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10 Border Guards Martyred by Terrorists Near Pakistan Border

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If Iran abandoned its imperialistic ambitions, hegemony over other nations; and actually worked with Pakistan, instead of threatening us, things would be much better.

We have always provided Iran all assistance in tackling their Baloch insurgency problem.

We refused to take sides in the Yemen war. And Iranians forget it was us that helped them start their nuclear program. There are many many things Pakistan has done for Iran, meanwhile, the Iranians here are ungrateful for all we do for them, and call us derogatory things.
Iran is responsible protect their citizens inside their borders and should make border security more robust and start treating People of Sistan in better way who get persecuted fr being Sunni and can' even build a Sunni Mosque.
What do you think they are doing? And why are those soldiers martyred?
They were protecting Iran's border. From terrorists that came throw Pakistan.
I see how you have carefully avoided the crux of my previous post.

We Shias have seen the way your country has cynically used the concepts of Velayat-e-Faqih and Taqleed to control Shia populations throughout the world. The way you have created an impression that you safeguard the rights of Shias throughout the world.

Yet, at the same time, you hold secret talks with the Taliban in Afghanistan and provide arms to them; and support Salafist organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas that consider Shias heretics.

We know why you do what you do, we are not stupid. You have no interest in protecting Shias, or fighting for Muslim rights. You want to stoop as low as Saudi Arabia and Qatar, responding to their takfiri ideology with your proxy warfare. It would be best to come out, and say this in the open.

What role do you have in Egypt, Yemen, Palestine?
Iran insist on brotherhood of Muslims not just Shiahs, your sectarian B.S suits yourself, not us.

so yes, we support any Muslim (Shiah or Sunni) who is willing to cooperate with us against U.S/Zionists agenda.
This is the meaning of brotherhood and in oppose to Takirism.
we know very well where Takfirism separates from Salafism, to hell with anybody who can't see this.

also about working with Taliban, it's all the B.S which Americans spread, baseless and without any evidence, in fact some afghans accused us for cooperating with Americans to take out Taliban leader in Pakistan (while he was assassinated months earlier in Afghanistan).
so which one is right, cooperating with Taliban or cooperating with Americans against Taliban?!

these are just the B.S which Americans or their agents spread, some are said where they need to provoke people against Iran, some are said when they need to cover their talks with Taliban.
you hold secret talks with the Taliban in Afghanistan and provide arms to them

Absolutely absurd. There is no evidence of this. The Taliban has attacked Iran and Iran has acted against the Taliban in the past, there is reason why Iran would support them.

and support Salafist organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood

This is new to me and it doesn't hold much water in my opinion.

Hamas that consider Shias heretics.

This is also new to me, their status as a militant Sunni group makes this possible. All my limited googling gave me was some shutting down of pro-Iranian organisations in response to Iranian influence supposedly growing in Palestine. Regardless, I've observed that Iran is moving away from Hamas.

What role do you have in Egypt, Yemen, Palestine?

I've already explained Egypt and Palestine, but Iran supports the Houthis in a very limited way (small UAVs, small arms etc., some political support) because they are fighting Saudi.

instead of threatening us

When did Iran threaten Pakistan? Hell, Iran hasn't even threatened America or Israel, just said that "if they make a mistake", "if they attack us", etc. we will make their mistake painful etc.

We have always provided Iran all assistance in tackling their Baloch insurgency problem.

Examples, please?

I get it...you don't like puppet leaders of west, fine....Chinese don't like it, Pakistanis don't like it, Russians don't like it...Whole world out there who don't like western puppets, yet no one behaves like Iran...Thats a difference...

The Chinese have a cordial relationship with America following the Sino-American detente when America tried to turn China against the USSR in a number of ways, like supporting the One China policy. Pakistan's government does not have an unfavourable relationship with America at all, as a matter of fact they buy weapons from them. Russia has had a embassy with America (and because of that, relations are formal but by no means friendly) because America was too scared not to. After all, the USSR was a real threat to them militarily, there had to be some channel of communication.

Iran cut relations following the US hosting that dictator Shah Pahlavi immediately after the revolution. Some radicals seized the embassy and relations remain poor. But aside from that, what have we done that they have not done worse? Have you ever heard about IR 655?

You do support as well all those extremists, its just Shia version of it...Nobody is asking you to put your interest aside, just asking to find common ground...Is it really that difficult for you?

"Shia extremists", that's what Saudi call the Iraqi PMU (now part of Iraqi military) who are fighting their buddies, Daesh.

Our interests are defending ourselves. How can we find common ground with the ones who are the ones representing the threat? Saudi sponsors numerous anti-Iranian terrorist and separatist organisations including the Jaish ul Adl group which killed our 10 border guards.

Why can't you find some common ground with India. Is it really that difficult for you?

Pakistanis were dying to become bridge b/w you and Arabs regarding 41 Muslim armies alliance...Just look what u did, u rejected it....

