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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

That exactly is puzzling (rather than loss of Su30). If I remember correctly during press conference by Indian Army, it was called an act of war, still no response. What are they waiting for ? Elections ? surprised by Pakistan response or better senses has prevailed due to influence of global players ?
That exactly is puzzling (rather than loss of Su30). If I remember correctly during press conference by Indian Army, it was called an act of war, still no response. What are they waiting for ? Elections ? surprised by Pakistan response or better senses has prevailed due to influence of global players ?
they learn hard lesson now they are waiting for rafale as IAF chief and modi said
But similar time will be taken by Block 3, PL15 and other goodies (considering blk 3 will start joining in 2 to 3 years time and 2 to 3 years for training developing and learning tactics with new goodies) ... But we definitely need to upgrade our vipers to V standard in the similar time fram to keep a strong punch
Will it be a viable approach going the US route in the future, for our defence needs?
Can we do something like what Turkey is doing in their Ozgur Viper project?

Turkey has commenced retrofitting its F-16 Block 30 fleet with an indigenous mission computer and avionics developed by ASELSAN, hence enabling Turkey to integrate non-US sub-systems and avionics onto their F-16s.

F-16 Ozgur aircraft are currently on active duty with Aselsan Helmet Mounted Cuing sytems, indigenous Mission
Computer, Indigenous IFF, Aselsan MFD, ASELPOD etc.

A GaN based AESA radar is in advanced stages of development and maybe available by 2020.
Indian army tanks moving towards IB


No we cant ... our procurement contract do not allow us any.modification on our own ... may be in future we negotiate to remove those clauses
Will it be a viable approach going the US route in the future, for our defence needs?
Can we do something like what Turkey is doing in their Ozgur Viper project?

Turkey has commenced retrofitting its F-16 Block 30 fleet with an indigenous mission computer and avionics developed by ASELSAN, hence enabling Turkey to integrate non-US sub-systems and avionics onto their F-16s.

F-16 Ozgur aircraft are currently on active duty with Aselsan Helmet Mounted Cuing sytems, indigenous Mission
Computer, Indigenous IFF, Aselsan MFD, ASELPOD etc.

A GaN based AESA radar is in advanced stages of development and maybe available by 2020.
No we cant ... our procurement contract do not allow us any.modification on our own ... may be in future we negotiate to remove those clauses
Well if we want to see an AESA powered Viper, then we may have to sacrifice the contract with the US. Because I don't believe the US will allow further military sales of any sort to Pakistan. We may have to scrounge for engines parts, but electronically speaking, we will be better off in the long run.

Just my two cents.
Well if we want to see an AESA powered Viper, then we may have to sacrifice the contract with the US. Because I don't believe the US will allow further military sales of any sort to Pakistan. We may have to scrounge for engines parts, but electronically speaking, we will be better off in the long run.

Just my two cents.
We simply can't ... This is against global ethics and we will have problems in future rather we should lobby and use diplomacy to get that waiver and right now it is a perfect time furthermore, the moment F16 manufacturing line get closed US will have no interest to keep that clause ... So we should start pushing this now as F16 production line is expected to be closed permanently within a few years time
I think Indians know more about PAF than our Pakistani brothers. Pakistanis don’t even know PAF lost one F16.
After all Pakistani forces don’t tell casualties to its own senate, forget they will tell rest of Pakistani Citizens.
Pakistanis can know the reality of action from Indian sources. Since, India has Right to Information Act and govt. can’t hide info. Plus we have one of best mobile data rates in the world so info is easily shared. And our media is .... u know. Pakistani Establishment is concerned about Indian Media, that is why they made sure the POW says something about Indian Media.
PAF, last time in East Pakistan PAF could support their Army for only 3-4 days. At best they are only capable of giving a bloody nose when the force they are supporting is bleeding. In Western Side the similar story was repeated. So PAF is least of India’s concern. Diverting funds to unnecessary War, than for development of people is more concerning.
Please keep repeating and convincing urself that since PAF inflicted losses on IAF, there won’t be any other strike by IAF. The truth is IAF is going to visit again and again. It’s just the pilot project it will be enhanced on a scale now.
India is a country of more than a billion people, there r losses India can accept. Loss of 1000 means to ask questions on the effectiveness of system and use massive resources for revenge. We lose 1,50,000 every year to road accidents.

I'm not certain as to what the percentage is of the people (in India) that actually believe the Air Strikes took place in Balakot or not. And I know that you don't have a remote clue either. But then its a Indian thing, i'll leave it at that.
I am curious as to how you have come to the conclusion that the situation of the Indian Forces has never been better... I'm actually stunned that you were able to complete that sentence with 'PAF' in it.
What exactly is open? Do you think that Strike Packages (by any Nation) is like driving to Baskin Robbins late nite when you can't sleep...? Even (if) India were to attempt/embark on that treacherous journey, the repercussions would be precisely the same as they were on the eve of 27th Feb. You recall that day, right?!Leaving the Abhi Story aside, your IAF (coincidentally) lost 02 other equipment around that time. Hope you have a better coverup in your so-called "Strike Package in Peace Times".
Someone attacks Mumbai...Bombay or whatever the hell you're calling it these days. Take it up with them. Your PM suffers from Diarrhea, ya'll blame Pakistan.
As for Lahore & Karachi, those cities see action everyday. Just try getting through Saddar during rush hour...
I think Indians know more about PAF than our Pakistani brothers. Pakistanis don’t even know PAF lost one F16.
After all Pakistani forces don’t tell casualties to its own senate, forget they will tell rest of Pakistani Citizens.
Pakistanis can know the reality of action from Indian sources. Since, India has Right to Information Act and govt. can’t hide info. Plus we have one of best mobile data rates in the world so info is easily shared. And our media is .... u know. Pakistani Establishment is concerned about Indian Media, that is why they made sure the POW says something about Indian Media.
PAF, last time in East Pakistan PAF could support their Army for only 3-4 days. At best they are only capable of giving a bloody nose when the force they are supporting is bleeding. In Western Side the similar story was repeated. So PAF is least of India’s concern. Diverting funds to unnecessary War, than for development of people is more concerning.
Please keep repeating and convincing urself that since PAF inflicted losses on IAF, there won’t be any other strike by IAF. The truth is IAF is going to visit again and again. It’s just the pilot project it will be enhanced on a scale now.
India is a country of more than a billion people, there r losses India can accept. Loss of 1000 means to ask questions on the effectiveness of system and use massive resources for revenge. We lose 1,50,000 every year to road accidents.

Where is the proof India shot one F-16 ?
Bhangis finally admitting to what we all knew all along ... they shot one of their own in utter chaos. I bet they will award some gallantry medal to that AD unit for its super preparedness against anything taking off from their own bases haha

Someone tell that poor father of Pankaj Kumar to lay blame exactly where it belongs, with their military and civilian leadership


Where is the proof India shot one F-16 ?
Their proof is the unsubstantiated claims of their media
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