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137 killed, 345 injured in Yemen bombing attacks

Houthis order army to begin operations against 'terrorism' in Sanaa, Lhaj province and city of Aden
I havent read all his replies but as far as i haven seen he made completely reasonable points, everyone has a opinion and is free to express it.
LOOOOL Dont mind him bro. Truth hurts you know. I think he should also ask the MOD to ban all his muslim brothers who liked/aggreed with my comments on here. LMAO. Think is when you say things people know its true deep down but reject it, they tend to want to just shut offf the topic and any discussion about it. Afterall, i have made comments that many members on here dont like, be it Indians, Chinese, Paakistanis, Turkish, Vietnamese, Russians, and even Japanese , however the difference is that all these members never called on MODS/admin to open a GHQ where i will be banned for 'trolling'. He's actually the first person to say this.....well i guess that explkains his mentality. When you have lost a debate what else can you do?? Instead of countering my points with reasonable/valauable points like his Daneshman brother did, he resorts instead to wanting a halt to any discussion.loool

He shouldnt worry, i couldnt care less to be honest, but one thing is sure, i will keep making my points when i want, whether he likes it or not.lool :)
US troops out as Yemen vows to counter Iran influence | Zee News
Last Updated: Sunday, March 22, 2015 - 01:21

Aden: Yemen`s embattled President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi pledged Saturday to fight Iranian influence in his violence-wracked country after US troops at a key Yemeni airbase were pulled out.

The Americans at Al-Anad airbase have been evacuated for security reasons, a Yemeni military source there said a day after several suicide bombings at Shiite Huthi mosques claimed by the Sunni Islamic State group killed 142 people.

The troops left late Friday for an "unknown destination", the source at the base in the southern province of Lahj told AFP.

Yemen has acknowledged that American personnel gathering intelligence for drone strikes targeting Al-Qaeda are deployed at Al-Anad.

At least 29 people were killed Friday in clashes in Lahj between security forces and gunmen who included both Al-Qaeda militants and southern separatists.

Yemen is on the brink of civil war, with a deepening political impasse and an increasingly explicit territorial division along sectarian lines, amid rising violence between Huthi militia and Sunni tribes and Al-Qaeda.

Accusing the Huthis of importing Tehran`s ideology, Hadi lashed out at the Iran-backed militia Saturday after the suicide bombings, which also wounded 351 people.

By claiming its first attack in Yemen, IS is seeking to exploit the chaos gripping the country where rival Al-Qaeda has traditionally been the dominant militant movement.

The Huthis, who seized Sanaa in September, vowed to take further "revolutionary steps" following Friday`s blasts.In his first televised speech since he fled to Aden from house arrest in Huthi-held Sanaa, Hadi said he would ensure that "the Yemeni republic flag will fly on the Marran mountain in (the Huthi militia`s northern stronghold) Saada, instead of the Iranian flag".

"The Iranian Twelver (Shiism) pattern that has been agreed upon between the Huthis and those who support them will not be accepted by Yemenis, whether Zaidi (Shiites) or Shafite (Sunnis)," he said.

The Huthis belong to the Zaidi offshoot of Shiite Islam. They are believed to have converted to Twelver Shiism, which is followed by Iran, but insist that Tehran does not meddle in Yemeni affairs.

In a letter to relatives of the mosque bombings victims, Hadi condemned the attacks as "terrorist, criminal and cowardly".

"Such heinous attacks could only be done by the enemies of life," who want to drag Yemen into "chaos, violence and internal fighting", he said.

"Shiite extremism, represented by the armed Huthi militia, and Sunni extremism, represented by Al-Qaeda, are two sides of the same coin, who do not wish good and stability for Yemen and its people."

Hadi has declared Aden the country`s temporary capital.

Friday`s bombings came a day after clashes in the southern city between Hadi loyalists and forces allied with the Huthis.

There were signs that forces allied with the Huthis and former president Ali Abdullah Saleh were planning to seize Taez -- a strategic city between the capital and Aden.Since taking Sanaa the Huthis have tightened their grip on government institutions, aided by Saleh loyalists.

But in their push to widen their control to the south, they have faced fierce resistance from Sunni tribes allied with Al-Qaeda.

Al-Qaeda distanced itself from Friday`s bombings, insisting it does not target mosques.

In an online statement claiming responsibility, the Sanaa branch of IS said the attacks were "just the tip of the iceberg".

Iran "strongly condemned" the bombings.

Mohammed Abdulsalam, spokesman for the Huthis` Ansarullah party, called the attacks part of a "clear war against the Yemeni people and its popular revolution" -- a reference to Sanaa`s takeover.

He accused "Gulf-funded media" of providing political cover for Al-Qaeda in the provinces of Baida and Marib.

