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15 Egyptian soldiers killed by Palestinians to take over their weapons

chances are this killing was done by israelis dressed as palestenians....palestinians dont have anything to gain.....

only israel will gain from such an incident...lets not believe zionist media.......truth will prevail in the end...
Mossad at work again-
A failed attempt to sour the relations and to dent the support of Egypt for genuine cause of Palestinian people-
Sooner or later the real sense will prevail-
Morsi is not an idiot to not understand the obvious-
Israel is an devil state- and Mossad is evil- and is notorious for such illegal- unethical operations-
yea such an incident has never happened before...why would poor palestinians who are fighting to have their land freed go and kill egyptians.....hardly makes any sense....only israel will gain from this .....they did this before too when they stole the passports and identites and killed a palestinian in dubai......now they have done it again....israelis are doing false flag since centuries.
...lets not believe zionist media....
Why shouldn't you believe "zionist" media 100% of the time? Because you consider Zionists lying sectarian racists or because you yourself are? Certainly you want your entire society to believe one of these two things or else you would not have made such an appeal.
Why shouldn't you believe "zionist" media 100% of the time? Because you consider Zionists lying sectarian racists or because you yourself are? Certainly you want your entire society to believe one of these two things or else you would not have made such an appeal.
ACtually they believe when it favors their notion, but if its against it, then they call it propaganda....Ask any person like him here to list the news sources they consider neutral....they won't give.

For most of them its western propaganda.....
ACtually they believe when it favors their notion, but if its against it, then they call it propaganda....Ask any person like him here to list the news sources they consider neutral....they won't give.

For most of them its western propaganda.....

Can you not say that about yourself?- or any other typical Indian?-
ACtually they believe when it favors their notion, but if its against it, then they call it propaganda....Ask any person like him here to list the news sources they consider neutral....they won't give.

For most of them its western propaganda.....
Look how many times Zionists on this forum have called everything thrown at them propaganda..
Why shouldn't you believe "zionist" media 100% of the time? Because you consider Zionists lying sectarian racists or because you yourself are? Certainly you want your entire society to believe one of these two things or else you would not have made such an appeal.
The same thing goes to you, you don't believe anything in any media other than those you love. Everything else, is automatically propaganda to you.
Can you not say that about yourself?- or any other typical Indian?-
Sir I do my rsarch and look at all possible angles before coming to a conclusion. People like him, just say zionist propaganda as soon as they can without any basis. I don't know about other Indians.
Oh spare me this morally greater than thou garbage. You dont give a rats *** about Egyptian soldiers or the Egyptian people. I have made it plain that i consider the attacks wrong but i have also explained why they may have happened. But of course who so dareth speak against the holy Israeli is a conspiracy theorist. All you care about is convincing Egyptians that Palestinians are not to be considered their friends. I know many Palestinians. They have a deep frustration over the way they have been evicted from their own lands. Just like any other community in the world, some will go to extreme extents to reclaim what they consider their right hence this sad event.
I'll spare you morals if you happen to acquire any.

The Egyptians are no friends of Israel, most of them hate us but when 15 soldiers are murdered for no other reason than to use their weapons for another mass murder, that is a tragedy.

Those who murdered the soldiers are our enemies as well, and this is not the first time they've murdered people in order to attempt to murder Israelis.

They only land they have is the hellhole they come from and that is Gaza. Might i suggest that a terrorist sympathizer as yourself go pay a visit to Gaza? I'm sure you'd like it there.
yea such an incident has never happened before...
Palestinians did kill Egyptians before. Not talking about thousands of Lebanese and Jordanians.

why would poor palestinians who are fighting to have their land freed go and kill egyptians.....hardly makes any sense....only israel will gain from this ....
Why extremists blow up mosques in Pakistan, poison girl schools in Afghanistan, blow churches in Nigeria etc.. All Mossad?

APC was destrtoyed when he managed to travel about 1 km inside the Israeli territory.

Weapons carried by terrorists:

Mossad at work again-
A failed attempt to sour the relations and to dent the support of Egypt for genuine cause of Palestinian people-
Sooner or later the real sense will prevail-
Morsi is not an idiot to not understand the obvious-
Israel is an devil state- and Mossad is evil- and is notorious for such illegal- unethical operations-

"Israel is responsible, one way or another, for this attack to embarrass Egypt's leadership and create new problems at the border in order to ruin efforts to end the [Israeli] siege of the Gaza Strip," the group's prime minister in Gaza, Ismail Haniya, was quoted saying by the Reuters news agency.
Israel's foreign ministry spokesman, Yigal Palmor, denied the accusation, saying: "Even the person who says this when he looks at himself in the mirror does not believe the nonsense he is uttering".

I highlight JA's quote and the BBC article to point out the factors at operation here: prejudice, demonisation, denial, and of course the shame and embarrassment of a terror attack that only resulted in the murder of allies, not enemies.

JA, by classical definitions I think your words are insane. Eventually people who listen to them will be as much a danger to their neighbors as this gang of terrorists were to the Egyptians. To regain your sanity you have to admit the facts and then EMBRACE Israel, not only in your soul but among your fellow Pakistanis. Then you will be healed and help heal your country.
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