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10 Border Guards Martyred by Terrorists Near Pakistan Border

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We are dealing with India that isn't destroying the world

Are you serious?

You have nuclear weapons pointed at each other and have had 4 wars since the end of WW2 not to mention countless skirmishes.

But that really isn't my point, I don't know why no-one understands this. My point is that Pakistani members suggest Iran should repair relations with Saudi just like that, while they are not ready to do the same with India because they have entrenched differences and hostility. The same case is true for Iran.

plenty of evidence to suggest that Pakistan played a part in the capture of Abdul Malik Rigi.

And where is it?

Your news agencies in Iran are state controlled and not free,

So why did they say this Taliban delegation visited Iran while the government denied it?


It appears this is in an effort to bolster the Taliban against Daesh and its "Khorasan branch". I don't know about you but if I had to choose, I'd much rather Daesh lose against the Taliban than vice versa (I don't really want any of them to "win"), primarily because the Taliban is weaker and less "crazy". So it is possible there is some discussion going on, "unnamed US officials" claim there is some minor support. But I would not really think much of it. Its just a game of chess, and the Taliban is the pawn.
Divide and conquer, divide and conquer, divide and conquer.....


the white man has historically used this tactic to enslave Africa, india, major parts of Asia and some south American countries (pretty much all of the non-western world)

India (and Pakistan) especially received first hand taste of this. A few thousand white men british troops enslaving and dominating hundreds of millions of Indians for a long time. (and even fought in their wars for them)

same thing is happening today. It is in EVERYBODY's interest for Iran and Pakistan to become Enemies.

Who does this attack hurt the most? Iran and Pakistan.

who gains the most? (in order)

1. India, 1A. Saudia Arabia, The US (+her team west puppets), Israel, and even possibly Afghanistan (plaything them against each other)

Both sides need to smarten up and not let this happen.

While the Iranian position is totally justified that Pakistan has pretty much abandoned her border areas, and allowed it to become lawless terrorist havens. Iran must also see that Pakistan is not doing it on purpose, they have limited resources and are locked in a existential struggle with a massive neighbour who cut their country in half 40 years ago, and has steadily occupied more and more of Pakistani claimed territory in the past 60~ years.

They are not in a position to commit hundreds of thousands of men to fully secure the border and prevent the odd terrorist ambush on Iranian troops.

Both countries need to chill the eff down, talk it over, and jointly come to an agreement to secure and DEVELOP the border areas. If you give the locals there something to lose, They themselves will enthusiastically kick out terrorists and trouble makers threatning their way of life.
The Chinese have a cordial relationship with America following the Sino-American detente when America tried to turn China against the USSR in a number of ways, like supporting the One China policy. Pakistan's government does not have an unfavourable relationship with America at all, as a matter of fact they buy weapons from them. Russia has had a embassy with America (and because of that, relations are formal but by no means friendly) because America was too scared not to. After all, the USSR was a real threat to them militarily, there had to be some channel of communication.

Iran cut relations following the US hosting that dictator Shah Pahlavi immediately after the revolution. Some radicals seized the embassy and relations remain poor. But aside from that, what have we done that they have not done worse? Have you ever heard about IR 655?

I know what US did...but people around the world also condemn it...Iranians could have their place in Muslim world at least...but just if they could...

Pakistan's relations with US are see saw type...They are not our friend or enemy...just working relationship...

"Shia extremists", that's what Saudi call the Iraqi PMU (now part of Iraqi military) who are fighting their buddies, Daesh.

Our interests are defending ourselves. How can we find common ground with the ones who are the ones representing the threat? Saudi sponsors numerous anti-Iranian terrorist and separatist organisations including the Jaish ul Adl group which killed our 10 border guards.

Why can't you find some common ground with India. Is it really that difficult for you?

Pakistanis still talk with Indians...Their actors come over here and our went over there...Despite brutal enmity, we still play/respect with each other...example. Our batsman received farewell gift from Indian counterpart


So we join that coalition and do what? Bomb Yemenis? Hello, the Saudis are the founders and propagators of the same sick Wahhabist/Salafist ideology that Daesh and Al Qaeda follow. How can the source of terrorism fight terrorism?

May be if you had joined, the bombing on Yemen would have been stopped...This is a matter of pure ego, nothing else
I'll make it simple. The way I see it....

Both Pakistan and Iran are militarily strong countries with significant productive manpower. As I have been saying since the past three years, there's a block coming up and coming up fast in our regions which will extend from Turkey to Iran to Pakistan to China to Russia. A lot has been and is happening behind the scenes which the public is not aware of and the creation of this block is (sort of) inevitable.

There are certain Mutherfkkers who are trying to pitch Pakistan against Iran and vice-versa. Now anyone whether from Pakistan or Iran or purporting to be from these countries, on this forum, who tries to play into the hands of the Mofos (our enemies), is himself/herself one, and will be considered as an enemy.

India is one of those bitches which is trying to be those Mofo's whore in our region. Little does it realise that it will disintegrate in the process.

So members here are advised not to play into the hands of our "common" enemy and use their brains.
What do you think they are doing? And why are those soldiers martyred?
They were protecting Iran's border. From terrorists that came throw Pakistan.

Then get your soldiers trained. If smugglers can sneak up to them and kill them and get away, the Iranian soldiers need training.
Also we all know how much drugs and weapons and legal smuggling happens from Afghanistan through Iran and into Pakistan die to complacency of Iranian soldiers on two borders.
Are you serious?

