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137 killed, 345 injured in Yemen bombing attacks

The guy i quoted is a Palestinian dude...he knows that Iran is aiding his peoples struggle but he still chooses to side with the terrorists. About Turks....lol.

Yes, that is why we should not generalize about a whole nation based on a single individual. This is what I am saying. Otherwise it will perpetuate hate and distrust.
Iranian gov is still helping Gaza...thats the policy and will be. You turned anti Persian, Hazzy?

Not about anti-Persian, anti-disaster in region. Gaza and Palestine mean nothing anymore to Arab world. As they're invested in fighting each other. I don't take sides in immoral war like the one we see today. It's a shame on both sides. Hamas doesn't have strong ties with Iran no longer and Iranian support won't change situation. What will change is dramatic change in region that will be unexpected and something we can't predict. I really don't have opinion on ME anymore, as it has exceeded what I thought would happen, just watching develpments but no longer side with any certain camp.
Last Updated: Sunday, March 22, 2015 - 22:49
Shiite militia seize airport in key Yemen city | Zee News

Aden: Shiite militia in Yemen seized the airport in a key central city Sunday as deteriorating security prompted Washington to evacuate personnel and the UN Security Council to call an emergency session.

The Security Council was to meet later Sunday after President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi called for "urgent intervention" amid mounting unrest, including suicide bombings claimed by the Islamic State group that killed 142 people in the capital Sanaa on Friday.

Impoverished but strategic Yemen has descended into chaos in recent months, with the Shiite militia, known as Huthis, seizing control of Sanaa and forcing Hadi to flee to the main southern city of Aden.

The Arabian Peninsula country is increasingly divided between a north controlled by the Huthis, who are allegedly backed by Iran, and a south dominated by Hadi`s allies.

On Sunday the Huthis and their allies seized the airport in Taez, which is just 180 kilometres (110 miles) north of Aden on the road to Sanaa and seen as a strategic entry point to Hadi`s refuge.

Security sources told AFP some 300 men, including Huthi fighters dressed in military uniforms and allied forces, had deployed at the airport and reinforcements were arriving from Sanaa by air and land.

The forces allied with the Huthis included members of the former central security force, a unit seen as loyal to ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh.

Saleh was forced from power in early 2012 after a year-long popular uprising and has been accused of working with the Huthis to restore his influence.Security sources said Huthi militiamen were also patrolling parts of Taez and had set up checkpoints in Raheda, some 80 kilometres south of the city on the road to Aden.

A military source said troops loyal to Hadi and southern paramilitary forces had meanwhile deployed in Lahj province north of Aden, in anticipation of a possible Huthi advance.

Huthi militiamen killed one protester in Taez when they opened fire to disperse thousands of people demanding that the rebels withdraw, activists said.

Elsewhere, six tribesmen were killed in Qania, in Marib province, in a clash with Huthis advancing towards the eastern province, a tribal source said. The source claimed that 30 militiamen were killed.

AFP could not verify the death tolls with an independent source.

Hadi, backed by Western and Gulf states as Yemen`s legitimate ruler, has struggled to reassert his authority since escaping house arrest in Sanaa last month and fleeing to Aden.

In a letter to the Security Council, he said the Huthis and their allies "not only threaten peace in Yemen but regional and international peace and security".

He called for "urgent intervention by all available means to stop this aggression that is aimed at undermining the legitimate authority, the fragmentation of Yemen and its peace and stability."

Hadi has been trying to cement his power base in Aden which he declared the temporary capital after he retracted a resignation tendered under Huthi pressure.On Thursday, his forces overran the special forces base in Aden after its commander rejected Hadi`s decision to remove him.

On Saturday he pledged to fight Iranian influence in Yemen, accusing the Huthis of importing Tehran`s ideology.

Hadi said he would ensure that "the Yemeni republic flag will fly on the Marran mountain in (the Huthis` northern stronghold) Saada, instead of the Iranian flag".

Yemen is increasingly divided along sectarian lines, with the Shiite militia facing resistance from Sunni tribesmen and Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), the powerful branch of the global jihadist network.

The Huthis were targeted on Friday by IS, which claimed responsibility for a series of devastating suicide bombings at mosques in Sanaa.

Yemen has long been a key US ally in the fight against Islamic extremism, allowing Washington to carry out drone strikes on AQAP on its territory.

But in statement on Saturday, Washington said it was evacuating its remaining personnel.

"Due to the deteriorating security situation in Yemen, the US government has temporarily relocated its remaining personnel out of Yemen," State Department spokesman Jeff Rathke said.

Washington would "continue to actively monitor terrorist threats emanating from Yemen and have capabilities postured in the area to address them", Rathke said.

