Indian Ocean.

Confirmed: Pakistan Will Buy Eight Chinese Subs | The Diplomat
8 subs (Originally we're in negotiation for 6)

6 MPA's (Complete surprise)

4 Frigs ( old news just popped out of nowhere today)


Meanwhile Army just approved to buy MI-35s.
3 Z-10s also landed ( supposedly free )


Other major acquisitions this year 8 xCutter ships

90+ SH-1 SP guns.

Nurol Arnoured vehicles

The fk.
Which of nurol's armored vehicles are we producing.
Kingdom kiss din kaam aye ga two frigates will do multiple duties.

Its been a while since i heard from him..

Most likely one of our greatest enemies, as per some.

They have always been providing security of Al-Saud family.

Navy has been facing funding problems the deal of F-22Ps done two years earlier still awaits completion. So there will be something coming from somewhere. A mix of own,saudi and Chinese financing will be used. Pakistan's own fiscal space is very shrunk amid huge amount of funds being spent on internal security related operations.
Honestly we shouldnt give a damn even if sudia gave us the money because the reason that we will buy this shit that PN needs to make it a good adversary for the IN is because of them. So we should be thankful even if it pisses iran off because at the end of the day it's beter for our national interest.
i was thinking of this too.... Help them and they'll give you $$$$$$

I think it's because our sea limits increased from 200 nm to 350 nm
yup as evident by the eygptian case..
yemen problem is getting worse and nightmare for Pakistan..its ending up in situation when there are no neutral sides...already all of the arab world and turkey have sided with saudis.. i guess iran over did it this time by supporting a minority to over throw a well established majority govt, even providing them with air support
Which of nurol's armored vehicles are we producing.

Honestly we shouldnt give a damn even if sudia gave us the money because the reason that we will buy this shit that PN needs to make it a good adversary for the IN is because of them. So we should be thankful even if it pisses iran off because at the end of the day it's beter for our national interest.
Judging from ''shopping list'' of Pakistan .............. looks like we will soon jump in Saudia Arabia and then we will have what we want:agree:.....................
honestly, eygpt received over 10 billion dollars in Aid and promise of over 13 billion dollars for new capital city..

for us jumping in will be suicide even if we get similar amount of $$$..because we have 10% shia population that is extremely loyal to Iran no matter what type of policies iran continue down the line..
Talk to me only if you y have resilent. knowledge about the subject.Our ATV project has around 40 years old that was just sanctioned only after 1974.
The leased sub ,only for 3 years, in 1990s was under partial Soviet control .where our officers couldbnt even go to nuke reactor area.
Of course we got some Russian help but only through the consultation.
Our new SSK and SSBN are already in development.
And atfter all the economy of India is way different than yours.
You would know about 'shop candy' wouldn't you? Because India did lease an Akula from Russia even when it had no expertise of its own to build a nuclear sub. Pakistan can easily do just the same, lease a nuclear sub from China for 10yrs and learn the ins and outs while working on an indigenous one.
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