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10 Border Guards Martyred by Terrorists Near Pakistan Border

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Many names can be replaced, it's not a hard thing to do sitting behind a monitor:

world will be alot better place if Saudis, Qataris, Jordanians, Emiratis, Pakistanis wernt so hell bent on spreading terrorism in the middle east.

You forgot to mention Indians in there, India actually has more fighters than estimated.

But if you stopped stooping down to Saudi Arabia and Qatar's level, of countering their takfirism with your proxy warfare; the world would be a lot better place.
fanning unrest in Bahrain, supporting Assad in Syria

This two statements show why I shouldn't take you seriously. So when Saudis, Turkey Qatar actually armed terror groups in Syria not to 'cause unrest', but to destroy the whole country it's okay, but when Iran supporting its ally is not?

As for Bahrain, one is a fool to compare it to Syria. Bahraini regime uses Iran as a scapegoat to suppress peaceful protesters. Look at number of civilians killed and compare it to the number of gov forces killed in Bahrain, the numbers speak for themselves. Iran didn't send any arms, TOW missiles, Katyusha, drones to Bahrain, but Saudis, Turkey and Qatar did send much more to Syria. It just shows your hypocrisy blaming Iran for both Bahrain and Syria.
Going to war with GCC through Yemen because Iranians know if they try any misadventure from their soil the GCC alongside US and Israel will bomb them into the stone age again. so they are using the poor yemeni
This two statements show why I shouldn't take you seriously. So when Saudis, Turkey Qatar actually armed terror groups in Syria not to 'cause unrest', but to destroy the whole country it's okay, but when Iran supporting its ally is not?

Yes, two rights don't make a wrong.

What is your business in what is happening in Syria and Bahrain, two countries which don't border you? Pakistan only acts on protecting its borders and territorial integrity. Most countries only try to do the same. But the likes of USA, Russia, KSA, Qatar, Iran have interests of having influence over the world, in regions they shouldn't.

Yes, Saudi Arabia and Qatar etc. has instigated Takfiri ideology and terrorism in Syria. But Assad is no angel either, and it would have been better to reach a solution earlier on in the Syrian conflict, than seeing what is happening in the country today. It breaks my heart, because I have been to Syria, and seen what a fantastic country it once was.

On the one hand, you support marginalized Shia minority communities against Sunni oppressors, but Iran also supports Salafist organizations such as the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas that are against Shias. So there are so many examples of Iranian hypocrisy on such matters.
Are you sure that Iranians are spreading terrorism in the middle east?
Because west has the upper hand to spread lies, you should believe whatever they say?

Pakistanis are not stupid to believe western media...We have our own sources...problem is everyone is having trouble with your Mullah regime...If you anyhow able to get your country back to once it was pre 1979....trust me, people would be lining up to become friends of Iran...

I m not saying to be apologetic to others...But still...you can have good relations with Sunni countries, defending your interests at same time
Even Iraq (which is majority Shia) and Iraqi Shias are cynical of Iran's motives. Iran should stop stooping down to Saudi Arabia and Qatar's levels, and stop engaging in proxy warfare in the Middle East, that shouldn't be its concern.
To find a satisfying answer for your question you can make a search on Pakistans history and history of its relations with Saudi Arabia and how Saudis infiltrated and what they control in Pakistan and who is on their payroll and many other details!

We control Saudis...We are head of 41 nation armies...Stop smoking whatever you are...

Pakistan hadn't refused to send army in yemen in first place if we were controlled or manipulated by Saudis...So, you need to cut the shit and relax in Kuwait
Pakistanis are not stupid to believe western media...We have our own sources...problem is everyone is having trouble with your Mullah regime...If you anyhow able to get your country back to once it was pre 1979....trust me, people would be lining up to become friends of Iran...
I m not saying to be apologetic to others...But still...you can have good relations with Sunni countries, defending your interests at same time
Not defending Mullahs also not saying Pakistanis are stupid. But as you may know all governments lie to stay on power or to defend their interests. Just like Mullahs and your government.....
So instead of creating a joint-strike team eith Iran and going after these guys who killed the border guards (most likely have links to other terror groups in Pakistan) the Pakistani's are just giving excuses and laying the blame on Iran?

Lol pathetic....
So instead of creating a joint-strike team eith Iran and going after these guys who killed the border guards (most likely have links to other terror groups in Pakistan) the Pakistani's are just giving excuses and laying the blame on Iran?

Lol pathetic....

Its two way street...Pakistan won't have any problem to have joint team in bordering areas...Both countries need to sort out collectively rather than blaming one...

Not defending Mullahs also not saying Pakistanis are stupid. But as you may know all governments lie to stay on power or to defend their interests. Just like Mullahs and your government.....

Agreed...Pakistanis had great relations with your government pre 1979...the moment Mullahs took control, everything lost...
What is your business in what is happening in Syria and Bahrain, two countries which don't border you?

Um, Bahrain is just a few km across the Persian Gulf. And they are the base for the US Navy's aircraft carriers. But regardless of that, there is no evidence that Iran has sent any arms to Bahrain. As @Serpentine said, the Bahraini government is just laying the blame on Iran so it doesn't have to give the people their rights, citing security reasons.

And Syria is one of the few countries that helped Iran against Saddam in the war. It is also a vital front against Israel. We shouldn't let our ally fall to terrorism.

Even Iraq (which is majority Shia) and Iraqi Shias are cynical of Iran's motives. Iran should stop stooping down to Saudi Arabia and Qatar's levels, and stop engaging in proxy warfare in the Middle East, that shouldn't be its concern.

