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137 killed, 345 injured in Yemen bombing attacks

Yeltsin did a coup and broke the USSR so he could be president. Yeltsin imprisoned the general secretary Gorbachev.

Actually the problems were older than that. Correct decisions had to be made in 70's and 80's. By the time of that drunkard Yeltsin, the ship had already taken so much water, through the big hole of economy that it was not salvageable.
Actually the problems were older than that. Correct decisions had to be made in 70's and 80's. By the time of that drunkard Yeltsin, the ship had already taken so much water, through the big hole of economy that it was not salvageable.

The US was arming China to the teeth in the 1980s to fight USSR. China took the bait.
You do not understand what you are talking about. Every functioning society must have an ideological core. Without it, humans can not form large functioning societies.

Chinese have not abandoned communism. They have modified it per their own requirements. Chinese communist party is very much in power and crushes any movement that challenges its authority. Quite brutally. Politically China remains a communist country full nine yard of it. It is only the economic aspects of communism that they gave up.

Similar is the ideology of secularism that you are supporting. It is a Western ideology which was developed over centuries and over a very very bloody history of Europe. Much more bloodier than middle east. Some in ME believe that secularism will save them. But the truth is, secularism does not work in a vacuum. It works in West, because it has roots there. No such roots exist in Libya or Yemen. To even challenge this important point, would make a moron out of you.

Places like ME need a functioning ideology that takes ground realities into account. You can not go to Afghanistan and tell the people to become secular. It wont work even in a science fiction setting.

Even in places like Turkey, Algeria and Egypt, secularism has been upheld by expending a substantial amount of military interference in political affairs. In effect, as I have explained in my posts above, the ideology of secularism in these lands, become the puppetry ideology which enforces secularism through the barrel of foreign designed/manufactured guns and foreign alliances with a heavy does of pseudo-nationalism.

Sunni world is in turmoil because, politically they have not grown over several centuries. You can not expect, such a community to suddenly become secular with a Belgian constitution. It is only a wet dream of yours if you think so.

Upgraded version of communism? Hope you know what you're talking about. Here's the definition of communism.

Communism (from Latincommunis – common, universal)[1][2] is a socioeconomic system structured upon the common ownership of the means of production and characterized by the absence of social classes, money,[3][4] and the state; as well as a social, political and economic ideology and movement that aims to establish this social order.

CCP is communist just for the name and I assume it's more of a nationalist party than anything else. If you ever think of calling me a western stooge, you should keep in mind that I have supported CCP in many cases and I oppose the "one man one vote" system of democracy when being practised in developing countries.

Although secularism was defined in the west, it was a natural aspect on many eastern civilisation. Unlike Middle East and West, the eastern civilisations do not base their identity on a religion. In the west, it was defined in the west for the reason of their history of church being a powerful institution in their territory but in the east there was never a need for that because the religious institutions of the east historically never wielded a significant amount of influence on the methods of governing. Again, you take China as an example. The Chinese civilisation was never defined under a certain religion but there were instances where they promoted Chinese religions over others but it never acted on the interest of one particular religion. So to put it simply, if you take religion out of a Chinese, he/she would still be a Chinese. The same cannot be said about some countries in the middle east. Except for India, there has never been a single case where an eastern religion interfering with private lives of citizens of a nation. The significance of Iran on the other hand is that it has the luxury of taking an alternative approach. Perhaps, the only country in the middle east.

You are correct about failure of implementation of secularism in countries the countries you mentioned however it is only Turkey where secularism is truly practised. Even in Turkey, secularism doesn't seem to work very well as people don't seem to be fond of it. However, the alternative to secularism seems to be even worse as demonstrated by events that are taking place as we speak. Turkey is in a much better position that its Sunni counterparts excluding oil-rich GCC. As you said, I don't expect them to adapt a secular approach as it's not a realistic option.
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CCP is communist just for the name and I assume it's more of a nationalist party than anything else.

China is a central planning country. CCP is far from being in name only. I just got back from China. I can testify.
China is a central planning country. CCP is far from being in name only. I just got back from China. I can testify.
What does central planning have to do with communism? Singapore used to own most of the major institutions but it was fiercely anti-communist. Same goes for South Korea when it was a developing country.
Rest in Peace

'Syrian rebels'. more than 95% of the killed by barrel bombs were ordinary civilians who were innocent and had nothing to do with politics, rebels and the violence.

