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5 Pakistani Soldiers Martyred in Attack by Terrorists from Afghanistan in Kurram District

I am not defense analyst or anything close to that but humbly .....

How would CAS help if your own HQ is under attack? And which jet PAF could have sent to bomb the hell out of FC HQ?

Yes may be out in the open in mountains where the enemy has the advantage and is out of reach of your fire, taking cover of terrain and is easily inflicting harm on your troops ........ but in close proximity of your own troops and in a population center where you have number strength and are defending your own installation?

We are not fighting in a foreign land ........ and this would be a sign of weakness and propaganda tool in the hands of our enemies ... "Pakistani jets bombing their own towns". And God forbid can't even imagine the fallout of any collateral damage in all this.

if you notice i wrote "or is it PAF does not want to participate in cross border strikes" what i meant was to strike the place where it's originating from, i do understand that in CQB situation there is nothing much airforce can do and for that our Cobra's were in the sky as deterrent or to find the cowards from sky, i admit that by using CAS term i might have created confusion, kindly accept my apologies on that.
Obviously they responded. But the issue is why again so many casualties ? Are the troops again baited by Fake IEA Disguised TTP terrorists ?
Troops are exposed when construction is happening and they may be bunched up close together, making for easy targets.
Usually when we are expecting resistance, we first flatten anything which looks suspicious.
if you notice i wrote "or is it PAF does not want to participate in cross border strikes" what i meant was to strike the place where it's originating from, i do understand that in CQB situation there is nothing much airforce can do and for that our Cobra's were in the sky as deterrent or to find the cowards from sky, i admit that by using CAS term i might have created confusion, kindly accept my apologies on that.
Do they have tool for situational awareness.
if you notice i wrote "or is it PAF does not want to participate in cross border strikes" what i meant was to strike the place where it's originating from, i do understand that in CQB situation there is nothing much airforce can do and for that our Cobra's were in the sky as deterrent or to find the cowards from sky, i admit that by using CAS term i might have created confusion, kindly accept my apologies on that.

If you remember Panjsher and the false propaganda it generated of Pakistani jets bombing Northern Alliance positions. Afghanistan no matter what the situation there is, is a sovereign state and our Jets even bombing our enemy hideouts will be a PR disaster. However if the interim Afghan government signs a public deal with us, may be it can become more legit. But would they? They too know anti Pakistan sentiment that exists in their populace.
And honestly the new ISI chief .... seriously, what the fk is he doing.

Planning Nawaz shareef return to power?

On the subject, seriously, time has come for civil society, media to start questioning these fat bellies in GHQ, what is the foking plan is? Those idiots so called journalists who attend ISPR briefings, need to open their gobs and start asking direct questions as to why everyone in military hierarchy of this country is binge drinking on sattu and having complete mental blockage?

"Time and place of our choosing",fk that! It's been more then two decades, 80k plus Pakistani have died, and counting. Where is this place, space and time? In some other parallel universe these d!ckheads hitting enemy nations in retaliation?

Yes, it's a war, we will take hit, nobody denying that. But where is the bloody retaliation against India, Iran and Afghanistan?

People bad mouth Zia. But there is a reason why Patriots miss him. He wouldn't have tolerated this non sense, let alone for this long!
Great another 5 soldiers lost today, I wonder how many we will lose tomorrow?

Just another daily terror attack
Troops are exposed when construction is happening and they may be bunched up close together, making for easy targets.
Usually when we are expecting resistance, we first flatten anything which looks suspicious.
That’s is why a team of infantry soldiers are sent along with fencing team to watch out for any attack.

It doesn’t take an Einstein to figure out that fencing team will be an exposed target.

Incompetence at every level. Starting from field grade officer and above . I would court martial him and his chain of command.
You need to read history. They did not accept Pakistan because peshawar used to be their winter capital and then Communists made space and they were staunch anti Pakistan. We inturn made madrassahs and radicalized them.
What u need to understand is those attacking Pakistan from Afghanistan or from inside are mostly Pakistanis. TTP is majorly Pakistanis, even those baloch terrorists hiding in Afghanistan are from Pakistan. U can blame ghani regime for hiding them and supporting them but u cant blame afghans.
Taliban are helping us and if we go on and do open attacks, it will make the population more anti Pakistan and make it more difficult for us to have good relations in future. We as a country cannot have enemies on all borders. Stop behaving like americans or indians.


