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25,000 Indians 'ready to fight in Iraq to defend Shia holy sites'

Well if they go and get stuck don't expect the government to bail you our of the situation then.

So silly. India is not Pakistan, that one can buy an Ak-47 from the corner shop. India has a very strict gun control n place. Without a gun urban combat skills is nothing.

Looks like you are quite an expert at that.
Shia are pretty peaceful compared the Sunni even in Kashmir they are peaceful so no problem here.
What if they are already in the Middle East pending transition funded and aided by Iran?
Would you have issues with them returning with newly acquired urban combat skills?
They say they won't train with arms rather form human chain around Karbala and fight with bare hand.
Also this indicates support from Indian shias to shias in Iraq and their holy shrines than anything else like you are twisting with arms and what not.
Don't these chaps have their own families to look after just like us regular people.
Go and take those shiv sena, bajrang dale, Hindu parishad guys along with you and never come back. India will be lot better without those religious extremists. I think that extremist Indian Sunnies should go to Syria and Iraq for fighting along with Syrian rebels and ISIS.
Whatever happens in Iraq should not concern us neither people from any religion should be allowed to vow "brotherhood" cry just because their coreligionists are under attack in some other country. A plenty of Shia students from India are presently studying in that region so I am not sure how much Indian government will be successful to stop their ingress in the campaign but we should do our best to discourage it.
25,000 Indians 'ready to fight in Iraq to defend Shia holy sites'
Recruitment campaign by one of India's largest Shia organisations to defend the Shia-led Iraqi government of prime minister Nouri Maliki claims over 25,000 have signed up


The recruitment video broadcast by the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham

More than 25,000 Indian Shia Muslims are on standby to fly to Iraq and defend its holy shrines, one of the country’s largest Shia organisations claimed today.

There are more than 50 million Shia Muslims in India whose leaders have close ties to Iran and Iraq, home of their faith’s holiest shrines.

Their recruitment campaign to defend the Shia-led Iraqi government of prime minister Nouri Maliki mirrors the recruitment of his militant Sunni insurgents in Britain and Europe. Three Sunni volunteers who appeared in a recruitment video last week included two young men from Cardiff and one who grew up in Aberdeen.

The drive to lure protagonists from each side of the rift in Islam, including Iraq’s Shia Mahdi Army fighters returning from Syria, highlights the potential for the conflict to become the biggest Sunni-Shia sectarian battle since Saddam Hussein’s forces invaded Ayatollah Khomeini’s Shia revolution in Iran in 1980.

Isis leaders have vowed to take their insurgency to Karbala and Najaf, home of two of Shia Islam’s holiest shrines, where they claim they have “scores to settle”.

The rift between Shia and Sunni Muslims dates back to the 7th Century succession battle between the Prophet Mohammad’s grandson Imam Hussein and members of Umayyad clan who sought to turn the Caliphate into a dynasty.

The resulting war became a rout of Hussein’s followers and their siege at Karbala. They were starved, many died from thirst and the survivors were massacred. Their ‘martyrdom’ is marked every winter when Shias beat their chests and flay themselves with blades to repent their failure to come to Hussein’s aid.

India’s Shias said they would not stand by while Karbala is attacked again. Their recruits include bankers, students, doctors and engineers and their leaders have written to the Indian government to stress Isis’ support for terrorist attacks in India too.

“We have 25,000 volunteers who have filled in the forms and given their passports and are ready to go any moment. Another hundred thousand have got in touch with us and have pledged their support. We are looking at a million volunteers to form a human chain around the holy shrines of Karbala and Najaf, in case the Isis attacks. We will do everything to stop the advance of the enemies”, said Syed Bilal, spokesman of Anjuman-e-Haideri which protects Delhi’s own ‘Karbala’ shrine.

“The volunteers are educated young men from different backgrounds. We do not plan to train them in arms. We will go there to fight them bare handed”, he added.

Shabbir Hussian, a Shia masters student in Delhi, said he was ready to join the battle immediately. “We are ready to die and kill for our holy shrines. We won’t allow the desecration of our religious places”, he said.

25,000 Indians 'ready to fight in Iraq to defend Shia holy sites' - Telegraph

First I have serious doubts that India has 50 Million Shia to large Pakistan has hardly half of these and India has less Shias than Pakistan as for 25000 are they even trained yes not train them but let them go bare handed WOW are they sending them as shooting practice for for ISIS or what
I read somewhere that ISIS is planning to demolish shrines in karbala and najaf. Karbala and Najaf are to Shias what Makkah Madinah is for Sunnis. I can understand the frustration of shias all over the world.
I read somewhere that ISIS is planning to demolish tombs in karbala and najaf. Karbala and Najaf are to Shias what Makkah Madinah is for Sunnis. I can understand the frustration of shias all over the world.
If they do that then bee sure to see a pretty violent religious war in ME.
First I have serious doubts that India has 50 Million Shia to large Pakistan has hardly half of these and India has less Shias than Pakistan as for 25000 are they even trained yes not train them but let them go bare handed WOW are they sending them as shooting practice for for ISIS or what
Shias are ~25% of total muslim population in India.
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