Those cockroaches who launch these attacks, they can't confront the Syrian freedom fighters directly, they will kill ordinary civilians like cockroaches they are, they have always been like this during history.

hypocrite much? you don't disagree with the barrel bombing of purely civilian targets including mosques and schools in Syria, but you oppose it in Yemen?o_O
I never expected that you will agree with him. :D

What he's saying is only overcoming one problem (suicide bombing, constant killing of each other etc.) with another which is again expecting salvation from an outdated ideology. Basing countries on an ideology is a failed approach. It failed in many countries miserably. The most recent example is communism. Take USSR and China for instance, both USSR and China depended on communist ideology but China gave it up and the result was that the China didn't have to face the fate of USSR but China today is an emerging economic power. China's president who reformed the system famously said that "it doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white as long as it catches mice" which indicates that regardless of ideology, the main focus should be prosperity. Now he on the other hand tries to present a rosy picture of his land as a successful model but the reality is that although it is stable but it only applies when it is compared to its neighbours or regional countries. In the end of the day, it's pretty much the same minus the daily dose of violence.

As one member mentioned, the issues will remain as long as the countries stop the practice on relying on ideology/religion because once a country relies on ideology, it's impossible to adjust its policies to suit the needs of different eras because ideology/religion is something constant and cannot be changed easily. The same thing happened with communism and the same is happening with religion.

Yes i know, i also told my Iranian friends on here the same thing on another thread Every country that bases its foreign/national policy on ideology/religion is bound to fail. Reason Iran is isolated/sanctioned nowadays as well. Its also because of their Mullah unrealistic point on focusing on religion/ideology and supporting terror groups like Sunni Hamas against Israel. What interest do they have in doing that? NONE, apart from trying to be the MUSLIM SUPERMAN' helping their 'oppressed' muslim brothers.lool So yes foreign and national policy should be based on pragmatism like East Asian countries like China do. So China should serve as a real example to countries like Iran and other middle eastern countries
And yes, i agreed with him on just one point, that Shias seem to be less prone to violence/suicide bombings than Sunnis, and they seem to be more stable politically. Thats the only point i agreed with.:)

That's right. I just got back from China 2 weeks ago. It is a central planning country. Every business every company every factory is controlled by the government. Constructions everywhere. Government funds everything. Very prosperous. Actually, USSR was very prospoerous but traitors like Yeltsin did a coup and arrested the general secretary Gorbachev and broke up the USSR so they can have power as presidents.


What does central planning have to do with communism? Singapore used to own most of the major institutions but it was fiercely anti-communist. Same goes for South Korea when it was a developing country.

They dont seem to understand this simple fact.:)
Iran will come out of isolation no matter what BBC would like to tell you , the difference between the current regime and the past is that the past regime started with international cooperation and then ended up tightening the corelations , this time it's the other way around , with the so called opposition being merely a joke the america will negotiate with iran , no matter whether you like it or not...
You do not understand what you are talking about. Every functioning society must have an ideological core. Without it, humans can not form large functioning societies.

Chinese have not abandoned communism. They have modified it per their own requirements. Chinese communist party is very much in power and crushes any movement that challenges its authority. Quite brutally. Politically China remains a communist country full nine yard of it. It is only the economic aspects of communism that they gave up.

Similar is the ideology of secularism that you are supporting. It is a Western ideology which was developed over centuries and over a very very bloody history of Europe. Much more bloodier than middle east. Some in ME believe that secularism will save them. But the truth is, secularism does not work in a vacuum. It works in West, because it has roots there. No such roots exist in Libya or Yemen. To even challenge this important point, would make a moron out of you.

Places like ME need a functioning ideology that takes ground realities into account. You can not go to Afghanistan and tell the people to become secular. It wont work even in a science fiction setting.

Even in places like Turkey, Algeria and Egypt, secularism has been upheld by expending a substantial amount of military interference in political affairs. In effect, as I have explained in my posts above, the ideology of secularism in these lands, become the puppetry ideology which enforces secularism through the barrel of foreign designed/manufactured guns and foreign alliances with a heavy does of pseudo-nationalism.

Sunni world is in turmoil because, politically they have not grown over several centuries. You can not expect, such a community to suddenly become secular with a Belgian constitution. It is only a wet dream of yours if you think so.

