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2 Bangladeshis beheaded in Saudi Arabia

I saw one ! Couldn't eat anything for 2 days and I'm not the mushy kind....! But Shariah or not...I'm not in favour of Capital Punishment because it takes away any chance of the person repenting and going on to lead a fruitful existence ! If Capital Punishment must exist it truly must be the last resort for an extremely heinous crime and not sh*t like 'being in possession of drugs'; but I do suppose...their country, their laws rings true !

The first time I saw one, my heart froze. That was a video of Al-Qaeda executing a US soldier in Afghanistan.
The used a knife to cut open his throat like a cow/goat. But the actual way, Shariah way or the way Saudis do is different.
The cover your face with a cloth and make you read the duas. They ask you to repent as much as you can and they prepare for it. They make you kneel down and ask you to recite the qalma and then before you will know what happened, the sword has hit the back of your neck and in a fraction of second everything is done. It was not horrifying. The video was of a Filpino maid who had killed her sponsor.

But now a days this system has faded a lot and more sentences are issued for life-time imprisonment. But all drug dealers and distributes/smugglers are killed.
If the whole world eats dirt do we have to do that too. The whole world AKA west and non-muslim
world and this is not a surprise since your "whole world" has been against ISLAM since the
beginning of time. And there is no such term as "liberal" or "secular muslim". It is just muslim. I don't
know what you mean by "liberal muslim".
Sharia is guided by Quranic laws and teachings of our Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) and covers
all aspect of jurisdiction, from criminal cases, to land laws and family laws. There is nothing radical
in it.:)

Oh yes the whole world is eating dirt of course.


Countries with state Sharia,

Lets look at their Human rights ranking.

Poorest Human Rights.

Sudan- 1st

Somalia- 3rd

Afghanistan- 4th

Pakistan- 6th

Yemen- 8th

Iraq- 9th

Iran- 10th

Nigeria- 12th

Syria- 13th


Human Rights Index 2012: Maplecroft Analyzes Human Rights Risks

I can report you for calling Sharia a "plague". That's an insult to our religion. But I won't do that
since being a non-muslim you are completely ignorant of the matters you are trying yo discuss.

Avoiding something like the plague is a phrase. Feel free to report me, I don't believe in insulting anyone's religion, unlike you I have equal respect for all religions of the world.
Personally I do not support capital punishment, but Saudi law is their law of the land. If someone committed crime, they should be punished according to their law. But why Indian's create thread out of it, while they are giving capital punishment to our innocent people minding their own business, against all International law, shooting our people in our land, that is the mystery. Well the answer is they want to create Fitna, create bad feelings between brotherly Muslim nations. Good try, but miserable failure.

And about Indian Muslims, I have met many and one of them is my close friend, most are friendly towards Bangladesh Muslims. I have never seen such hatred for Bangladesh Muslims from Indian Muslims like this "Indian Muslim". But strange characters do exist in the world. Unless we meet someone in person, there is no way to verify if this is actually a Muslim or a made up character, just to create bad feelings between Indian Muslims and other South Asian Muslims. There is no doubt the character is Indian, but there is doubt about his belonging to a certain community.

Another Indian claimed that Apo_Asura is another former Bangladeshi Muslim, I find it hard to believe.

So, members, be aware of false flags and call them into question whenever you see anomalous behaviors. One problem with this kind of anonymous forums is that it is very hard to tell who is actually who, so there is opportunity to false flag. Be vigilant and don't fall for deception and propaganda.
Funny you never hear about Canadians, Americans, Britishers or any western nationality being beheadhed..the law is applicable only on the poor Asian countries...

Even tho there had been a few cases of Britishers and Canadians murdering each other. A ring of Arab-Canadian engaged in terrorist activities.
For theft, I think this is a bit too much. But if such punishments are given out for rape, murder, arson, bank robbery etc, then it is justified. I think cane flogging 50 times with a US$500 fine and three weeks of intense community service (sweeping the streets, cleaning garbage bins etc) should be a good enough punishment for theft.
Well, I accept the judgement and I say justice is served.

