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5 Iranian soldiers kidnapped by militants, taken to Balochistan.


Sep 20, 2013
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Iran on Sunday denounced what it called Pakistan’s inability to secure its own borders after five Iranian soldiers were kidnapped and taken into its eastern neighbour by extremists.
“We are unhappy with the Pakistani government over the abduction of our guards and their transfer to Pakistan,” Fars news agency reported, quoting police chief Esmail Ahmadi-Moghadam as saying.
Jaish-ul Adl, the rebel group formed in 2012 whose name in Arabic means Army of Justice, has said it was behind the kidnapping in Iran’s restive southeast province of Sistan-Baluchestan.
The group posted pictures on its Facebook page it said were of the soldiers, handcuffed and being held in an unknown location. The foreign ministry in Tehran summoned Pakistan’s charge d’affaires, demanding that Islamabad “act firmly against the leaders and members of the terrorist group who have fled into Pakistan”, media reports said. Home to a large Sunni minority and ethnic Baluch in a predominantly Shia country, Sistan-Baluchestan province has been the scene of unrest in recent years. Jaish-ul Adl said in November it assassinated a local prosecutor, and in October it ambushed Iranian border guards, killing 14. In response, Iranian authorities executed 16 “rebels” - eight Sunni insurgents and eight drug traffickers. Another Sunni militant group Jundallah (Soldiers of God), whose leader Abdolmalek Rigi was hanged in June 2010, has also attacked civilians and officials in Sistan-Baluchestan.

Iran slams Pakistan
Iran complaints to Pakistan on abduction of five border guards - Tehran Times


TEHRAN – The Iranian police have complained to Pakistan’s border police over the abduction of five Iranian border guards, who were reportedly taken to Pakistan last week.

Speaking to reporters in Tehran on Sunday, National Police Chief Esmaeil Ahmadi-Moqaddam said, “The Iranian police will pursue the matter seriously.”

Jaish al-Adl, a little known rebel group, posted photos of the five men on twitter, claiming responsibility for the seizure.

Jaish al-Adl’s name was raised for the first time in October when they killed 14 Iranian border guards in an ambush near the city of Saravan in the southeastern Iranian province of Sistan and Baluchestan.

The group claimed the responsibly for the attack and said it was in retaliation for the alleged role of Iran in the Syrian crisis and the purported unfair treatment of Sunnis in Iran.
accommodating terrorists so they can launch attacks against neighbors is not what "brother nations" do.
its illogical to assume that one of the world's most powerful militaries is unable to get rid of bunch of idiots with beard, isnt it?
accommodating terrorists so they can launch attacks against neighbors is not what "brother nations" do.
its illogical to assume that one of the world's most powerful militaries is unable to get rid of bunch of idiots with beard, isnt it?

What are you suggesting that it is done deliberately? What does we gain by doing so?
Having said so Pakistan needs to develop a strict border policy and check and control. This is a cause of embarrassment for us.
no point in blaming govt. Of Pakistan.....
they have little/no control over border areas....its a fact...
however it is surprising that they support afgan Taliban,,,n at the same time r fighting against Pakistan Taliban....
What are you suggesting that it is done deliberately? What does we gain by doing so?
Having said so Pakistan needs to develop a strict border policy and check and control. This is a cause of embarrassment for us.
If this isn't deliberate, then it's extreme incompetence. How could large chunks of a country be such a free for all? This is Sudan/Somalia levels of free for all. How can armed terrorists just roam around back and forth across borders and do whatever in Pakistani territory? And then when Iranian border guards shoot them down, they start crying that we have a shoot on sight policy. Well, ****! Our border guards don't know if the guys coming over have been checked or not. It seems like anybody can grab weapons and cross the pakistani side without any trouble from authorities.

Does the central government even have any presence outside Islamabad? We're back to the days of the Wild West it seems.
If this isn't deliberate, then it's extreme incompetence. How could large chunks of a country be such a free for all? This is Sudan/Somalia levels of free for all. How can armed terrorists just roam around back and forth across borders and do whatever in Pakistani territory? And then when Iranian border guards shoot them down, they start crying that we have a shoot on sight policy. Well, ****! Our border guards don't know if the guys coming over have been checked or not. It seems like anybody can grab weapons and cross the pakistani side without any trouble from authorities.

Does the central government even have any presence outside Islamabad? We're back to the days of the Wild West it seems.

How about Iranian side of border, if your government claims that they come from Pakistani side, are your side to inept to detect and execute them instantly??????

accommodating terrorists so they can launch attacks against neighbors is not what "brother nations" do.
its illogical to assume that one of the world's most powerful militaries is unable to get rid of bunch of idiots with beard, isnt it?