So according to you any government that brutally crushes any challenge to its power is a communist government?loool Lmao. In that case i will say many middle eastern countries and GCC are communist then. In fact even Iran will be considered communist lol:). My friend China is a communist country only in name to be honest, having been there few times myself i can attest to this. They are growing even more capitalistic than the west/U.S in some aspects. What rules there is 'to be rich is glorious'. They are now the most prragmatic government/society out there i must say. They care about exporting any ideology at all, and will cooperate with any country regardless of that country's ideology/religion etc. Its for this very reason that they are now an economkic superpower and its also for this reason that they are one of the only country who i think really poses a real threat to our hegemony/supremacy in the long term. Communism is long death in China and many other countries by the way. China isnt based on ideology anymore, that's so 1970s.lool As far as middle eastern countries dont get this simple fact, im afraid the region will be in turmoil for a long time to come.

By the way i do admire/respect Irans scientist/engineer, for i know they are indeed the brightest/most skillful in the region, its only their leaders/Mullahs silly obsessed ideology/over emphasis on religion that is holding the country back, if not for that and the subsequent sanctions/isolation, i have no doubt Iran /Mullahs.will be farrrr more proserous,adavcned and a credible potential world power at that by now.:)
No sign of Islamic State link to Yemen attacks | India TV News

Washington: The White House said Friday there's no indication the Islamic State group had any operational link to a string of suicide bombings in Yemen that killed at least 137 people.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said the U.S. is still investigating the claim of responsibility by the Yemeni branch of Islamic State. He said the U.S. is looking to see whether IS has a command-and-control structure that would enable it to coordinate the attack.

But Earnest also said IS often claims responsibility for attacks purely for propaganda value. Still, he said the attack shows that everyone in the region -- including Muslims -- is in danger from IS.

Earnest said there's also no clear evidence backing up the IS claim of responsibility for another deadly attack in Tunisia this week.

Bernadette Meehan, a spokeswoman for the White House's National Security Council, said the U.S condemns the attacks and also condemns airstrikes Thursday that targeted Yemeni President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi. The airstrikes by forces loyal to Yemen's former president missed his palace and Hadi was unharmed.

Meehan said the U.S. is calling on all sides in Yemen to return to political talks to resolve differences. She said all of Yemen's diverse communities must take part in a peaceful democratic process.
So according to you any government that brutally crushes any challenge to its power is a communist government?loool Lmao. In that case i will say many middle eastern countries and GCC are communist then. In fact even Iran will be considered communist lol:). My friend China is a communist country only in name to be honest, having been there few times myself i can attest to this. They are growing even more capitalistic than the west/U.S in some aspects. What rules there is 'to be rich is glorious'. They are now the most prragmatic government/society out there i must say. They care about exporting any ideology at all, and will cooperate with any country regardless of that country's ideology/religion etc. Its for this very reason that they are now an economkic superpower and its also for this reason that they are one of the only country who i think really poses a real threat to our hegemony/supremacy in the long term. Communism is long death in China and many other countries by the way. China isnt based on ideology anymore, that's so 1970s.lool As far as middle eastern countries dont get this simple fact, im afraid the region will be in turmoil for a long time to come.

By the way i do admire/respect Irans scientist/engineer, for i know they are indeed the brightest/most skillful in the region, its only their leaders/Mullahs silly obsessed ideology/over emphasis on religion that is holding the country back, if not for that and the subsequent sanctions/isolation, i have no doubt Iran /Mullahs.will be farrrr more proserous,adavcned and a credible potential world power at that by now.:)

As I already told it, you do not fully understand.

A government that brutally crushes opposition and IDENTIFIES itself as communist is a communist state. It does not matter whether it upholds Leninist or Trotskyist, Maoist or Xi-ist ideology. Even if it trades in dollar and with Western capitalists. It does not matter. It is the core ideology of ruling elite that matters.

On Iran also you have no clue. Just before revolution, Iran's indigenous scientific and engineering capability was limited to less than a couple of hundred research papers written annually. Mostly mundane stuff. There were nearly 150 thousand American and European advisers, engineers and technician in addition to a couple of hundred thousand other skilled foreigners (doctors, engineers mostly) running Iran. Such was the case before "Mullahs" came to power. But then these Mullahs did something that no body thought to be possible back then. They kicked all the American advisers out and raised an army of several million Iranian engineers, technicians and scientists to run the country without any help from outside. Today Iran publishes more scientific papers than all the world except 17 others. If it was not for Mullahs, Iran would not be where it is today. If it was not for these Mullahs, Shia would be blowing up themselves everywhere as Sunnis are doing today.

As I said you have no clue.

Houthis will take security measures..

It is the Saudis actually. They are trying to repeat what they have done in Syria and Iraq in Yemen as well. By using their ideological foot soldiers.
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