Though there are negligence people from our "Kushil Somaj" will start barking about it.
Damn that's brutal. I didn't know beheading was still a death sentence in the civilized world.
Kuwaitis imposing a ban on bangladeshi's visa is a myth, still there are a lot of kuwaitis working in kuwait. I don't get it why you are so bitter towards Bangladesh, every post you have made on Bangladesh seems bitter and all your posts consists of tough Indian nationalism, more so than the hindu members on this forum, even your avater shows how much of a nationalist proud muslim indian you are. I mean are you trying to prove your fellow hindu indians that you are an indian. Whatever it is, you trying too hard.
this is not welcomed, your try is pathetic to wedge a axe in the INDIAN community. we are INDIANs and the faith does not take precedence as in your country or in PAKISTAN where faith is more inmortant than the state, he is a brother from a nother mother as far as the rest of the INDIANS are considered we do not see each other with a religious glass any more,
For theft, I think this is a bit too much. But if such punishments are given out for rape, murder, arson, bank robbery etc, then it is justified. I think cane flogging 50 times with a US$500 fine and three weeks of intense community service (sweeping the streets, cleaning garbage bins etc) should be a good enough punishment for theft.

There is a phenomenon called evolution...Those who dont evolve will perish. Saudis with their prehistoric practices are headed in the same direction.
My plan is to relocate to middle east soon (uae/qatar) after getting higher degree!! can't stand secular Bangalis anymore! Everyone will be happy! My pocket, Madx, dalals, seclurists and indians...

lol UAE and Qatar are way more secular than Bangladesh. I have been to Doha and i have been to abu dhabi/dubai.....way more secular. You should go to saudi arabia.

this is not welcomed, your try is pathetic to wedge a axe in the INDIAN community. we are INDIANs and the faith does not take precedence as in your country or in PAKISTAN where faith is more inmortant than the state, he is a brother from a nother mother as far as the rest of the INDIANS are considered we do not see each other with a religious glass any more,

I understand what you are saying, its just there is a sense of "trying too hard" to prove himself as a true patriot in a country where he is a second class citizen:lol:

Oh yes the whole world is eating dirt of course.


Countries with state Sharia,

Lets look at their Human rights ranking.

Poorest Human Rights.

Sudan- 1st

Somalia- 3rd

Afghanistan- 4th

Pakistan- 6th

Yemen- 8th

Iraq- 9th

Iran- 10th

Nigeria- 12th

Syria- 13th


Human Rights Index 2012: Maplecroft Analyzes Human Rights Risks

Avoiding something like the plague is a phrase. Feel free to report me, I don't believe in insulting anyone's religion, unlike you I have equal respect for all religions of the world.

:lol:Indians believing in anything that their colonial masters show them.
My plan is to relocate to middle east soon (uae/qatar) after getting higher degree!! can't stand secular Bangalis anymore! Everyone will be happy! My pocket, Madx, dalals, seclurists and indians...

dosto if uae then stay in Sharjah work in Dubai its like 20 km from Dubai but open space also housings are bigger ,& more affordable Dubai is quite crammed up onik bhir bhar are jam
insha'Allah may Allah grant you succes in life amin
They are drugged! So they even fail to understand what happened to them!! Yes beheading is painful to viewers.... BUT It serves the main purpose of judiciary killing. Reduction of homicide !

I have seen beheading... the criminal was not in senses..... evidently drugged.
In crowd..... I missed the view for a second and his head was on ground.
I don't remember seeing blood but the body was immediately packed and taken away.
Before beheading police blocked traffic and invite people to see it.
I guess it is the least painful death a man can give.

Drug trading and murder will continue to be punished as death penalty... in many states.

However, its job of respective govts. to educate their laborers.
Additionally, Saudi Arabia always use certified agents, which are obliged to educate the people they process.
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