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137 killed, 345 injured in Yemen bombing attacks

Who are you referring to being our representatives? Nowhere did I claim to speak in name of Sunni's. I am only speaking for Arab Sunni's. And Arab Sunni's have no single representative at this moment. This conflict is strictly related to Arab world and Iran. African or Asian Muslims have nothing to do with it. We don't want to subjugate other Muslims or speak for all Muslims. Those two stories are untrue btw.

I don't have answers for Asian Muslims, the domestic terrorism there is something they will revolve. The nature of conflict in Arab world is different though bro.

I do not think it is anymore an Arab issue only. Pakistan for example is at a full war against this ideology. It is not a Sunni-Shia war. It is a Sunni-Sunni war. When Saudi king invites Turkish and Pakistani government into this conflict, it does not remain an Arab conflict. When Sunni Indonesians (the most populous Sunni and Muslim nation) get killed by this ideology exported from Saudi Arabia, then it does not remain an Arab issue.

It has spilled out of the Arab world to all the world now. It was an Arab issue 40 years ago. Not anymore.
I do not think it is anymore an Arab issue only. Pakistan for example is at a full war against this ideology. It is not a Sunni-Shia war. It is a Sunni-Sunni war. When Saudi king invites Turkish and Pakistani government into this conflict, it does not remain an Arab conflict. When Sunni Indonesians (the most populous Sunni and Muslim nation) get killed by this ideology exported from Saudi Arabia, then it does not remain an Arab issue.

It has spilled out of the Arab world to all the world now. It was an Arab issue 40 years ago. Not anymore.

I am not referring to any ideology in my posts. I am referring to Iranian efforts in region and the proxy war that followed. Which has produced unintended consequences for some political entities. Such as rise of militancy. The Saudi outreach you mentioned is based on both Iranian/ISIS factor. Mostly related to Syria and Yemen though. The exgaretted emphasis on a 'ideology' is Iranian attempt to direct attention away from its policies and focus on militancy. In order to give Iran freehand in its policies in region.
What problems are you speaking of? You yourself just acknowledged the state of confusion in Arab Sunni world. So that means there is no consensus amongst the people. For some, they want restoration to life prior to Arab spring. For others, what's happening now is the best thing that could have ever had happened and is a sign of good tidings in future.

Consensus develops around ideological goals. Start with this: Build a political ideology acceptable to majority of Sunnis which is progressive, representative, evolving and capable of solving problems of your society. Otherwise submit to extremism or puppetry. These are your only choices.
Consensus develops around ideological goals. Start with this: Build a political ideology acceptable to majority of Sunnis which is progressive, representative, evolving and capable of solving problems of your society. Otherwise submit to extremism or puppetry. These are your only choices.

We are not Persians, we don't think the way you do or take similar approaches. You are mistaken if you think it scares that you brand all our rebels as 'extremists'(Which is same thing Persians, Rome and Quryash did against Prophet Muhammad). We are anticipating intensifed attacks in near future from both West/Iran/Shia/Israel in name of fighting 'extremism'. Which isn't problem us, we are waiting impatiently for that time to come.
I am not referring to any ideology in my posts. I am referring to Iranian efforts in region and the proxy war that followed. Which has produced unintended consequences for some political entities. Such as rise of militancy. The Saudi outreach you mentioned is based on both Iranian/ISIS factor. Mostly related to Syria and Yemen though. The exgaretted emphasis on a 'ideology' is Iranian attempt to direct attention away from its policies and focus on militancy. In order to give Iran freehand in its policies in region.

There is no proxy war. As I explained to Horus. Go back afew posts and read my reply to Horus. Iran can not sit and allow Shia Iraqis, Sunni Kurds and Zaidi Yemeni to live under Takfiri ideology. Even if Iran stopped all the support to its allies, do you honestly believe, the genie of Saudi ideology will go back to its bottle? Or for that matter if Pakistani military stopped its bombing of these Takfiris, then these Takfiris will go home and watch football games on TV?

