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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

HA ...HA....HA.... Pakistan would have paraded them also if captured really....

But its simple to understand "if GOI says it its all propaganda and falls... But if DGISPR says it... it must be true.."
We will prade them don’t u worry

GOI is talking without evidence or the best they can do is to record and release short clip from pubg
So the "three captured Indian pilots" turned to "one captured Indian pilot".

A very simple question, who were the other two pilots?

The only conclusion is that Indian were right and one Pakistani fighter has been shot down, either by India or by it's own air defense.
LoL - some mental gymnastics here to save your friends face here I guess. The Indians are making the claim they should come up with proof.
The correction can mean many things if we speculate:
1) could be dead?
2) could have managed to escape
3) the second jet was in IOK so maybe they were too close to the LOC and we thought they landed on our side but didnt.
There is only unnamed and unsourced Indian eye witness claim of so called Pakistani jet crashing - which Pakistan officially denies - the Indian jets were shot and may have been confused by Indians as their own?
See without backing of concrete evidence we can speculate in so many directions inconclusively.
So the "three captured Indian pilots" turned to "one captured Indian pilot".

A very simple question, who were the other two pilots?

The only conclusion is that Indian were right and one Pakistani fighter has been shot down, either by India or by it's own air defense.
A question no one would answer but on lighter note we have got few F-16,loss of one cannot be hidden.
Indian MOUs of their ADGE on the LOC, who saw their own Mig-21 getting shot down have reported a Pakistani F16 being killed. This is the skill level of their Air Defense during daytime.

Sir g not very long ago they (indians) had spotted UFOs ....... if we were to believe them pulwama to mujay kissi alien ki karwai lagti hy.
Honestly, in Pakistan nothing hides away from the public in broad daylight. If an F-16 really crashed, someone would've said a word or two about it. But whatever floats your boat. Come with a proof and I'll be the first one to support your claim. You guys can brag about it but it's not going to change the fact that two of your planes were shot down and surgical strikes conducted in your sovereign territory + a pilot in our custody (all with enough proofs from both government & public sources)
I stick with MEA version one PAF fighter jet shotdown. surely they will have radar and AWCAS readout
HA ...HA....HA.... Pakistan would have paraded them also if captured really....

But its simple to understand "if GOI says it its all propaganda and falls... But if DGISPR says it... it must be true.."

LOL what makes you think we don’t have them? Just because we haven’t paraded them doesn’t mean we don’t have them.

Perhaps we want to keep other two for whatever reason. We won’t reveal their identities LOL

See, you are desperate and confused about the other pilots and that is the way want it to be. We want you to crave for the other pilots LOL
We will prade them don’t u worry

GOI is talking without evidence or the best they can do is to record and release short clip from pubg
sir how many aircrafts involved in that operation
Indian MOUs of their ADGE on the LOC, who saw their own Mig-21 getting shot down have reported a Pakistani F16 being killed. This is the skill level of their Air Defense during daytime.
Yes,But if indeed they shot down a Pakistani aircraft the backup aircraft must have escaped as India claims too have lost one aircraft but Indians might say abinandan was lone wolf well no air force in the world allows lone wolf kinda actions against several incoming aircraft that's just absurd.
Seriously which world do you indians live in? If you missed it my today's opening post here is reflective of how direly I wish peace and stability for this region. Our DG ISPR and our PM are on record, watch their video messages and learn something. War on terror and drones are a thing of recent past it wasn't our Tribals only the whole of Pakistan suffered at hands of it. And I hope you don't take us some aam fools like you who don't know who was behind all that.

Please don't try provoking my other side ........... just accept our gesture of peace and don't mistake it as our weakness, we haven't forgotten who killed our children ..... your aam admi may be a phattu who gets exploited again and again on mere Pakistan bashing, we on the other hand in our normal peaceful lives don't give a damn about india or its aam admi .... and be assured if the time comes you will see our aam admi standing on the front facing your bullets. We are not you. How hard is that to understand?

I could give a point by point rebuttal for everything you posted but at this point in time i dont want to take this any further...moreover whats the point of arguing with you an aam aadhmi just like me ?...our arguments and counter arguments going to have any positive impacts on future course of action by the powers that be on both sides of the border ? do they come and take yours or my permission before they do anything ?...nope.
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