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137 killed, 345 injured in Yemen bombing attacks

Saudi Arabia Condemns Aden and Sana'a Terror Attacks

WASHINGTON, March 20, 2015 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia issued the following statement today on the terrorist attacks in Aden and Sana'a:

Saudi Arabia today condemned the terrorist attacks in Yemen as a threat to the security and unity of the country. The Kingdom has followed with great concern the painful events in Yemen, including Thursday's aerial bombing of the Presidential Palace in Aden and adjacent areas, as well as today's bombings in Sana'a. Saudi Arabia condemns these terrorist attacks, which will only further destabilize the security and stability in Yemen and subject its people to strife and destruction.

The Kingdom confirms that it supports the legitimacy of the government of Yemen and stands by the brotherly people of Yemen with all its resources.

The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz has ordered dispatch of urgent medical aid to treat the wounded and offered to transfer victims of the terrorist attacks in Aden and Sana'a to Saudi Arabia for medical treatment.

The Kingdom stresses the importance for all political factions in Yemen who are interested in maintaining the security and stability of the country to promptly confirm that they will participate in the conference sponsored by the Gulf Cooperation Council in Riyadh.

SOURCE Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia Condemns Aden and Sana'a Terror Attacks

You're a weird and sick individual who has fetish for trolling Muslims. If I see it one more time I'm opening GHQ thread for administraion to put it to an end.

You're a weird and sick individual who has fetish for trolling Muslims. If I see it one more time I'm opening GHQ thread for administraion to put it to an end.
I havent read all his replies but as far as i haven seen he made completely reasonable points, everyone has a opinion and is free to express it.
Saudi king orders urgent medical aid to Yemen

Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz has ordered dispatching urgent medical aid to Yemen on Friday to those who sustained injuries in the attacks in the cities of Sanaa and Aden that killed at least 142 worshippers, the Saudi Gazette daily reported on Saturday.

Following the king’s directive, Saudi is also prepared to bring in the wounded so as to provide them treatment at its various medical centers, the Saudi Press Agency reported, quoting an official source.

“Saudi Arabia condemns these terrorist attacks that will only lead to further undermining the stability and security of Yemen and causing more destruction to the people and the country,” the source said, adding that the Kingdom is following the painful developments in the neighboring country with deep concern.

While reiterating the kingdom’s position to stand by the legitimate government of Yemen led by Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, the source underscored the need for quick response from all the Yemeni political groups to take part in the upcoming Riyadh conference under the aegis of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).

In an online statement, the previously unknown Sanaa branch of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) claimed responsibility for the bombings and said they were “just the tip of the iceberg.”

But the White House had earlier said there was no “clear operational” link between Yemeni extremists and ISIS.

Saudi king orders urgent medical aid to Yemen
Time for Hezbollah and Mahdi Army to be deployed to Sanaa, no?
how are they going to get there o_O and that would just escalate tensions.

but RIP. I saw the video of the aftermath sad stuff.

I also saw the video of the woman who allegedly burnt the Qu'ran. the beating she took and all the emotion over one holy book, but you got these suicide bombers attacking mosques killing dozens wounding even more burning/destroying hundreds of Qu'rans and it's like where's the outrage over that??
Even in Turkey, secularism doesn't seem to work very well as people don't seem to be fond of it.
Last year ministry of Religion made a survey, 65% said secularism is the only way to maintain religious freedom for all religions, 90% said they dont want sharia and 90 or 95% said they prefer democracy over any other system.
OMG. First Terrorize and then send Aid.

damn sure they will put blame on the victim.
@Horus ;)

Saudi Arabia Condemns Aden and Sana'a Terror Attacks

Saudi king orders urgent medical aid to Yemen

SA used to have good relations with all Yemeni factions and especially Zaidis.
SA fought AQ groups in Yemen by giving military aid to the Legitimate Yemeni Army with economic aid to the Yemeni Govs.

On the other hand here, Others ;) are doing the exact opposite, by funding sectarian militias to collapse Legitimate Yemeni Regime.

Why you want to make them equal ?
Can you explain what is SA fault here ?
OMG. First Terrorize and then send Aid.

damn sure they will put blame on the victim.

Their old modus operandi. But they are becoming more and more efficient. Before it used to take weeks and sometimes months to condemn. With this incident, it took only two days.
Their old modus operandi. But they are becoming more and more efficient. Before it used to take weeks and sometimes months to condemn. With this incident, it took only two days.

0 days.
Terrorist Attack
happened yesterday 20 March.
was also yesterday 20 March (check news date).

When the Saudi Field Hospital was deployed in Baghdad treating ALL Iraqis (Shias and Sunnis),
Iran was arming Shia militias to target Sunnis and displace them from their homes.

Same goes in Yemen.
@Sunni Falcon @xenon54

In Arabic what he's doing is 'استفزاز' ، he does it intentionally. He only praises Muslim nations when he can use that praise as a way to demean other Muslim nations. One time he bashes Arab nations for not supporting Palestinians the other he calls Hamas a terror group. It's very obvious by his opening statements 'He He Muslims killing Muslims :D, he he Shia Sunni unity? :D :lol: '

He's trolling and it's against rules.

Last year ministry of Religion made a survey, 65% said secularism is the only way to maintain religious freedom for all religions, 90% said they dont want sharia and 90 or 95% said they prefer democracy over any other system.

Take it easy on him bro, he has tantrums once a while where he expresses his adamancey to live a lifestyle that is free. What he means is living the 'cool' lifestyle. The problem arises is he has trouble picking up girls and getting along with the 'cool' people so he comes on PDF and takes his rage out on us. :lol:

Its so cute. :D
Wishing the wounded a speedy recovery and the dead to Jannatul Fardowsa. May the perpetrators of this horrible crime captured and pay the price of this criminal and terrorist act.
Their old modus operandi. But they are becoming more and more efficient. Before it used to take weeks and sometimes months to condemn. With this incident, it took only two days.

yemen is very hard for saudi since it knows if yemen becomes strong it will claim its territory back from saudi.

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