You are naive. By the way, Pakistanis actually did try to make peace with this ideology. It did not work.

We are not Persians, we don't think the way you do or take similar approaches. You are mistaken if you think it scares that you brand all our rebels as 'extremists'(Which is same thing Persians, Rome and Quryash did against Prophet Muhammad). We are anticipating intensifed attacks in near future from both West/Iran/Shia/Israel in name of fighting 'extremism'. Which isn't problem us, we are waiting impatiently for that time to come.

It does not matter. The problem stands. You lack an ideology that is capable of explaining the world to you and guide you. You can go and blame it all on Iran, Persians and Shias, but it will not solve your problems. It will only make it worse.
There is no proxy war. As I explained to Horus. Go back afew posts and read my reply to Horus. Iran can not sit and allow Shia Iraqis, Sunni Kurds and Zaidi Yemeni to live under Takfiri ideology. Even if Iran stopped all the support to its allies, do you honestly believe, the genie of Saudi ideology will go back to its bottle? Or for that matter if Pakistani military stopped its bombing of these Takfiris, then these Takfiris will go home and watch football games on TV?

You are naive. By the way, Pakistanis actually did try to make peace with this ideology. It did not work.

As I said, Iranians picked up on Western strategy. Which is expansion/domination in name of fighting 'extremist ideology'. You claim every other state and peoples in region are puppets of West but emulate their exact strategy which is enough for us to conclude that Iran is a threat to the Arab Sunni peoples. And that Iranians view us as their enemies. Keep it up. :)

It does not matter. The problem stands. You lack an ideology that is capable of explaining the world to you and guide you. You can go and blame it all on Iran, Persians and Shias, but it will not solve your problems. It will only make it worse.

And? Problems are part of life, we acknowledge that. :)

I am not blaming Iranians for divisions in Arab world, actually I've stated that it is internal Arab issue(ie developing central agreed upon worldview/strategy). At same time we can't deny Iran has a hand in some conflicts in region.
As I said, Iranians picked up on Western strategy. Which is expansion/domination in name of fighting 'extremist ideology'. You claim every other state and peoples in region are puppets of West but emulate their exact strategy which is enough for us to conclude that Iran is a threat to the Arab Sunni peoples. And that Iranians view us as their enemies. Keep it up. :)

No not at all. Iranian ideology before revolution was Western based. Not now. By twisting things, and trying to keep Iran under microscope, you are actually doing a disservice to your own community. Your problems have not their roots in Tehran. They are much much older and you need to recognize those problems and find your own solutions to them.

Even before Iran, Arab world lived under the rule of Turks. For hundreds of years. With no political rights. Do you think, that was because of Iran too?

Your problems are old. Attributing them to Iran, will not get you far. Only distracting you and giving you false comfort.

Better would be for you and your community to search for competent leaders instead of blaming Iran for your woes.
No not at all. Iranian ideology before revolution was Western based. Not now. By twisting things, and trying to keep Iran under microscope, you are actually doing a disservice to your own community. Your problems have not their roots in Tehran. They are much much older and you need to recognize those problems and find your own solutions to them.

Even before Iran, Arab world lived under the rule of Turks. For hundreds of years. With no political rights. Do you think, that was because of Iran too?

Your problems are old. Attributing them to Iran, will not get you far. Only distracting you and giving you false comfort.

Better would be for you and your community to search for competent leaders instead of blaming Iran for your woes.

Here in my previous post:

I am not blaming Iranians for divisions in Arab world, actually I've stated that it is internal Arab issue(ie developing central agreed upon worldview/strategy). At same time we can't deny Iran has a hand in some conflicts in region.


As for your revolution, many of it's objectives are similiar to Western/Israeli ones. Just different methods to reach them. And that doesn't mean it has to be joint affairs. You could very well be anti-Israeli but still anti-Arab. Even if you claim the revolution is genuine and not limited to rhetoric, you can still have indirectly aligned interests in majority of region.