Uttarkhand in india was nepali territory, Manipur in india was Burmese territory taken by the british. When hindu india became independent, Nepal and Burma signed treaties of friendship and never claimed their territory in fact made strong relations.

Why did Afghans not do that? If Durand line is a problem why didn't they settle it peacefully with a treaty?

In 40s and 50s and 60s, it was King Zahir Shah who was in charge. Why were they so anti Pakistan?

The reason is ethno-fascism, they are more ethnically proud than being muslims. Simple. Rulers are the reflection of people even in islam the concept is explained.

Now, Pakistani state as of now has no choice but to develop relations with Afghan Taliban. But whoever supports anti Pakistan elements whether its ghani or bunny or Afg talibs - message should be tough.

If Afghan Taliban are unwilling or unable to stop attacks from its controlled areas, Pakistan should have the right to strike inside Afghanistan. This like I said happened before after APS.

It does not matter, if its iran or afghanistan, anyone striking Pakistan ideally should be treated the same way either overtly or covertly- no exceptions.
RIP. Makes my blood boil with rage!
20 years of America-backed Indian presence in Afghanistan is not going to go away quickly. But it will go away! You know, despite some issues, Afghanistan was not the base for violent attacks inside Pakistan on such level from 1947-1979. That's where the situation will go back to. The Afghan Taliban are in a strategic embrace with Pakistan for self-survival and they will have to work with Pakistan. As for the Iranians, what can you say about a country whose topmost generals and scientists are taken out by powers who are not even their neighbors.
Wt is common in both noshki n kurram attack??
If u see the map u will see that on three sides both these places are surrounded by Pakistans neighboring country ie these terroties are basically inside the other countries.
People bad mouth Zia. But there is a reason why Patriots miss him. He wouldn't have tolerated this non sense, let alone for this long!

lets not bring the past now, after all siachin was captured during his time and the only retaliation was a rigged referendum in which he elected himself as president with full support from sharifs, watoos and chattas. Not to mention the ojri camp, karachi riots, Gilgit riots where countless were killed.

Anyways, every war has a price whether it was afghan war in 80s or 2000s. The elite ruling this country whether bhutto, zia, musharraf regime just doesnt want to change things since day one. Simple.
Seems like a coordinated efforts while our economy show some better sign in jan data we receive major attacks from TTP and an agreement between PMLN and PPP whereas on the same time India riased BD genocide issue on international forum ...

Seems like a planned moves ...
I think that's most likely to be the case.
Army has a superiority complex vis a vis Navy and Airforce. That is why the other two were kept in dark during Kargil and many other past engagements.

But army operate armed helicopters too. Can easily reach from Peshawar in 2 hours.
lets not bring the past now, after all siachin was captured during his time and the only retaliation was a rigged referendum in which he elected himself as president with full support from sharifs, watoos and chattas. Not to mention the ojri camp, karachi riots, Gilgit riots where countless were killed.

Anyways, every war has a price whether it was afghan war in 80s or 2000s. The elite ruling this country whether bhutto, zia, musharraf regime just doesnt want to change things since day one. Simple.

I can't believe people praise Zia ul Haq here!! I just can't! His allowing Afghan refugees in millions to live freely anywhere in Pakistan alone was a factor which led to destruction of Pakistani society, especially Peshawar and Karachi. Iranians had restricted the refugees to camps while Zia allowed the refugees much more freedom. Idiot!
You know in the 1970s, Pakistani crimes involved daggers or rarely pistols. By 1989, the crimes were committed using AK-47!! I recall when Karachi started to burn with violence in mid 1980s, Zia came to Karachi. When someone asked him to control the violence in Karachi, Zia said 'I don't have Aladdin's Lamp to curb the crimes'. This was from a sitting Army Chief with absolute power and full Western and Islamic countries' backing!! Never trust a mullah--whether shaved or not!

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