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2 Syrian jets shot down by Turkey

Read the tweet again buddy, focus on it, don’t you think, deep down, Russia wants the same for Turkey as USA wants ? I pretty much believe that is the case. Both want to destroy Turkey !!
S-400 sale was nothing but a business and a drama by Russia.
buying s 400 was foolish
why does turkey want s400.
it had access to the patriot and has done significant progress in its own air defense any way

s400 caused turkey to loose f35 which will be vital asset against its rivals(Greece & Russia)
Turks salivating over two downed ground-attack planes. You guys know how to talk big, I’ll give you that. How many drones did Turkey lose today? Most counts I’ve seen put the figure at 6. On the ground, which is what really matters, your soldiers and the terrorist groups they’re supporting are taking quite a beating. The Syrian army is continuing to advance and your observation posts, now deep in Syrian territory, are extremely vulnerable and at the mercy of those you’re fighting. You’d have thought that Erdogan was outside Damascus given the hubris on display here.
Turks salivating over two downed ground-attack planes. You guys know how to talk big, I’ll give you that. How many drones did Turkey lose today? Most counts I’ve seen put the figure at 6. On the ground, which is what really matters, your soldiers and the terrorist groups they’re supporting are taking quite a beating. The Syrian army is continuing to advance and your observation posts, now deep in Syrian territory, are extremely vulnerable and at the mercy of those you’re fighting. You’d have thought that Erdogan was outside Damascus given the hubris on display here.
Give this man some butter... his A$$ is burning...
imagine turkey with 100 f35s..it would have eaten every country alive in its neighbourhood including Russia!
F35 will be coming with 6 Internal AA to missiles..
eygpt, Greece and Russia would have all toned down..
now just for s 400 which is just an upgrade of s300 is all what turkey gets
As far as I know the Syrian government has all sects in its armed forces
That is inaccurate. At least as far as the top leadership is concerned.

Arab spring happened in many countries - Bottom line is that Syria is in tatters because Assad chose to employ brute force to quell public uprising against his autocratic rule which was unlike what happened in Egypt, Tunisia and elsewhere.

The one who has indiscriminately bombed his own country should never be declared as the "lesser evil" because he is not.
That is inaccurate. At least as far as the top leadership is concerned.

Arab spring happened in many countries - Bottom line is that Syria is in tatters because Assad chose to employ brute force to quell public uprising against his autocratic rule which was unlike what happened in Egypt, Tunisia and elsewhere.

The one who has indiscriminately bombed his own country should never be declared as the "lesser evil" because he is not.
Syrian Army's top command comes from Nusayri clans and Armenians.

Now, the following is the description of Nusayri belief system:


Nusayriyyah is an extreme Shi'ite group named after its purported founder, Abu Shu'ayb Muhammad ibn Nusayr (d.868). Nusayri doctrine is a mixture of Islamic, Gnostic and Christian beliefs. The Nusayris possess three distinctive doctrines which have led them to be treated as heretics by Sunni Muslims.

  • The belief in incarnation. The Nusayris believe that Ali is God in the flesh. Ali created Muhammad from his spirit, and Muhammad created Salman, an early Shi'ite saint. These three form a Trinity in which Ali is described as the 'meaning', Muhammad is the 'name' and Salman is the 'door'.

  • The rejection of the Qur'an and all forms of prayer associated with the Sunni tradition. All Islamic teaching can be interpreted spiritually and therefore does not have to be taken literally.
  • Nusayris believe in reincarnation. Contrary to Islamic belief, the Nusayris claim that women do not have souls and, therefore, there is no need to explain the secrets of Nusayri doctrine to women.
    Nusayris have their own distinct religious leaders, called shaikhs. These shaikhs are believed to be endowed with a kind of divine authority. One of the Shaikh's duties is to lead religious and other forms of ceremony. Nusayris have special feasts in which they celebrate the anniversaries of their sacred figures.

    At the age of 19 Nusayris undergo an initiation rite in which they begin to learn some of the secrets of the sect. Nusayris are in fact born into the sect; the initiation ceremony serves to confirm their membership.
buying s 400 was foolish
why does turkey want s400.
it had access to the patriot and has done significant progress in its own air defense any way

s400 caused turkey to loose f35 which will be vital asset against its rivals(Greece & Russia)
There is a whole other side to the story ( a possibility), i have been giving that a thought for some time but wait for some more time to post it, until my stance clears on it.
Syrian Army's top command comes from Nusayri clans and Armenians.

Now, the following is the description of Nusayri belief system:


Nusayriyyah is an extreme Shi'ite group named after its purported founder, Abu Shu'ayb Muhammad ibn Nusayr (d.868). Nusayri doctrine is a mixture of Islamic, Gnostic and Christian beliefs. The Nusayris possess three distinctive doctrines which have led them to be treated as heretics by Sunni Muslims.

  • The belief in incarnation. The Nusayris believe that Ali is God in the flesh. Ali created Muhammad from his spirit, and Muhammad created Salman, an early Shi'ite saint. These three form a Trinity in which Ali is described as the 'meaning', Muhammad is the 'name' and Salman is the 'door'.

  • The rejection of the Qur'an and all forms of prayer associated with the Sunni tradition. All Islamic teaching can be interpreted spiritually and therefore does not have to be taken literally.
  • Nusayris believe in reincarnation. Contrary to Islamic belief, the Nusayris claim that women do not have souls and, therefore, there is no need to explain the secrets of Nusayri doctrine to women.
    Nusayris have their own distinct religious leaders, called shaikhs. These shaikhs are believed to be endowed with a kind of divine authority. One of the Shaikh's duties is to lead religious and other forms of ceremony. Nusayris have special feasts in which they celebrate the anniversaries of their sacred figures.

    At the age of 19 Nusayris undergo an initiation rite in which they begin to learn some of the secrets of the sect. Nusayris are in fact born into the sect; the initiation ceremony serves to confirm their membership.
According to @jamahir Nusariya(cult) is the true Islam and Assad must be followed by every Muslim.
According to @jamahir Nusariya(cult) is the true Islam and Assad must be followed by every Muslim.
Tevbe Vestagfirullah! Nauzubillah! Hasha Summe Hasha...

There is a whole other side to the story ( a possibility), i have been giving that a thought for some time but wait for some more time to post it, until my stance clears on it.
Don't know how much Turkey can gain from S-400, but Pak definitely can get more from it...
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