So what now, Iran shouldn't support Iraq isn't terrorism? Even though Iraq is on our border and we already had a war with them when the other Salafi, Saddam, was in charge? Sheesh.

If you anyhow able to get your country back to once it was pre 1979....trust me, people would be lining up to become friends of Iran...

Yeah, like Israel, the US, and their stooges. Fvck those guys. I'd rather we stand up for ourselves rather than be their slaves like we were pre-'79. That's "once it was pre 1979".

you can have good relations with Sunni countries, defending your interests at same time

Really? Like Saudi Arabia? Fvck those guys too. They don't want good relations, those bastards are hellbent on regional hegemony. They fund Salafist groups and spread Wahhabi ideology. They oppose Iran supporting its Iraqi ally against Daesh in Iraq. What reasoning is there with these scum? We will not put our interests aside in favour of the opinion of Zionists and Wahhabis.
Yes, two rights don't make a wrong.

What is your business in what is happening in Syria and Bahrain, two countries which don't border you? Pakistan only acts on protecting its borders and territorial integrity. Most countries only try to do the same. But the likes of USA, Russia, KSA, Qatar, Iran have interests of having influence over the world, in regions they shouldn't.

Yes, Saudi Arabia and Qatar etc. has instigated Takfiri ideology and terrorism in Syria. But Assad is no angel either, and it would have been better to reach a solution earlier on in the Syrian conflict, than seeing what is happening in the country today. It breaks my heart, because I have been to Syria, and seen what a fantastic country it once was.

On the one hand, you support marginalized Shia minority communities against Sunni oppressors, but Iran also supports Salafist organizations such as the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas that are against Shias. So there are so many examples of Iranian hypocrisy on such matters.

Sorry but your argument is stupid ... security ain't an abstract concept and indeed is reached through a well observing and monitoring of your environment and on going events happening in it and preparing plans to deal with it... and sure security in Iran is connected to what happens in the region (communicating vessels theory) , and more or less in the Asia and also the entire planet .. if we don't fight ISIS in Iraq and Syria then we would fight them in our borders , by the way our presence in both countries i.e. Iraq and Syria is due to direct request of their governments ...
And what do you mean by this "marginalized Shia minority"? Bahrain or Yemen?
And as You said we support Palestine which is Sunni and meanwhile we support Lebanon which is Shia .. that means our supports is not about sects but oppressed people ...

Going to war with GCC through Yemen because Iranians know if they try any misadventure from their soil the GCC alongside US and Israel will bomb them into the stone age again. so they are using the poor yemeni

You mean the same guys whom have failed in Yemen in past 2.5 years would bomb us into the stone age?
Then why doesn't Iran fence their borders with Pakistan? Same as Pakistan is fencing borders with Afghanistan?

Also Iranians threatening o an Indian style Surgical strike on Pakistan should wake up from their wet dream as Pakistan is no Afghanistan , any attack will be repelled.

Iran is responsible protect their citizens inside their borders and should make border security more robust and start treating People of Sistan in better way who get persecuted fr being Sunni and can' even build a Sunni Mosque.
Um, Bahrain is just a few km across the Persian Gulf. And they are the base for the US Navy's aircraft carriers. But regardless of that, there is no evidence that Iran has sent any arms to Bahrain. As @Serpentine said, the Bahraini government is just laying the blame on Iran so it doesn't have to give the people their rights, citing security reasons.

And Syria is one of the few countries that helped Iran against Saddam in the war. It is also a vital front against Israel. We shouldn't let our ally fall to terrorism.

So what now, Iran shouldn't support Iraq isn't terrorism? Even though Iraq is on our border and we already had a war with them when the other Salafi, Saddam, was in charge? Sheesh.

I see how you have carefully avoided the crux of my previous post.

We Shias have seen the way your country has cynically used the concepts of Velayat-e-Faqih and Taqleed to control Shia populations throughout the world. The way you have created an impression that you safeguard the rights of Shias throughout the world.

Yet, at the same time, you hold secret talks with the Taliban in Afghanistan and provide arms to them; and support Salafist organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas that consider Shias heretics.

We know why you do what you do, we are not stupid. You have no interest in protecting Shias, or fighting for Muslim rights. You want to stoop as low as Saudi Arabia and Qatar, responding to their takfiri ideology with your proxy warfare. It would be best to come out, and say this in the open.

What role do you have in Egypt, Yemen, Palestine?
Yeah, like Israel, the US, and their stooges. Fvck those guys. I'd rather we stand up for ourselves rather than be their slaves like we were pre-'79. That's "once it was pre 1979".

I get it...you don't like puppet leaders of west, fine....Chinese don't like it, Pakistanis don't like it, Russians don't like it...Whole world out there who don't like western puppets, yet no one behaves like Iran...Thats a difference...

Really? Like Saudi Arabia? Fvck those guys too. They don't want good relations, those bastards are hellbent on regional hegemony. They fund Salafist groups and spread Wahhabi ideology. They oppose Iran supporting its Iraqi ally against Daesh in Iraq. What reasoning is there with these scum? We will not put our interests aside in favour of the opinion of Zionists and Wahhabis.

You do support as well all those extremists, its just Shia version of it...Nobody is asking you to put your interest aside, just asking to find common ground...Is it really that difficult for you?

Pakistanis were dying to become bridge b/w you and Arabs regarding 41 Muslim armies alliance...Just look what u did, u rejected it....
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