How much Iranian has put efforts to secure their side of of border?
If this isn't deliberate, then it's extreme incompetence. How could large chunks of a country be such a free for all? This is Sudan/Somalia levels of free for all. How can armed terrorists just roam around back and forth across borders and do whatever in Pakistani territory? And then when Iranian border guards shoot them down, they start crying that we have a shoot on sight policy. Well, ****! Our border guards don't know if the guys coming over have been checked or not. It seems like anybody can grab weapons and cross the pakistani side without any trouble from authorities.

Does the central government even have any presence outside Islamabad? We're back to the days of the Wild West it seems.

Ok where are those days when ur Army was shelling inside Pakistan and that time you didnt show-up. Now they got some of ur people and you start whining and bitching.

Do us a favor please come inside Pakistani border and kill these pigs our Army is busy right now So can't help you.
How about Iranian side of border, if your government claims that they come from Pakistani side, are your side to inept to detect and execute them instantly??????

Please, this trying time is very hard on them. They lost 5 conscripts who had no training and no will to defend. Scapegoating these days are at an all time high, why cant iran take part in bashing the common country for world these days?

Do us a favor please come inside Pakistani border and kill these pigs our Army is busy right now So can't help you.

One of them did mention sending in their special forces for the job. I thought it was cute :)
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There is no doubt we Pakistanis are having trouble in Balochistan but Iran should understand that it also has weaknesses in Sistan-Baluchestan. Remember, they are the same people but issues are different. Where on our side they demand autonomy due to political and economic ignorance, on the other side of the border, they demand fair treatment of sunnis. No need to slam. Both countries need to slam dunk their own issues.
If this isn't deliberate, then it's extreme incompetence. How could large chunks of a country be such a free for all? This is Sudan/Somalia levels of free for all. How can armed terrorists just roam around back and forth across borders and do whatever in Pakistani territory? And then when Iranian border guards shoot them down, they start crying that we have a shoot on sight policy. Well, ****! Our border guards don't know if the guys coming over have been checked or not. It seems like anybody can grab weapons and cross the pakistani side without any trouble from authorities.

Does the central government even have any presence outside Islamabad? We're back to the days of the Wild West it seems.

Why would we want to destabilize Iran, haven't we got enough destabilization as it is in the form of Afghanistan, we dont need another. And before you criticize us of being incompetent, have a look in the mirror. Your soldiers were so incompetent that they got abducted by a bunch of terrorists.

There is no doubt we Pakistanis are having trouble in Balochistan but Iran should understand that it too also has weaknesses in Sistan-Baluchestan. Remember, they are the same people but issues are different. Where on our side they demand autonomy due to political and economic ignorance, on the other side of the border, they demand fair treatment of sunnis. No need to slam. Both countries need to slam dunk their own issues.

The reason Pakistan gets slammed every now and than is because we have a very inept government in the past and this one who just does not like to hit back whenever Pakistan is being slammed here and there. Even countries like Afghanistan slams Pakistan on regular basis and how do we respond, right by not uttering a word.:angry:
We need to take a page out of Indian book.
no point in blaming govt. Of Pakistan.....
they have little/no control over border areas....its a fact...
however it is surprising that they support afgan Taliban,,,n at the same time r fighting against Pakistan Taliban....

first try to get some information before hueling such accusations, secondly seeing how the terrorists like surjeet singh and sarbjeet singh indian terrorists crossed over to pakistan shows how much control you have on your border?

If this isn't deliberate, then it's extreme incompetence. How could large chunks of a country be such a free for all? This is Sudan/Somalia levels of free for all. How can armed terrorists just roam around back and forth across borders and do whatever in Pakistani territory? And then when Iranian border guards shoot them down, they start crying that we have a shoot on sight policy. Well, ****! Our border guards don't know if the guys coming over have been checked or not. It seems like anybody can grab weapons and cross the pakistani side without any trouble from authorities.

Does the central government even have any presence outside Islamabad? We're back to the days of the Wild West it seems.

yes, and iranian sectarian terrorists also get in, do sectarian terrorism easily?
accommodating terrorists so they can launch attacks against neighbors is not what "brother nations" do.
its illogical to assume that one of the world's most powerful militaries is unable to get rid of bunch of idiots with beard, isnt it?
They've been trying their darnedest, but have come a cropper each time. There are a gazillion terror gangs operating in North Western Pakistan who are out of control. Fighting an insurgency is no child's play! The PA needs the backing of the political establishment to go after those Yahoos. But right now, so called 'talks' are going on with the terrorists which needless to say are bound to fail!!

Will the PA go all out then? Do they have enough troops for the purpose? That's the million dollar question. If the answer is no, then expect more such cross border incidents.
The bull shit excuses coming from pakistani members are laughable.

Your country makes the old Wild West look like Belgium, but it's the fault of the border guards that they got kidnapped!
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