To get back to your point on ideological crisis. It is not just limited to Sunni's, Shia's are also victims of ideological crisis. Difference is all Shia's do not mind this ideological crisis. Where they follow a pseudo-version of Islam and convince themselves that they are indeed following Islam. Many Sunni-Arabs are this way as well, they follow an Islam which negates many tenates. An Islam where they don't stand up for beliefs or interests. An Islam were forbidden things are allowed. With Sunni's however, there is a rebellion to this and partially why we have more extremist militancy than Shia's do.

And because of this, Sunni's form social movements that try preaching Islam or change in society. Most of the time, Arab rulers see this as threat to their political system and work immediately to crush what they see as dissent. And this forces some of these movements or their members into violent means.
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Here in my previous post:

I am not blaming Iranians for divisions in Arab world,

What, not even when they arm and fund a Shia militia to overthrow the government of an Arab country?? :lol:
Here in my previous post:

I am not blaming Iranians for divisions in Arab world, actually I've stated that it is internal Arab issue(ie developing central agreed upon worldview/strategy). At same time we can't deny Iran has a hand in some conflicts in region.


As for your revolution, many of it's objectives are similiar to Western/Israeli ones. Just different methods to reach them. And that doesn't mean it has to be joint affairs. You could very well be anti-Israeli but still anti-Arab. Even if you claim the revolution is genuine and not limited to rhetoric, you can still have indirectly aligned interests in majority of region.

Good. Then do realize that it is not Iran which is responsible to solve your problems. Iran is only responsible to defend against your problems spilling over into life of Iranians and the allies of Iranians. This is not interference. Just defense.

As for the revolution, I do not know what you are talking about. My experience with Arabs is that you guys do not talk openly and always use vague references. Maybe it is a cultural thing. I do not know what is going on in your mind, until you do not clearly explain it to me. I do not read minds.

But let me tell you this. There are somethings which are universal among human beings, be they Westerners, Iranians or Russians. Upholding and progressing in these universal values, is not something to be ashamed of. Only those who submit to extremists ideology, would like to shun every "western" thing. Such extremists did exist in early part of revolution who wanted to shun everything, but they were defeated. Meanwhile now, these dark and paranoid forces are on the rise in Sunni world.

If you want to go and shun every thing and turn the clock back 13 centuries, then it is not Iran's problem. It is a problem in your head.
If you want to go and shun every thing and turn the clock back 13 centuries, then it is not Iran's problems. It is a problem in your head.

No one stated this here. You are putting words in my mouth. Finish reading my previous post though. As you admit, Shia's tend to value more progressivness when it comes to lifestyle even if it exceeds Islamic limits. Whether you believe that is permitted probably depends on what your supreme scholars state which I'm unaware of. But it means you question aspects of Islam, which requires you to ask yourself if you really do indeed believe in it. Just because you may brush this off as 'interpretation of Islam' to make yourself feel better, doesn't change the reality of your thoughts.

Actually Arabs are specific and clear in their beliefs and go into much detail to describe them. Iranians on other hand use vague references such as 'wahabi's' and so on.

I am referring to Iranian Islamic revolution. I thought you would realize that.
In essence, shias and non sunnis are peaceful, while sunnis and arabs are the cause of all conflicts. The facts speak for themselves.

You've been baited so hard that you had to reply with something this silly. While Saudi Arabia was toddling around in the murky world of geopolitics, Iran and Ba'athist/Socialist States, whom I understand many Iranians are very fond of, were organizing a mass-shooting here, an embassy bombing there, a socialist revolution everywhere. If anything, the rise of "Wahabi" terrorism was a reaction to the shady dealings of these Shias and non-Sunnis who were completely overwhelmed when their rivals bit back. It was a simple case of Hamas vs. Israel. Lob a few grenades, and get a thousand missiles in your direction.
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