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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

The Mi-17 incident is still under investigation, so don't worry about that. As for the Su 30, nothing happened to it. If it would have crashed in Kashmir , it would be all over the news as internet still works there but can't say the same for Azad Kashmir , they have had their internet turned off for sometimes , so a F-16 crashing there , wouldn't even make the news. Perfect cover up for our special neighbours.
The worry is for you to find out whether it was taken out by an AMRAAM or one of your own gung ho pilots.
As for the rest, I'm sure Modi is crying for Rafales through his love for Ambanis.
It doesn't take a genius to work out why in the presence of some 200 SU-30s he still feels insecure.
but can't say the same for Azad Kashmir , they have had their internet turned off for sometimes , so a F-16 crashing there , wouldn't even make the news.
And you dumb think for that reason, news or a video of crashed aircraft will never come out even after a month time. :hitwall:
If F-16 was downed, your papa america would have informed you first.
Please don't quote me unless you have something constructive to add. Counter with facts , not with childish jibes.
Here are a few facts for you to review...

Here are a few videos for you to review..., since you just showed up.

Here is one of my fav. Christine Fair, who is a regular on Indian Media speaks her mind on the Balakot Strikes. Be my guest if you wish to watch the entire video. This US professor who hails from Georgetown Uni. hates Pakistan, but here she rips the IAF to shreds.

Check Time - 15:15

At 15:40 she clears up all the b.s. about what Pilots can & CANNOT do from the sky.

If internet was turned off then this idiot thinks that movies and pics of abhinandan and other videos n pics from the same AJK area were uploaded with in minutes without internet? :cuckoo:
I think everyone around the world knows which nation is a story teller. Lying about facts has been deeply instilled in the government/dictatorship across the border, Whether it be the 86/87 f-16 crash/shot down incident or be it any other incident/skirmishes/wars with the neighbours.

Well, its been proven for long and a refresher has been done since 26th Feb, 2019 as how Indian Establishment & Indian Military been caught lying for every single claims.

The Mi-17 incident is still under investigation, so don't worry about that. As for the Su 30, nothing happened to it. If it would have crashed in Kashmir , it would be all over the news as internet still works there but can't say the same for Azad Kashmir , they have had their internet turned off for sometimes , so a F-16 crashing there , wouldn't even make the news. Perfect cover up for our special neighbours.

All the videos being shared on the forum from day first are from Azad Kashmir unlike total black out in Indian Occupied Kashmir. All the videos are being recorded from Azad Kashmir side and every proof indicates the same except that you have to tow the deliberate Indian line.
Don't believe everything you read online. Everybody wants to show that they have a "source," or "sources" just to feed their overinflated ego. Doesn't matter how far it is from the truth, or how stupid they look when saying "AMRAAM's failed when fired from 30km+", cherry on the cake: not one, but "FEW"

@Tps43 @Signalian Check out the goras version of events, seems they like desi too!
Eastern desis hahaha
i read tom cooper comment from f-16.net on this 27 feb situation.actually he isn't a fan of paf pilots but he made an interesting point about awacs.....

"There was no 'dogfight' on 27 February.
The PAF was 'orbiting' on one side of the LOC, the IAF on the other. Then the PAF found an opportune moment: Su-30MKIs were heading in opposite direction (one can't orbit in direction of the opponent all the time), and it appeared to the Pakistanis that nobody is airborne over Srinagar. So, they sent 4 F-16s 'in'.

As these 4 F-16s moved in, the Su-30MKIs turned to intercept, in turn prompting the other 4 F-16s to engage them. That's how it happened few AIM-120C-5s 'migrated to India'. But, since AMRAAMs were fired from 30km+ away, all missed.

Furthermore, the problem is there's a mountain chain with 4,000m (that's about 13,000ft) high peaks in between the LOC and Srinagar. Thus, the PAF AWACS missed the IAF scrambling several MiG-21s from Awantipora FOB and Srinagar AB in response to ingressing F-16s. Yes, ladies and gentlemen: contrary to video games, in reality radars can't see through mountains. First surprise here, I guess.

So, when the MiGs climbed over that mountain chain... 'surprise, surprise': they found themselves at 15,000ft+ - high above F-16s that were ingressing at about 7,000ft. The lead MiG dove, ignoring the fact he's crossing the LOC while doing so, one of F-16s came up towards the MiG. What happened next is unclear.

...that is: until the moments captured on several cell-phones, showing that MiG going down in flames".
This dude is a diabolic PAF hater, he was all over claiming that we lost an F16 despite no proof and own denial. Very biased.
By the Air strike Modi’s graph against coalition has increased manifolds. In fact there is no one near him.
The situation for Indian forces has never been better, fighting PAF in Azad Kashmir JUST WOW. Everything is open now. Pakistan Forces will have to now take into consideration IAF strike packages during peace times. They will have to secure their non state actors as well that would mean increased costs.
Some one attacks Mumbai, Lahor and Karachi will see action.
Now the next Indian Govt.s will have pressure as to why they didn’t cross the boundary when Modi could.
(Air chief marshal Anil Yashwant Tipnis served as the 18th chief of the Indian Air Force from 1998 to 2001. It was during his tenure that the IAF undertook combat operations in the Kargil War. He was speaking to Justin Paul George.)
The Su-30MKI's technology is dated in all parameters. In addition, with respect to failure rates, reliability, sortie-generation capabilities and a host of other performance parameters, the Su-30MKI ranks a poor second to even its predecessor in the IAF, the Mirage 2000.

An IAF fighter pilot, who has also trained young pilots, explained that this lesson was driven home by the February 27 aerial engagement over Rajouri. "To put it in simple terms, we needed to put two Sukhois against each F-16 to avoid these hits. If we had the Rafales with Meteor missiles, the roles would have been reversed. Pakistan would have to put out two F-16s for every Rafale with Meteor,” he said.
“When I was flying in the Kargil war, this was not the situation. Pakistani F16s did not have the AMRAAMs then, and we had better missiles. They got AMRAAMs in 2011 and that has put us at a disadvantage, which will be fixed by the Meteor missiles,” he said.

Four Sukhoi-30s, the IAF’s most powerful air-superiority aircraft, were involved in the melee at beyond visual range (BVR). They were surprised by the PAF F-16s firing their American AMRAAM missiles from so far that their own radar/computer/missiles were not able to give them a “firing solution”. Translated: India’s best fighter, which constitutes half of the IAF’s combat force, was outranged and outgunned.
How did Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman cross the LoC? He was in visual pursuit of a PAF fighter for sure. But his controller was warning him to return. He didn’t. Because he couldn’t hear. As you’d expect in 2019, the battle zone had full radio-jamming. That’s why modern fighters have secure data links. Why didn’t that MiG have it?
We’ll continue to hear counters to this info in terms of “things have changed”; but both fixes to the general obsolescence of the Sukhoi’s electronics and fighting concepts along with Rafale being integrated into their Orbat will take 5 years easily.
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