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2 Bangladeshis beheaded in Saudi Arabia

Justice has been served. KSA has the least rate of crimes in the world thanks to their practice of Sharai Law.KSA justice system
is an model for the muslim world.

Its really annoying to see Indians farting out loud and crying crocodile tears to show their hatred for muslims. Shameless pathetic people.:angry: By comparing it with barbarism you are insulting our religion about which you don't have an iota of idea.

OK first try to spell right Sharia law... then become a great maulavi ....
offcourse. I would love a KSA type judicial system in BD ( minus the monarchy).:)

Yes please do that. floggings, beheading, the works :cheers:

And then Bangladeshis complain that its the evil Indians who try and portray Bangladesh as radical, fundamentalist hotbed.

I mean just look at the Bangladeshis on this forum, more than half of them are like that. If the Bangladeshis on this forum are a good representation of Bangladeshi population, which the Bangladeshis here claim that they are, why on earth would Indians have to do anything.

Keep at it, am sure your biggest export destinations of the US and the EU will like the sound of Sharia. :lol:.
And then Bangladeshis complain that its the evil Indians who try and portray Bangladesh as radical, fundamentalist hotbed.

Why does your country even make up such claims? :lol:

I mean just look at the Bangladeshis on this forum, more than half of them are like that. If the Bangladeshis on this forum are a good representation of Bangladeshi population, which the Bangladeshis here claim that they are, why on earth would Indians have to do anything.

Those are their opinions.

Do you seriously think that the opinions of a few Bangladeshis on PDF who desire Islamic rule in Bangladesh is representative of the entire population of Bangladesh?

You are a researcher, use your brain :rolleyes:

Keep at it, am sure your biggest export destinations of the US and the EU will like the sound of Sharia. :lol:.

Some Middle Eastern countries still apply Sharia law, and have no problems with the West. Hell, Saudi Arabia even operates F-15s which not every country can have.

And frankly, I'm indifferent to secularism vs. theocracy.
A criminal is a criminal regardless of his nationality, Saudis get the same punishment if they commit the same crime. There are Bangals working in Jordan and they are friendly and nice people, I don't hear about them making troubles. Those are very few cases that happen all over the world. In my opinion, getting jailed for life is much worse than getting executed. I don't know what those criminals were thinking when they commited such crimes in the first place.:disagree:

I'm not here on for criminals. Being a neighboring countryman you should know better than me about Saudi. But many Bangladeshi are working there, so we have also little idea over their law. I learned a little from such people. For example, someday ago one of my friends' uncle's Limousine (he drives car there for more than 15 years) was hijacked by a young Saudi group. He informed police and ran to Police Station to file a diary but he could not because no foreigners (most probably Bangladeshi and alike countries ppl) have the right to make a diary against a Saudi (I'm not sure if it's a rule or convention there). Later he called the owner of his company who is a Saudi filed that. Police later recovered the car but didn't arrest those thugs (as far as I remember). So, there law is no such equal as you claimed by "same punishment". There are lots of identical stories not myth about their view towards us I just mentioned one. Anyway good to see a Jordanian here :tup: .
My plan is to relocate to middle east soon (uae/qatar) after getting higher degree!! can't stand secular Bangalis anymore! Everyone will be happy! My pocket, Madx, dalals, seclurists and indians...
My plan is to relocate to middle east soon (uae/qatar) after getting higher degree!! can't stand secular Bangalis anymore! Everyone will be happy! My pocket, Madx, dalals, seclurists and indians...

Best of luck dude.

Enjoy your stay in Middle East. May God help you.
Yes please do that. floggings, beheading, the works :cheers:

And then Bangladeshis complain that its the evil Indians who try and portray Bangladesh as radical, fundamentalist hotbed.

SO according to indians Sharia=radicalism.:lol: Why do you guys want to discuss something you
have no idea off.
My plan is to relocate to middle east soon (uae/qatar) after getting higher degree!! can't stand secular Bangalis anymore! Everyone will be happy! My pocket, Madx, dalals, seclurists and indians...

