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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

PAF didn't sent 25 aircraft.

Only 4 mirages for ground attack and only 4 thunders for CAS.

There were some more doings CAPS isside the border as they have been doing for days that since the tensions raised

That's what they were probably picking up counting around 25.

Downing of their own chopper with Israeli missile might suggest that the Israeli systems have not been very well incorporated into Indian military. They might need - and probably have - Israeli operators and consultants based there to make use of these systems.
The part of the Mi-17 shootdown by the IAF that needs to be highlighted and talked about is the locals chanting Long Live Pakistan over and over again...I mean can you show me any other country where its citizens would cheer for its one and only adversary on top of the dead bodies of its own soldiers. That should be an eye opening situation for the Indian public about how completely their governments have fucked up and failed in Kashmir. Instead they just paint all Kashmiris as terrorists so its no wonder they pray for Pakistan to show the Hindus of India where their allegiances lie.

The second part of this whole episode is that the fratricide happened using an Israeli SAM. Hmm, first their Israeli bombs failed to hit their targets, and then their missiles scored an own goal. If anything, instead of running and crying to South Africa, Sweden, the US and every other member of the UN, they should really be asking for their money back from the terrorist nation state that sold them these. So much irony.

Hes smiling as he is grateful Pakistan Army came to his rescue. He wasnt smiling when getting pounded in the face by the Kashmiris.
You are missing the point

Indians know that Kashmir is a forceful iron hand occupation but they don't care

I think Indians know more about PAF than our Pakistani brothers. Pakistanis don’t even know PAF lost one F16.
After all Pakistani forces don’t tell casualties to its own senate, forget they will tell rest of Pakistani Citizens.
Pakistanis can know the reality of action from Indian sources. Since, India has Right to Information Act and govt. can’t hide info. Plus we have one of best mobile data rates in the world so info is easily shared. And our media is .... u know. Pakistani Establishment is concerned about Indian Media, that is why they made sure the POW says something about Indian Media.
PAF, last time in East Pakistan PAF could support their Army for only 3-4 days. At best they are only capable of giving a bloody nose when the force they are supporting is bleeding. In Western Side the similar story was repeated. So PAF is least of India’s concern. Diverting funds to unnecessary War, than for development of people is more concerning.
Please keep repeating and convincing urself that since PAF inflicted losses on IAF, there won’t be any other strike by IAF. The truth is IAF is going to visit again and again. It’s just the pilot project it will be enhanced on a scale now.
India is a country of more than a billion people, there r losses India can accept. Loss of 1000 means to ask questions on the effectiveness of system and use massive resources for revenge. We lose 1,50,000 every year to road accidents.
Why stop at one..why not say 5..india credibility is down the drain with balakot strikes
So now they are confirming what retired AVM Lateef was saying weeks ago, that this heli was downed by Indian friendly fire. He was laughing at the incompetence shown by the IAF and saying how the sacking of that senior IAF official was proof of that incompetence. Guess he must also be right about the SU30 downed at the same time!

you are right. Shahid latif said on the same very day. he also confirmed the kill of Su 30
PAF didn't sent 25 aircraft.

Only 4 mirages for ground attack and only 4 thunders for CAS.

There were some more doings CAPS isside the border as they have been doing for days that since the tensions raised
Yes, absolutely, Strike package bheyja tha.....baraat nahein bheyji the.

Karachi is under CAP since 8:00pm ....is it normal?
let see how our senior members take on this latest development. someone is telling on s/media that India is trying to stretch the air battle to rajhistan border....what is the significance of it ?
I think Pakistan has it covered. Dont worry.

Indian media quoting Mr. Divol is not comfortable with current situation he is pressing for more punishment to Pak. there are voices within BJP suggesting for de-escalation.
More punishment....this is good...come and drop a few more migs and sukois in pakistan
It's not over yet hence PAF hasn't held a press brief yet as it would be premature.
India is both damaged and humiliated and desperate to salvage it's tattered image by scoring with something like the Atantique incident. However PAF is very much on top of things ready to hit back even harder.
We believe, what we want to believe. There are so many versions of what happened on that day.
But for two professional air force, what does it mean ?
PAF used 'almost' all types of available resources for the attack (as stated by DGISPR). So, what next ? PAF must be searching for the answer. They will have to enhance the capabilities from now onwards.
IAF now knows, the kind of responses from PAF (or there may be some more surprises). They will bargain hard with govt for more resources.
It will be interesting to see future course of actions by two air forces.

The most defeatist post i have seen on this board in a while. The moment you reduce yourself to this level, your narrative goes down the drain.

Naivety to the core.

More Indian rubbish. However, we also need some Pak journo doing a similar type of video dispassionately narrating the true events and of course all the bits the Shekhar conveniently forgets.
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Layman question - the SU-30 is supposed to have Israeli, French and South African systems. Is the SU-30 facing obsolescence even with all these third party systems?

No, just a lame excuse for face saving purpose. It is a pretty decent system and has the potential to take on most modern fighters with its current suit of systems.

More Indian rubbish. However, we also need some Pak journo doing a similar type of video dispassionately narrating the true events and of course all the bits the Shekhar conveniently forgets.

Sir this is what i am saying since one month. actually our news outlets do not have the reach compare to our enemy propaganda machine . ISPR should also open a branch for info-warfare. Train your keyboard warriors to dilute information as they are doing ....trolling will not work.

More Indian rubbish. However, we also need some Pak journo doing a similar type of video dispassionately narrating the true events and of course all the bits the Shekhar conveniently forgets.
What is this nutjob saying can you summarized
My ears hurt when i listen to him
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