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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

wait what?
Are you retarded or something?
And tell me how exactly does a missile fly without motor?
you are not even up to date with Indian propaganda factory.

well you answer yourself, he really is, this lot does not deserve a reply. if one can be densely stupid, its them.
Since it weekend and lock down.
I went down the memory lane.

And Watched this video of Abhinandan's Mig 21 wreckage. I didn't find one R-73 missile.

Yes, there is a seeker of R-73 but where is rest of the body? The parts R-73 Pakistan put in the demo is missing in the debris in this video. If anyone can point those parts in this clip, it'll remove doubts creeping in my mind.
If you see the downed abhi's mig 21, you can see the motor burn out on the top of rail. That's enough evidence that he fired r73.

When there is air flow the burns from guns and missile are not a factor.

Nandu was shot down as soon as he came close to the LOC---------Any IAF plane will be shot down if breeced the 25 km LOC line and 50 km International border.

I think yall should put This narrative to rest :).
Here's a very telling piece from Jane's DW (6 FEB 2020), yet another reassuring confirmation on how much the IAF got rattled by PAF's shooting down of an Su-30MKI "Dodger", clearly due to its rubbish radar/RWR, weak EW suite and pilots lack of coordination/disorientation. All the tell-tell signs are there for anyone to see. The poor Indian PDFers continue to live in fantasy land.

Since it weekend and lock down.
I went down the memory lane.

And Watched this video of Abhinandan's Mig 21 wreckage. I didn't find one R-73 missile.

Yes, there is a seeker of R-73 but where is rest of the body? The parts R-73 Pakistan put in the demo is missing in the debris in this video. If anyone can point those parts in this clip, it'll remove doubts creeping in my mind.
At 3:36 and at 4:35 in, you'll see the body of R-73 badly damaged, still attached to its pylon.
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The video you searched to go down memory lane isn't the only footage on the internet. I don't see the cameraman covering the whole jet, either. Its been shot by an amateur like you & I, and not by a professional Media Outlet.

I suggest you search harder - as you too are probably in lockdown (too). And since we are on Page# 624..., if you start scanning all the pages, you may get your answer - in detail.

In the mean time, here is bit more detailed information you are seeking by Air Vice Marshall Haseeb Paracha.

At 3:36 and at 4:35 in, you'll see the body of R-73 badly damaged, still attached to its pylon.
No, i'm looking for the other one. The one we see the seeker but rest of parts not seen in the clip. And in the demo put by Pakistan this missile was the least damaged one still missing in this 16 minute wreckage clip.
Since it weekend and lock down.
I went down the memory lane.

And Watched this video of Abhinandan's Mig 21 wreckage. I didn't find one R-73 missile.

Yes, there is a seeker of R-73 but where is rest of the body? The parts R-73 Pakistan put in the demo is missing in the debris in this video. If anyone can point those parts in this clip, it'll remove doubts creeping in my mind.

one indiot after another comes in thinking he has got the facts to prove us wrong but dont realize that it has been debunked 10000000 times by now.

The R-73 with visible seeker belongs to left wing which flipped upside own upon impact and exposed both damaged R-73 and R-77. The left wing took the most damage because that was where the missile impacted. The motor of that particular R-73 is still attached to launch rail. GO AND WATCH THE VIDEO AGAIN!
As for the right wing, both missiles dislodged under the wing however some parts are still available. This has been discussed many times and i advised you to do bit of more research before acting like a dork.
No, i'm looking for the other one. The one we see the seeker but rest of parts not seen in the clip. And in the demo put by Pakistan this missile was the least damaged one still missing in this 16 minute wreckage clip.

its a f-cking wreckage! not a air show display! Do you expect all missiles to be perfectly displayed in front of the wreckage? The left wing missiles exploded upon impact thats why parts of them were scattered around the wreckage where as the right wing dislodged under the wing.
Even the right wing R-77 is not fully visible because it was dislodged under the wreckage.
No, i'm looking for the other one. The one we see the seeker but rest of parts not seen in the clip. And in the demo put by Pakistan this missile was the least damaged one still missing in this 16 minute wreckage clip.
You're basing your entire defence for R-73 on some amateur's footage? :-)
one indiot after another comes in thinking he has got the facts to prove us wrong but dont realize that it has been debunked 10000000 times by now.

The R-73 with visible seeker belongs to left wing which flipped upside own upon impact and exposed both damaged R-73 and R-77. The left wing took the most damage because that was where the missile impacted. The motor of that particular R-73 is still attached to launch rail. GO AND WATCH THE VIDEO AGAIN!
As for the right wing, both missiles dislodged under the wing however some parts are still available. This has been discussed many times and i advised you to do bit of more research before acting like a dork.

I waiting for them to come up with another excuse..
1) pakistan botched the wreckage and put in burnt parts of their own missiles.
2) pakistan got it from iraq or yemen or another soviet block and smoldered it and put it there.
3) they didnt allow third party impartial folks to look at it.
4) The plane crashed due to technical problems in india and was nmoved to pakistan by pakistani army.
5) The plane was from 1999 kargil conflict and placed there.

Indians please pick one of them and if more can you share your list of excuses. i cant be as creative as them but i tried folks
its a f-cking wreckage! not a air show display! Do you expect all missiles to be perfectly displayed in front of the wreckage? The left wing missiles exploded upon impact thats why parts of them were scattered around the wreckage where as the right wing dislodged under the wing.
Even the right wing R-77 is not fully visible because it was dislodged under the wreckage.
He's high on something. He expects all debris to miraculously be all layed out around the aircraft like some staged nonsense. The mentality beggars belief.

Forgive me for my crude understanding, but reporter asks, "was it a helicopter or a jet?", answer: "jet, sir". This leads me to believe that Su-30MKI fell in vicinity and the chopper came to rescue. As the chopper circled overhead, IAF ordered shooting down of it's own chopper to create diversion from the first crash site, the killed Su-30MKI. Makes sense, eh? :-)

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