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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

We simply can't ... This is against global ethics and we will have problems in future rather we should lobby and use diplomacy to get that waiver and right now it is a perfect time furthermore, the moment F16 manufacturing line get closed US will have no interest to keep that clause ... So we should start pushing this now as F16 production line is expected to be closed permanently within a few years time
I guess we have different points of view to the issue. Maybe I am looking at it from a more global and strategic angle. Based on which I believe that it is going to be a diminishing returns relationship with the US from now on. The national interests of the two are no longer convergent. It is going to be even less so moving forward. You won't get anywhere by lobbying in the US anymore. So lesser eggs we have in that basket the better off we will be in the future.

But that is my opinion. You are welcome to yours.
I guess we have different points of view to the issue. Maybe I am looking at it from a more global and strategic angle. Based on which I believe that it is going to be a diminishing returns relationship with the US from now on. The national interests of the two are no longer convergent. It is going to be even less so moving forward. You won't get anywhere by lobbying in the US anymore. So lesser eggs we have in that basket the better off we will be in the future.

But that is my opinion. You are welcome to yours.

No brother, you are not realizing that dishonoring the contract terms will have far greater consequences then the benefit of upgrading F16s ...

Anyways you are entitled to your opinion ...
Where is the proof India shot one F-16 ?
ye lo ji :rofl:
I think Indians know more about PAF than our Pakistani brothers. Pakistanis don’t even know PAF lost one F16.
After all Pakistani forces don’t tell casualties to its own senate, forget they will tell rest of Pakistani Citizens.
Pakistanis can know the reality of action from Indian sources. Since, India has Right to Information Act and govt. can’t hide info. Plus we have one of best mobile data rates in the world so info is easily shared. And our media is .... u know. Pakistani Establishment is concerned about Indian Media, that is why they made sure the POW says something about Indian Media.
PAF, last time in East Pakistan PAF could support their Army for only 3-4 days. At best they are only capable of giving a bloody nose when the force they are supporting is bleeding. In Western Side the similar story was repeated. So PAF is least of India’s concern. Diverting funds to unnecessary War, than for development of people is more concerning.
Please keep repeating and convincing urself that since PAF inflicted losses on IAF, there won’t be any other strike by IAF. The truth is IAF is going to visit again and again. It’s just the pilot project it will be enhanced on a scale now.
India is a country of more than a billion people, there r losses India can accept. Loss of 1000 means to ask questions on the effectiveness of system and use massive resources for revenge. We lose 1,50,000 every year to road accidents.

Ohhh that is the breaking news. Bro why do you waste your (as well as ours) time by writing long posts. IAF will be welcomed again in the same fashion.

"So PAF is least of India’s concern" really? read statements from your PM and IAF chief...are they in line with what you are saying?
Where is the proof India shot one F-16 ?

It is in the fact that IAF decimated PAF after an IAF Bison downed a Falcon.

Hold on a second, IAF did not decimate PAF, infact IAF disengaged and stopped challenging PAF to the point where the PM of India had to claim that the situation would have been different if the IAF had Rafale. Not just that even the IAF chief boldly claimed that once Rafale come, PAF will not come to the border. All this is sufficient evidence that IAF was ***** by PAF in such a devastating manner that it broke all morale of IAF after which IAF most likely refused to take on PAF and thus the cessation of hostilities as Government of India had no other option but to back down.
The part of the Mi-17 shootdown by the IAF that needs to be highlighted and talked about is the locals chanting Long Live Pakistan over and over again...I mean can you show me any other country where its citizens would cheer for its one and only adversary on top of the dead bodies of its own soldiers. That should be an eye opening situation for the Indian public about how completely their governments have fucked up and failed in Kashmir. Instead they just paint all Kashmiris as terrorists so its no wonder they pray for Pakistan to show the Hindus of India where their allegiances lie.

The second part of this whole episode is that the fratricide happened using an Israeli SAM. Hmm, first their Israeli bombs failed to hit their targets, and then their missiles scored an own goal. If anything, instead of running and crying to South Africa, Sweden, the US and every other member of the UN, they should really be asking for their money back from the terrorist nation state that sold them these. So much irony.

Sir could u notice wingco Abhi is smiling and in high spirits even after being beaten on face and bleeding. He was proud he snared F16. His video as POW was edited just after whr he mentions he was looking for targets. It’s ok Sir India is a free information society unlike some of our neighbors.

Now it’s known after enquiry, Mi 17 was fratricide, may the soul of deceased rest in peace.

Hes smiling as he is grateful Pakistan Army came to his rescue. He wasnt smiling when getting pounded in the face by the Kashmiris.
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