So we join that coalition and do what? Bomb Yemenis? Hello, the Saudis are the founders and propagators of the same sick Wahhabist/Salafist ideology that Daesh and Al Qaeda follow. How can the source of terrorism fight terrorism?
Iran insist on brotherhood of Muslims not just Shiahs, your sectarian B.S suits yourself, not us.

so yes, we support any Muslim (Shiah or Sunni) who is willing to cooperate with us against U.S/Zionists agenda.
This is the meaning of brotherhood and in oppose to Takirism.
we know very well where Takfirism separates from Salafism, to hell with anybody who can't see this.

also about working with Taliban, it's all the B.S which Americans spread, baseless and without any evidence, in fact some afghans accused us for cooperating with Americans to take out Taliban leader in Pakistan (while he was assassinated months earlier in Afghanistan).
so which one is right, cooperating with Taliban or cooperating with Americans against Taliban?!

these are just the B.S which Americans or their agents spread, some are said where they need to provoke people against Iran, some are said when they need to cover their talks with Taliban.

Your brotherhood is BS, your double standards are exposed all over the world. The only one constant is that you want to stoop as low as the Saudis and Qataris, in establishing your hegemony and imperialism over the Muslim world.

Taliban have been holding secret talks with Iran, and I can quote Iranian sources as references.
Absolutely absurd. There is no evidence of this. The Taliban has attacked Iran and Iran has acted against the Taliban in the past, there is reason why Iran would support them.


I've already explained Egypt and Palestine, but Iran supports the Houthis in a very limited way (small UAVs, small arms etc., some political support) because they are fighting Saudi.

What is this obsession of Saudi Arabia with Iran, and vice versa? It's funny you talk of us trying to find common ground with India, when you can't find any with Saudi Arabia.

Examples, please?

Your brotherhood is BS, your double standards are exposed all over the world. The only one constant is that you want to stoop as low as the Saudis and Qataris, in establishing your hegemony and imperialism over the Muslim world.

Taliban have been holding secret talks with Iran, and I can quote Iranian sources as references.
You are the one who have double standards.
claims to be Muslim, yet is angry when Muslims (Shiah and Sunni) are united.
I know you very well the Shirazi cult of Shiahs, the equivalent of Takfiri/wahhabis among Shiahs.
You are the one who have double standards.
claims to be Muslim, yet is angry when Muslims (Shiah and Sunni) are united.
I know you very well the Shirazi cult of Shiahs, the equivalent of Takfiri/wahhabis among Shiahs.

We would be respecting Iran if it did not have its hegemonic designs. We love and respect our Sunni Muslim brothers in Pakistan too (and they love and respect us as their Muslim brothers too), but we call out Takfiris, and their toxic ideology. Most Pakistanis do not support Takfirism, but the actions of Saudi Arabia and Iran have resulted in sectarianism in not just Pakistan, but all of the world.
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That talks of the Afghan govt. talking to the Taliban, not Iran.

What is this obsession of Saudi Arabia with Iran, and vice versa? It's funny you talk of us trying to find common ground with India, when you can't find any with Saudi Arabia.

I didn't actually mean you should find common ground with India. I was reversing the a statement made by someone else asking why we can't find common ground with Saudi.

It's funny you talk of us trying to find common ground with Saudi Arabia, when you can't find any with India.

See what I did there?

Numerous reports saying he was captured in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran... the capture was by Iranian intelligence and is mired in secrecy. No evidence he was captured in cooperation with Pakistan.
That talks of the Afghan govt. talking to the Taliban, not Iran.

Sorry, wrong link:


I didn't actually mean you should find common ground with India. I was reversing the a statement made by someone else asking why we can't find common ground with Saudi.

It's funny you talk of us trying to find common ground with Saudi Arabia, when you can't find any with India.

See what I did there?

We are dealing with India that isn't destroying the world, the same can't be said about your relationship with Saudi Arabia, and your competition is killing the Muslim world population.

Numerous reports saying he was captured in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran... the capture was by Iranian intelligence and is mired in secrecy. No evidence he was captured in cooperation with Pakistan.

Your news agencies in Iran are state controlled and not free, however, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that Pakistan played a part in the capture of Abdul Malik Rigi.
You are the one who have double standards.
claims to be Muslim, yet is angry when Muslims (Shiah and Sunni) are united.
I know you very well the Shirazi cult of Shiahs, the equivalent of Takfiri/wahhabis among Shiahs.
Infact every one is takifiri for you guys when he is against your ideology. What a shittyy logic you guys have. By siting behind keyboard you can declare any one wat ever suits you. Double standard at it best.
Pakistani minister Nabil Ahmed Khan Gabol : threatens Iran with Atom bomb attack پاکستان نبیل گبول

never mind what members Pakistani officials say it openly.
i hope you can open your eyes now and understand and support Iran nuclear program

وزیر پاکستانی نبیل احمد خان گبول: پاکستان یک کشور کم زور نیست؛ پاکستان کشورای اتمیست و متواند و متوانیم جواب (حمله با بمب اتم) با حمله به ایران بدهیم
Pakistani minister Nabil Ahmed Khan Gabol : Pakistan is not a weak country, Pakistan atomistic state and we can answer (atomic bomb attack) by attack Iran

Nabil Ahmad Khan Gabol سردار نبیل احمد خان گبول

Pakistani minister Nabil Ahmed Khan Gabol : threatens Iran with Atom bomb attack پاکستان نبیل گبول
Why are you lying.... or is it basic part of your training.
  1. He is not the minister or even part of the ruling party.
  2. He did not threaten Iran with "Atom bomb attack"
But it reveals your loyalties, bias and ability to distort the fact to suit your POV and we know it very well that you guys are really good at that.
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