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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

can you provide your source to backup and stop blabbering

@TheTallGuy has said multiple times to let it go but it seems to me that you want to brush it against his face, he had theory and he wrote his assumptions, official version of the conflict which came out is against those assumptions, he was proven wrong, end of story, why are you giving him a hard time?

these forums are for discussion and to share views, if you find his views absurd than just ignore? chill out dude
@TheTallGuy has said multiple times to let it go but it seems to me that you want to brush it against his face, he had theory and he wrote his assumptions, official version of the conflict which came out is against those assumptions, he was proven wrong, end of story, why are you giving him a hard time?

these forums are for discussion and to share views, if you find his views absurd than just ignore? chill out dude

Sir, he is angry not because of me posting..he is actually frustrated that my analysis was wrong. what was not done..which should have been done.

that is the actual cause..he is correct in his venting of frustration.
Sir, he is angry not because of me posting..he is actually frustrated that my analysis was wrong. what was not done..which should have been done.

that is the actual cause..he is correct in his venting of frustration.
What you source you have, are you in Pakistani military, are you have relative in Pakistani military, in what base you this pathetic analysis of yours, and i am not frustrated but laughing at your so called pathetic analysis :lol::lol::lol::p:;):enjoy:
What you source you have, are you in Pakistani military, are you have relative in Pakistani military, in what base you this pathetic analysis of yours, and i am not frustrated but laughing at your so called pathetic analysis :lol::lol::lol::p:;):enjoy:
Frankly brother, let it be.
My claim of 8 kills was thoroughly swept away by PAF itself.
they are on record that they had 9 x aircraft including helicopter locked and loaded..they were given order to shoot one! that is Su-30MKI at start. which was done by Sqn Ldr. Hassan Siddiqui. 2nd order of shoot was given in "Majboori" because MiG-21 crossed LOC.

It hurts!

PAF & Political masters had shown too much of generosity to the enemy that day and in subsequent events.

Look where are we now..this will go down in history as a "Military Blunder" just as "Akhnur in 1965" was. for public consumption things are different.

Too much was given for far too less.
It's the key for then, now and in coming days...

I wonder if this is THE Abhinandan commenting on Kaiser Tufail's blog last year.
This specific page is titled "Deadly Stroke"
Nobody killed from our side. Might be another fake name by Indian media.

It took your military 12 days to destroy few trees after losing 44 men. Obviously we would take some time to avenge our trees.
Not really. The response would be given. And we all know that

Except modi and it's military nobody axed its foot.
In Islam we are only allowed to mourn for 3 days. But since we lost only few trees so hopefully we won't let you wait much.

Response is coming

Wait for it

Lets wait a few days

Don't behave like idiots. We did made them bleed after last surgical strike drama. I am definite something would do this time too
Same armed forces that are fooling you with same dramas?

Anyways response would come. That is for sure.

BC I just realized how correct I was on 26 Fenruary 2019

I can predict future :lol: :lol:
BC I just realized how correct I was on 26 Fenruary 2019

I can predict future :lol: :lol:
Media reports saying all IAF pilots accounted for.

Guess Pak wanted to capture some civilian like Kulbushan Yadav and pass him off as IAF pilot :lol::lol:

IAF just confirmed, all IAF jets and pilots are accounted for.

India rejects Pakistan's claim of Air Force jet being shot down, says all pilots accounted for: sources

Lagta hai khudke hi planes uda diye.

IAF pilots don't sport long mustaches unless he's a Sikh but he has no turban either.

I feel sorry for this gentleman hope pakistan will show some mercy we must stop the war and ask for our pilots every life matters

they have captured Indian pilots there are videos and pics all over the internet Pakistanis have won. Indian Armed forces are incompetent

I am worried for my man in your custody (if true). I am not worried about the eventual outcome of this battle.
Your guys killed 40 of our people in a suicide attack. You must pay the price.

I agree at least for the sake of Indian Armed forces there should be peace

IAF pilots are not allowed to keep mustaches. :enjoy:

Sorry guys, better luck next time. No damage to IAF Aircrafts. You F16 is down.
Just shows the reputation you enjoy as it is unbelievable that you could even shoot down one plane. Congrats on proving us wrong.
A separate thread shall be opened on this, where all these pearls of key Indian posters, on Feb 26/27 happenings, shall be posted together.:lol:
By all means. Indian defence forum loves to take screenshots of PDF posts anyway. Lets give them something to enjoy :enjoy:

View attachment 595266

I wonder if this is THE Abhinandan commenting on Kaiser Tufail's blog last year.
This specific page is titled "Deadly Stroke"
Who knows it's possible but can never be proven right. Unless you can get me that guys IP adress.
It's no secret that quite a number of jets were locked by each other during swift retort.

Fighters were constantly turning cold and hot to break these radar locks. Two JF-17s equipped with AESA and SD-10s were engaging and jamming IAF ground based radars. 4 F-16s had a radar lock on 7 to 9 IAF jets (all 4 mig 21s, 2 x su-30's and 2 other jets, likely mirage 2000s)
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