Respect the opinions of others. Otherwise, no country can progress.

You'd be surprised to see the kind of falsehood in some of those GCC countries like the UAE engage into :lol: It can be surprising even compared to Western countries.

If you want to relocate to a good Middle Eastern country, Qatar is by far the best choice. But don't expect it to get a job there immediately after graduation. You may have to work in Bangladesh for sometime.

Best of luck dude.

Enjoy your stay in Middle East. May God help you.

You got problem? :what:
Okay. Their land, their laws. If you ever saw a video of Saudi beheading on youtube, you will notice how quick and painless it is.
The reason for beheading being used over hanging as death penalty is, that beheading is quick and painless whereas hanging is a longer and painful death.

Anyways what is the hue about, this happens in KSA only when the guilty is for murders. Why commit a murder in the first place?
My plan is to relocate to middle east soon (uae/qatar) after getting higher degree!! can't stand secular Bangalis anymore! Everyone will be happy! My pocket, Madx, dalals, seclurists and indians...

Bro, don't give up on the country that you are born in. Its our duty in ISLAM to help our motherland
and our fellow countrymen. BTW KSA does give a healthy salary to forgien doctors and KSA offers
to professional jobs are irresistible.:P
SO according to indians Sharia=radicalism.:lol: Why do you guys want to discuss something you
have no idea off.

Its not just the Indians. The whole world thinks like that, even the liberal Muslims. There is a reason why the civilized world avoids that word like plague.

Saudi Arabia can afford Sharia because they have oil, Bangladesh doesn't.
Okay. Their land, their laws. If you ever saw a video of Saudi beheading on youtube, you will notice how quick and painless it is.
The reason for beheading being used over hanging as death penalty is, that beheading is quick and painless whereas hanging is a longer and painful death.

Anyways what is the hue about, this happens in KSA only when the guilty is for murders. Why commit a murder in the first place?

I saw one ! Couldn't eat anything for 2 days and I'm not the mushy kind....! But Shariah or not...I'm not in favour of Capital Punishment because it takes away any chance of the person repenting and going on to lead a fruitful existence ! If Capital Punishment must exist it truly must be the last resort for an extremely heinous crime and not sh*t like 'being in possession of drugs'; but I do suppose...their country, their laws rings true !
Its not just the Indians. The whole world thinks like that, even the liberal Muslims. There is a reason why the civilized world avoids that word like plague.

Saudi Arabia can afford Sharia because they have oil, Bangladesh doesn't.

If the whole world eats dirt do we have to do that too. The whole world AKA west and non-muslim
world and this is not a surprise since your "whole world" has been against ISLAM since the
beginning of time. And there is no such term as "liberal" or "secular muslim". It is just muslim. I don't
know what you mean by "liberal muslim".
Sharia is guided by Quranic laws and teachings of our Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) and covers
all aspect of jurisdiction, from criminal cases, to land laws and family laws. There is nothing radical
in it.:)

I can report you for calling Sharia a "plague". That's an insult to our religion. But I won't do that
since being a non-muslim you are completely ignorant of the matters you are trying yo discuss.
Its not just the Indians. The whole world thinks like that, even the liberal Muslims. There is a reason why the civilized world avoids that word like plague.

Saudi Arabia can afford Sharia because they have oil, Bangladesh doesn't.

A plague? Kinda extreme now isn't it? :lol:

But hey, people randomly get kidnapped and murdered with no trail under the Awami League. Talk about the real plague here :lol:
Bro, don't give up on the country that you are born in. Its our duty in ISLAM to help our motherland
and our fellow countrymen. BTW KSA does give a healthy salary to forgien doctors and KSA offers
to professional jobs are irresistible.:P
My two uncle work in KSA ( one as surgeon, another one as dentist)!
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