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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

Or because when abhi was taken to the hospital he thought it was second pilot..
My gut feeling is that the second injured IAF pilot died of injuries OR the IAF has abandoned him under civil govt pressure (to save Modis face) which is actually even worse as Pakistan is then free from all obligations on how he is treated to extract information- Indians should actually be vigilant in asking their govt if this is not true, and account for all losses instead of getting played into Modis hand, who didn’t care to let 1000s of Muslims get butchered in Gujrat for his politics.
Amazing you Indians manage to provide some proof of F16 firing an AMRAAM behind IAF, and that equates to an F16 kill!!!

Ok for the last time
, IF F16 was down then there is no way we mistook OUR own pilots, who wear PAF badge and Flag with ID #, for an IAF pilot!! If we took him to the hospital, you think we still couldnt figure out that our own jet is shot and the pilot is from PAF!
Either DGISPR was simply lied about the second pilot OR its actually Pak aaving India further embarrassment OR it maybe The poor chap died of injuries and Pak reversed it to not escalate te situation. Take your pick - but definitely the theory of we mistaking PAF pilot as IAF is absurd.

What if he was totally bad shape and cant easily identify?

MIA of a pilots is very serious in India.
So this story wont work here
What if he was totally bad shape and cant easily identify?

MIA of a pilots is very serious in India.
So this story wont work here
You are now just adding more assumptions to a claim that is already just based on assumptions (no clear evidence of F16 crash or mob lynching of a pilot), which with all due is becomming absurd. Even if I take this assumption for the sake of argument as I am a lenient person, what about the uniform, the badges, the flag that every soldier wears, the douchments and ID that everyone carries? So this shows that those were not PAF pilots mistaken for IAF, as I would similarly expect for IAF to not mistake its own downed pilots for PAF pilots - the identity would have been determimed by the time they were admitted to the hospital !
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Here is the video clip that shows PAF aircraft was down and at least 2 PAF pilots deployed their parachutes:
Might be your raptor of the east MKI @mikeexpendable93
Taiwan Air Force rebuffs Pakistani Claims. Says Aim 120 serial no. does not belongs to Taiwan.

The Air Force in Taipei said Friday afternoon that after checking the information, it had concluded that the identification numbers shown did not match any of its missiles, and were not compatible with any weapons systems in its possession, the Central News Agency reported.

Ok then its a prove that something down in IOK either MKI or twin seat MIG-29 by F-16+ AMRAAM @The wheel of time
My school mate S.L of F.16 witch is not part of the retaliation team upon contacted by me he just replied that we have shot down big fat boggy.

The one that landed at the other side of the border.
My school mate S.L of F.16 witch is not part of the retaliation team upon contacted by me he just replied that we have shot down big fat boggy.
makes sense. there is just far too much mistrust between Pakistan and india's new "strategic ally" united states for us to risk using the F-16 especially at the moment when we were trying to send across a deliberate and overwhelming message to india to stay in auqaat! would just stupid to risk it, who knows what info that crooked uncle sam has given to the indians about our F-16s.
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