"It is now imperative that we complete the revolutionary steps to protect the people and their revolution," he said in a statement.

The Huthi threat came as reinforcements from the special forces, accused of links to the Huthis and Saleh, were sent to Taez, 260 kilometres (161 miles) south of Sanaa.

Military sources said some 1,200 soldiers, backed by 22 armoured vehicles, had arrived at the special forces base in Taez.

Taez is just 180 kilometres north of Aden, and seen as a strategic entry point to Hadi`s refuge.

"The bombings in Sanaa will now be taken as an excuse to open new fronts by attacking Taez and Marib (in the east)," said Yemeni youth activist Bassem al-Hakimi.

Anti-aircraft guns fire at plane over Aden in Yemen: Witnesses | Zee News
Last Updated: Sunday, March 22, 2015 - 14:01

Aden: Yemeni anti-aircraft guns opened fire at an unidentified plane flying over President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi`s compound in the southern city of Aden on Sunday and appeared to force it away, witnesses said.

It was the third incident of its kind in the past four days, in which unidentified aircraft have flown over the compound, where Hadi is based, on one occasion dropping bombs without causing any casualties.

Aden`s governor Abdulaziz bin Habtoor has accused the Shi`ite Muslim Houthi movement of ordering the flights, an allegation the Iran-allied group, which controls much of the north of the country, has yet to address.

Yemen has descended into civil war since last year when the Houthis seized Sanaa and removed Hadi from effective control of the state. The Houthis then advanced into Sunni Muslim areas, leading to clashes with local tribes and al Qaeda.

On Saturday Hadi, who fled to Aden from Sanaa last month, accused the Houthis of staging a coup against him and appealed to the United Nations for “urgent intervention”.

Eyewitnesses in the central province of Ibb described to Reuters seeing a column of dozens of tanks and military vehicles travelling from the Houthi-loyalist north on their way southward toward Taiz, 150 km (200 miles) northwest of Aden.

The Houthis are allied with former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh, who still wields influence in the armed forces despite having given up power in 2011 after mass protests against his rule.

As I said, Iranians picked up on Western strategy. Which is expansion/domination in name of fighting 'extremist ideology'. You claim every other state and peoples in region are puppets of West but emulate their exact strategy which is enough for us to conclude that Iran is a threat to the Arab Sunni peoples. And that Iranians view us as their enemies. Keep it up. :)

And? Problems are part of life, we acknowledge that. :)

I am not blaming Iranians for divisions in Arab world, actually I've stated that it is internal Arab issue(ie developing central agreed upon worldview/strategy). At same time we can't deny Iran has a hand in some conflicts in region.
Dont bite the hand that arms and feeds you.
Last year ministry of Religion made a survey, 65% said secularism is the only way to maintain religious freedom for all religions, 90% said they dont want sharia and 90 or 95% said they prefer democracy over any other system.
If Turks prefer secularism then I am happy. 35% opposing secularism is not a small number bro. That's why I said just like in other muslim-majority countries islamism seems to be the trend even in Turkey. Nevertheless Turkey is the most successful country in the region, however, it could have refrained from intervening in useless middle eastern conflicts and concentrate on development. Even if you oppose EU, there's plenty of other alternatives like Central Asia, SCS etc.
If Turks prefer secularism then I am happy. 35% opposing secularism is not a small number bro. That's why I said just like in other muslim-majority countries islamism seems to be the trend even in Turkey. Nevertheless Turkey is the most successful country in the region, however, it could have refrained from intervening in useless middle eastern conflicts and concentrate on development. Even if you oppose EU, there's plenty of other alternatives like Central Asia, SCS etc.
It doesnt mean 35% opposing secularism, its just that 65% think that in Turkey only secularism can guarantee religious freedom, many countries in Europe dont define themselves as secular and often have a state region but most still have freedom of religion.

90% is fine with current system and democracy, and dont want sharia.

Houthis order army to begin operations against 'terrorism' in Sanaa, Lhaj province and city of Aden

Good order. Yemen joins an increasing number of countries declaring war on Takfiri ideology exported from Saudi Arabia.
Dont bite the hand that arms and feeds you.

He is no a representative of a whole people. Be careful about how you characterize a whole nation based on your views about a single individual. Please do not perpetuate hate. Do not be like these people: Çay Bahçesi | Page 704

PS. Read through my comments to him, on this thread from page 3 through 6 to understand what is actually going on.
He is no a representative of a whole people. Be careful about how you characterize a whole nation based on your views about a single individual. Please do not perpetuate hate. Do not be like these people: Çay Bahçesi | Page 704

PS. Read through my comments to him, on this thread from page 3 through 6 to understand what is actually going on.

The guy i quoted is a Palestinian dude...he knows that Iran is aiding his peoples struggle but he still chooses to side with the terrorists. About Turks....lol.
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