Yes, that is why we should not generalize about a whole nation based on a single individual. This is what I am saying. Otherwise it will perpetuate hate and distrust.
Thing is that guy is pro Palestine and pro Hamas... he should be instead on our side not the opposite.
Thing is that guy is pro Palestine and pro Hamas... he should be instead on our side not the opposite.

I again urge you to think about what I said. Do not characterize whole people based on your personal view of a single individual. That is all I can advise you. Because if you do and you try to force your point then, it will perpetuate hate.

Now it is upto you. Az maa goftan bood...
I again urge you to think about what I said. Do not characterize whole people based on your personal view of a single individual. That is all I can advise you. Because if you do and you try to force your point then, it will perpetuate hate.

Now it is upto you. Az maa goftan bood.
You dont get it.. do you ?
Thing is that guy is pro Palestine and pro Hamas... he should be instead on our side not the opposite.

Iranians hate Hamas. :)

I again urge you to think about what I said. Do not characterize whole people based on your personal view of a single individual. That is all I can advise you. Because if you do and you try to force your point then, it will perpetuate hate.

Now it is upto you. Az maa goftan bood.

Why are you so worried? I don't hate either of you. But I believe both proxy sides need to wire up their brains. If not then mutual destruction will occur. I don't care what happens anymore. :)
You dont get it.. do you ?

Actually it is other way around. On another thread also @Serpentine told you not to characterize a whole people based on your individual view of a single person on a forum. But obviously you are not listening. What you are doing perpetuates hate.

I do not wish to take it further than this.

Why are you so worried? I don't hate either of you. But I believe both proxy sides need to wire up their brains. If not then mutual destruction will occur. I don't care what happens anymore. :)

Thank you for not hating us. lol. But the truth is as I explained to you in previous pages of this thread. You did not accept it. That is fine. Time will tell.
Thank you for not hating us. lol. But the truth is as I explained to you in previous pages of this thread. You did not accept it. That is fine. Time will tell.

Truth is nobody understands what's happening, it's best to wait it out and let it sort itself out. Meanwhile, until then just chill. :smokin: :tongue:
Actually it is other way around. On another thread also @Serpentine told you not to characterize a whole people based on your individual view of a single person on a forum. But obviously you are not listening. What you are doing perpetuates hate.

I do not wish to take it further than this.

I dont agree with Serpentine... why should i ''listen'' to him ? I suggest you to read post #139.. focus especially on the first part of the sentence. Your answer lies there.

Iranians hate Hamas. :)
I dont agree with Serpentine... why should i ''listen'' to him ? I suggest you to read post #139.. focus especially on the first part of the sentence. Your answer lies there.


IMF, I joined it while back and didn't like anti-Hamas rhetoric which lead to fight and permanent ban of me. As I stated earlier though, if Iran supports or doesn't, that's not going to change my views. Or make me hate Iranians. Or hold something against you. I don't care anymore, it's not center of attention no longer. Center of attention is Saudi-Iran tensions in region.
IMF, I joined it while back and didn't like anti-Hamas rhetoric which lead to fight and permanent ban of me. As I stated earlier though, if Iran supports or doesn't, that's not going to change my views. Or make me hate Iranians. Or hold something against you. I don't care anymore, it's not center of attention no longer. Center of attention is Saudi-Iran tensions in region.
Leave Iran-Wahabi fights to us and the Wahabis... i am interested in why you have bias towards Iran... especially considering how much aid Iran gave to Palestinians and its military factions. So why the bias ?
Leave Iran-Wahabi fights to us and the Wahabis... i am interested in why you have bias towards Iran... especially considering how much aid Iran gave to Palestinians and its military factions. So why the bias ?

What bias? I have expressed extreme anti-Arab views and anti-Iran views as well. To restore your sanity, I don't identify with the conflicts outside of Palestine. They are brutal conflict, which saw many of people tortured to death(From Yarmouk). It's better not to ask me to clarify any further so I don't get think about it and get angry. Right now I am adopting moderate approach that this is largest fitnah to hit Islamic community. I'd rather not inflame it. Right now I am following developments and not don't identify with either camp. Palestinians are Palestinians and do what is best for us. Right now Hamas's ties with Iran are at all time low. If they were high, that won't make me support conflicts in region because I told how I view it. For us, our cause is our struggle and our hard work is our work. External assistance is minor and not possible anymore.
Southern People's Resistance militants loyal to Yemen's President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi gather at the al-Anad air base in the country's southern province of Lahej, after seizing it March 22, 2015.

A tank is seen at an army post seized by the Southern People's Resistance militants loyal to Yemen's President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi in al-Habilin of Yemen's southern province of Lahej March 22
Southern People's Resistance militants loyal to Yemen's President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi gather at the al-Anad air base in the country's southern province of Lahej, after seizing it March 22, 2015.


They should defend their Country & their Legitimate President against Barbaric Iranian Invaders.
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