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137 killed, 345 injured in Yemen bombing attacks

Number killed now 142

Iran arms Shia and Saudi Arabia arms Sunnis. Saw it on the news 160 tons of weapons from Iran docked in Yemen's Salif port today.

We know that would happen if civil war erupted. Question is if both armies intervene it could eventually spillover in both Iran/KSA. Even sending advisers/weapons could have bad consquences.
Number killed now 142

We know that would happen if civil war erupted. Question is if both armies intervene it could eventually spillover in both Iran/KSA. Even sending advisers/weapons could have bad consquences.

It is proxy war. Iran backs Shia and Saudi Arabia backs Sunnis. Iran and Saudi Arabia do not fight directly. Just like the US backs Ukraine and Russia backs New Russia and the US and Russia do not fight directly.
Do you believe it will become civil war? What would that mean for Iran and Saudi Arabia?

Unfortunately, YES.
That's what Iran is seeking.

SA never wanted (in the past) / never wants (right now) Yemen to enter a civil sectarian war.

Yemen demography comprise :
60% Sunnis
35% Zaidis
(very moderate Shias)
5% Houthis (an estimation, I am not sure)

Houthis (Yemeni version of Iranian Shia Mullahs) are a minority in the minority (Zaidis), despite they are working to grow their followers amongst Zaidis.

SA used to have a very close relation with Zaidis, it -even- supported them in the 60' civil war against communists, cause they are not fanatics LIKE Iranian Shias and All Sunnis scholars consider them a branch of Sunni sect/faith despite very little differences.

I even can take you further on this point, Sunnis and even Salafis Clerics/scholars, use many books written by Zaidis Clerics/scholars in their teachings.

SO, now I don't know what Evil Sectarian IRAN wants from Yemen ?
Another Sectarian war like Syria and Iraq ? and then says it is Iranian Influence ?

Btw, did you read the post where I tagged you in the thread : Balance of power tips toward Iran (page 20) ?
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Zaidis are closer to Sunnis then any other shia group on the planet. Go look at their beliefs. Yazidis are a non Muslim group of Kurds and do not exist in Yemen lol, the moderate shias you speak of are probably zaidis as well.

Hehehhehe, :lol:

I typed it wrong, I mean Zaidis of course.

I know them very very well, they are closest to Sunnis than any other Shia group just like you said.
Unfortunately, YES.
That's what Iran is seeking.

SA never wanted (in the past) / never wants (right now) Yemen to enter a civil sectarian war.

Yemen demography comprise :
60% Sunnis
35% Yazidis
(very moderate Shias)
5% Houthis (an estimation, I am not sure)

Houthis (Yemeni version of Iranian Shia Mullahs) are a minority in the minority (Yazidis), despite they are working to grow their followers amongst Yazidis.

SA used to have a very close relation with Yazidis, it -even- supported them in the 60' civil war against communists, cause they are not fanatics LIKE Iranian Shias and All Sunnis scholars consider them a branch of Sunni sect/faith despite very little differences.

I even can take you further on this point, Sunnis and even Salafis Clerics/scholars, use many books written by Yazidis Clerics/scholars in their teachings.

SO, now I don't know what Evil Sectarian IRAN wants from Yemen ?
Another Sectarian war like Syria and Iraq ? and then says it is Iranian Influence ?

Btw, did you read the post where I tagged you in the thread : Balance of power tips toward Iran (page 20) ?

I didn't get an alert for that thread. Link it to me. Are they Yazidi's or Zayidiyahs? I'm not sure what Iran wants here but it looks to be nationalist interest. According to their forums they have IRGC in certain locations in Yemen. Iranians also emphasize Saudi Arabia, they really want to take a part of it. Why? Historical ties to Saudi? Sadly if emotions play a role here it will spiral out of control.
I didn't get an alert for that thread. Link it to me. Are they Yazidi's or Zayidiyahs? I'm not sure what Iran wants here but it looks to be nationalist interest. According to their forums they have IRGC in certain locations in Yemen. Iranians also emphasize Saudi Arabia, they really want to take a part of it. Why? Historical ties to Saudi? Sadly if emotions play a role here it will spiral out of control.

Balance of power tips toward Iran | Page 20

I also tagged : @Gasoline @Dr.Thrax @Rakan.SA @Nihonjin1051
And appearently they were not notified.

Yes They are Zaidis (in Arabic it is spelled : Zaydiya), and as I and the Pakistani bro said they are very close to Sunnis and they were living in harmony with Yemenis Sunnis UNTIL barbaric Iran decided to make an end to that.
Pakistanis were going crazy over people of palestine/middle east not paying their respect for dead children in peshawar attack just 2 months back.

And here an equal number of innocent people have died but only1 pakistani has expressed remorse.

Its high time we understand that we should not laugh at others on trivial things.

RIP to dead,,i appeal to all people to rise above religion to put this madness to end.There seems to be no other way.
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Unfortunately, YES.
That's what Iran is seeking.

SA never wanted (in the past) / never wants (right now) Yemen to enter a civil sectarian war.

Yemen demography comprise :
60% Sunnis
35% Zaidis
(very moderate Shias)
5% Houthis (an estimation, I am not sure)

Houthis (Yemeni version of Iranian Shia Mullahs) are a minority in the minority (Zaidis), despite they are working to grow their followers amongst Zaidis.

SA used to have a very close relation with Zaidis, it -even- supported them in the 60' civil war against communists, cause they are not fanatics LIKE Iranian Shias and All Sunnis scholars consider them a branch of Sunni sect/faith despite very little differences.

I even can take you further on this point, Sunnis and even Salafis Clerics/scholars, use many books written by Zaidis Clerics/scholars in their teachings.

SO, now I don't know what Evil Sectarian IRAN wants from Yemen ?
Another Sectarian war like Syria and Iraq ? and then says it is Iranian Influence ?

Btw, did you read the post where I tagged you in the thread : Balance of power tips toward Iran (page 20) ?

It was only yesterday that your brothers killed dozens in Tunisia in a holy mission, now you are right here cursing Iran. You guys deserve what's happening to you, if of course, all others have the same mentality like you. Don't worry, no matter how much you curse Iran from behind monitor, your brothers will still target you and kill you in your own country. With backward mentality like this, it's no wonder that some people find it as a holy act to blow up themselves in a market or street or to assault a museum and kill tourists. They emerge from 'your society', they didn't come from Iran. When you have thousands of people joining Daesh from tiny Tunisia, you know there is indeed something wrong somewhere in this society, you are just brainwashed to see Iran as the bogey man, the 'eternal enemy' which is understandable considering what they teach you in schools and mosques. The same mosques that raise a generation of suicide bombers and terrorists.

Deep down you know exactly what I'm talking about, but for saving face, you'll never admit that.
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