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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

Now changing the goal posts, arent we?

I never said mid 70s, I said late 70s and through out 80s. As it turns out, it went through to as far as 2000.

So since it was not mid 70s but it was from 80s to 2000, it still does not qualify as suicide bombings because it was done by "kosher" Indian trained terrorists?

C'mon, reveal your true self. It is interesting to see the pacific mask leaving that face...

That is good enough; what you said is what you need to corroborate. Nothing more, nothing less.

Second, why it does not qualify is embedded in the questions that I have asked you. If you had even a glimmering of the events of the times, you would have no difficulty in making the connection that stares you in the face, that conclusively discredits any of these schoolboyish speculations without any foundation.

I have already said, and I see no reason to repeat this beyond this repetition, put up, or shut up.

Get to the point, or get off your fact-free accusations. :enjoy:
we should go deep inside india like they come to kpk penetrating iok is not enough for paf

They did not come to KPK. To travel there from Kashmir, you have to cross Islamabad and width of Punjab. How can they go undetected traveling that far?

This is Indian propaganda naively taken by Pakistanis. There is Balakot in Azad Kashmir. Thats where it happened.
I certainly hope not! As much as I would love to see India being taught a lesson in humility and hopefully basic human decency, I do not want to see massive civilian death. I am sure this is just precaution.

isnt the salt for weapon creation
Now changing the goal posts, arent we?

I never said mid 70s, I said late 70s and through out 80s. As it turns out, it went through to as far as 2000.

So since it was not mid 70s but it was from 80s to 2000, it still does not qualify as suicide bombings because it was done by "kosher" Indian trained terrorists?

C'mon, reveal your true self. It is interesting to see the pacific mask leaving that face...

Let me go further.

Identify ONE suicide bombing from the 1980s.
Can't deny that we have capabilities on both sides but there is not point in claiming victory over anything. The next few days will be tense, we might be staring at the first proper war in more than 40 years. Smart people on both the sides will be busy creating set-pieces and battle strategies right now, but the smartest would be busy figuring out an exit strategy.

I sincerely hope the is the case.
While experts warned that the clash could easily escalate out of control, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan told his nation Wednesday that he wanted to avoid war with India and urged, “Let’s settle this with talks.” There was no public statement, however, by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

“Our action was only intended to convey that if you can come into our country, we can do the same,” Khan said, referring to airstrikes by India on Tuesday and Pakistan's response on Wednesday. Addressing India, he said, “With the weapons you have and the weapons we have, can we really afford a miscalculation?”

The two days of tit-for-tat airstrikes and Wednesday’s aerial dogfight, the first since 1971, were triggered by a Feb. 14 terrorist bombing in Indian-controlled Kashmir that killed 40 Indian security personnel. The bombing, claimed by a Pakistan-based militant group called Jaish-e-Muhammad, was the deadliest single attack in 30 years of protests and conflict over the disputed Himalayan region, which is claimed in its entirety by both nations.
That is good enough; what you said is what you need to corroborate. Nothing more, nothing less.

Second, why it does not qualify is embedded in the questions that I have asked you. If you had even a glimmering of the events of the times, you would have no difficulty in making the connection that stares you in the face, that conclusively discredits any of these schoolboyish speculations without any foundation.

I have already said, and I see no reason to repeat this beyond this repetition, put up, or shut up.

Get to the point, or get off your fact-free accusations. :enjoy:

If you were a lawyer and before a court hearing, the client would have stood up and asked the judge in the middle of case hearing to allow him defend himself, because even with a very limited knowledge of the law, he could do a much better job. And judge would have agreed. :lol:

No wonder, no body buys Indian shyt anymore of being "victim of terrorism".

Your biggest export is now being rejected and coming back home. Deal with it, or just, as you put it, "shut up"! :lol:
Joe, claims to be knowledgeable academic person and that he is "rigid on the facts"

But when I show him the facts that India is the one which has a very long history of sponsoring cross-border terrorism in the region and the one who introduced this maniac of suicide bombings when most of us never heard of it. He goes into denial mode.

If this is the state of so called "intellectuals" in India, what would you expect from all those extremists roaming around in India lynching minorities etc?

For your information, there is no basis in the other allegation either. There was no suicide bombing outbreak in the Israeli context, as has been alleged, prior to the period that you defined.

You did not show me a single fact; merely citing a report that is inaccurate is not sufficient. Stick to what you were challenged to do.
Let me go further.

Identify ONE suicide bombing from the 1980s.

You have a pair of eyes and a brain (if still in a working shape), so read yourself and stop wasting my time.

Because no matter, what kind of evidence I present, you are not gonna get out of this deep state of denial that your school syllabus and govt has been feeding you for perhaps more than a half century.

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