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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

He's high on something. He expects all debris to miraculously be all layed out around the aircraft like some staged nonsense. The mentality beggars belief.

Forgive me for my crude understanding, but reporter asks, "was it a helicopter or a jet?", answer: "jet, sir". This leads me to believe that Su-30MKI fell in vicinity and the chopper came to rescue. As the chopper circled overhead, IAF ordered shooting down of it's own chopper to create diversion from the first crash site, the killed Su-30MKI. Makes sense, eh? :-)
Budgam is more than 200 KM away from LoC.
Does PAF has missile that can hit a jet flying more than 200KM away from the LoC?? :)
Since it weekend and lock down.
I went down the memory lane.

And Watched this video of Abhinandan's Mig 21 wreckage. I didn't find one R-73 missile.

Yes, there is a seeker of R-73 but where is rest of the body? The parts R-73 Pakistan put in the demo is missing in the debris in this video. If anyone can point those parts in this clip, it'll remove doubts creeping in my mind.

Is it lingering doubts in your mind or lingering stains due to wet dreams that need removing?
Budgam is more than 200 KM away from LoC.
Does PAF has missile that can hit a jet flying more than 200KM away from the LoC?? :)
Have you seen the map? :-)

Forgive me for my crude understanding, but reporter asks, "was it a helicopter or a jet?", answer: "jet, sir". This leads me to believe that Su-30MKI fell in vicinity and the chopper came to rescue. As the chopper circled overhead, IAF ordered shooting down of it's own chopper to create diversion from the first crash site, the killed Su-30MKI. Makes sense, eh? :-)

Not really.
Raptor of the East... now Dogger of The East.... successfully dodging Yankee dandaz..
"Dogger of the east". Brilliant. Without even intending to, you described this phenomenon perfectly. The IAF truly does now resemble some clown in a field with his pants around his ankles not even sure himself what he's doing.
Kindly like to expand on that or are you just saying it? The ANI journo got us a clear answer.

I generally follow the philosophy that the simplest explanation is usually the most logical explanation. Expecting the IAF to do what you say in the heat of the moment, when information all around was sketchy, seems far fetched.
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And after Operation Swift Retort ...fell defeaning silence...for a couple of months PDF was deserted place... distress/disbelief in the Legions of TheGreatPajeetEmpire....

Then they the regrouped.... fashioned new realities based on CloudumTheorum and E=MSee fully powered by Nuclear Indianness...and they surfaced back on PDF....

Wave after wave...they came... TT after TT... Senior PakPoster after Senior PakPoster...tried... locked in EpicBattle with the Legions of TheGreatPajeetEmpire...with emperical evidence....with Gora sahib's analyses... NOTHING.

NOTHING could convince let alone defeat the Legions of TheGreatPajeetEmpire
.... ever so confident after graduating from WhatsAppUni ....

F Sola, F Sola, F Sola.... sweet Abhi killing all with his inner E=MSee ....and then from great depth of darkness rose The Raptor of the East... now Dogger of The East.... successfully dodging Yankee dandaz.... @StormBreaker @Blacklight @DESERT FIGHTER @Dazzler

One does wonder will this EpicBattle will deliver any result...

Will the Legions of TheGreatPajeetEmpire, the good Indians ever have the moral courage... oh and that thing called Honour...to accept that :

We Came in Broad Daylight, Gave the Danda, Shot Two Vimanaz and went back to collect sweet Abhi from the hands of rather unpleased Paks... giving him ritual welcome...

Will this EpictBattle ever come to a conclusion? @SIPRA @Khanivore @masterchief_mirza

They even recruited a geriatric with a heart condition, and a majoosi hindutva :omghaha:

As to your comment about Epic Battle = Well I wouldn't call it an "Epic Battle," any logical person can see, which side got left holding the c0ndom in their hands. They just come here to soothe their inferiority complexes and gloat.

Indian-Airmraam-missile - -.jpg
One does wonder will this EpicBattle will deliver any result... Will the Legions of TheGreatPajeetEmpire, the good Indians ever have the moral courage... oh and that thing called Honour...to accept that :
So far the Indian case has been utterly weak.

There are so many tell-tell signs that show the Su-30MKI got swatted like a fly on the wall inside IoK.

Eyewitness testimonies, IAF giving conflicting argument, with one source reporting 7 lost Su-30MKIs, few months later HT paper reports 12 lost while IAF looks for 12 replacements, whilsame time is IAF urgently looking to upgrade radar and EW/RWR systems + plus longer ranged BVRs for their Su-30MKI.

IAF is definitely acting rattled with their shifty behaviour. :-)

I generally follow the philosophy that the simplest explanation is usually the most logical explanation. Expecting the IAF to do what you did in the heat of the moment, when information all around was sketchy, seems far fetched.
Dude, why even bother with just this: "Not really." You got nothing to contribute so go play somewhere else. :-)
Forgive me for my crude understanding, but reporter asks, "was it a helicopter or a jet?", answer: "jet, sir". This leads me to believe that Su-30MKI fell in vicinity and the chopper came to rescue. As the chopper circled overhead, IAF ordered shooting down of it's own chopper to create diversion from the first crash site, the killed Su-30MKI. Makes sense, eh?
That is because this simple minded villager got confused as the Mi-17 crashed at 1000AM whereas MiG-21s were scrambled from Srinagar and Awantipora at 1001AM & 1003AM.
The helicopter crashed in Budgam around 10 a.m on February 27

Two Mig-21 Bisons were scrambled in two lots (10:01AM and 10:03AM) from Srinagar and Awantipora.

Which means he goy confused as he saw both the helicopters and jets over
head at about the same time.

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