You have nuclear weapons pointed at each other and have had 4 wars since the end of WW2 not to mention countless skirmishes.

We still haven't destroyed other countries like you and Saudi Arabia have destroyed in your proxy wars: Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, Bahrain etc.

And where is it?

You clearly will not accept any international sources, besides your state controlled media; which will never admit it. So what's the point?

It appears this is in an effort to bolster the Taliban against Daesh and its "Khorasan branch". I don't know about you but if I had to choose, I'd much rather Daesh lose against the Taliban than vice versa (I don't really want any of them to "win"), primarily because the Taliban is weaker and less "crazy". So it is possible there is some discussion going on, "unnamed US officials" claim there is some minor support. But I would not really think much of it. Its just a game of chess, and the Taliban is the pawn.

First you and the other Iranian members were denying secret meetings between the Taliban and Iran even took place, but as soon as I gave an Iranian source, you're singing a different tune, trying to justify talking to the Taliban. Why don't you admit that Iran is not angels, and has also acted hypocritically to further its agendas internationally?
probably RPG or SPG-9 ...
Both weapons aren't that accurate to target as far as 1 km with accuracy.They may have been smugglers of oil,narcotics or anything if you know that area you should have known smugglers from both sides are pretty heavily equipped.

the attack was carried out probably with stand-off weapons like ATGMs
In whole of that region no group is in possession of ATGM's.It not syria mate where terrorist groups like Hizbullah,FSA,YPG,ISIS and other militias are armed with ATGMS,even most powerful insurgent group Taliban in Afghanistan are not armed with ATGMS and you are talking about some retards who are just lightly armed to terrorize locals at best.
Iranian Police Chief issued a statement saying that the terrorists attacked the border guards from the Pakistani side of the border.

This implies they used long ranged weapons like mortars, ATGMs or something similar.
Are you serious?
My point is that Pakistani members suggest Iran should repair relations with Saudi just like that, while they are not ready to do the same with India because they have entrenched differences and hostility. The same case is true for Iran.
we are not saying that iran should repair relation with israel.. but should repair relations with KSA
cant you see the differences between muslims & non-muslims states ?
cant you see the differences between muslims & non-muslims states ?

That rarely matters in national interests. Realpolitik dictates that nation states act on national interest not moral obligations.

We still haven't destroyed other countries like you and Saudi Arabia have destroyed in your proxy wars: Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, Bahrain etc.


You clearly will not accept any international sources, besides your state controlled media; which will never admit it. So what's the point?

Try me.

First you and the other Iranian members were denying secret meetings between the Taliban and Iran even took place, but as soon as I gave an Iranian source, you're singing a different tune, trying to justify talking to the Taliban.

Thats because I have strong reason to doubt inherently biased western sources. I denied secret meetings between Iran and the Taliban because I had never heard of them happening, even in western media.
That rarely matters in national interests. Realpolitik dictates that nation states act on national interest not moral obligations.
national interest national interest national interest, all are selfish and behave like the protector of islaam, it is my bad to preach everyone.. we deserve to be destroyed to each other by zionist hands
I know what US did...but people around the world also condemn it

Big deal. If the US does it, some people say it was a mistake, it was a tragedy, etc. (I've even seen some blame IR655 on Iran). But if anyone not in the western alliance do it, they get isolated, sanctioned, maybe even military action. This is the world of global hypocrisy.

Pakistanis still talk with Indians...Their actors come over here and our went over there...Despite brutal enmity, we still play/respect with each other...example. Our batsman received farewell gift from Indian counterpart

Iran and Saudi Arabia do not have a particularly strong cultural relationship. Iran and other countries like the US though have had some areas of sports events (like the recent wrestling world cup held in Iran, which the US attended but lost) and other dialogue but thats because the US is prevalent in many cultural and global events.

May be if you had joined, the bombing on Yemen would have been stopped...This is a matter of pure ego, nothing else

The bombing of Yemen was ongoing even before this "coalition" had started, no reason why Iran could influence them to stop.

national interest national interest national interest, all are selfish and behave like the protector of islaam, it is my bad to preach everyone.. we deserve to be destroyed to each other by zionist hands

Oh we tried, in the early days. But then Saddam invaded us, and almost the entire Arab world backed him up with weapons and tens of billions of dollars. So much for the Ummah. The Ummah has done nothing for us, and everything against us.
Oh we tried, in the early days. But then Saddam invaded us, and almost the entire Arab world backed him up with weapons and tens of billions of dollars. So much for the Ummah. The Ummah has done nothing for us, and everything against us.
whatever saddam did in 1979, basically it was the starting of "THE GREATER ISRAEL AGENDA".. but now we have chance to make muslim alliance including all muslims states.. in this alliance every muslims country can show the reservations. and other countries have to accept it.. kindly join the muslim alliance in order to stop sectarian war and in order to counter the zionist agenda. and in order to hit the actual enemy ( khawarij) ISIS, Daish backed by powerful jewish

this muslim alliance can not get success without iran against khawarij ISIS
whatever saddam did in 1979, basically it was the starting of "THE GREATER ISRAEL AGENDA".. but now we have chance to make muslim alliance including all muslims states.. in this alliance every muslims country can show the reservations. and other countries have to accept it.. kindly join the muslim alliance in order to stop sectarian war and in order to counter the zionist agenda. and in order to hit the actual enemy ( khawarij) ISIS, Daish backed by powerful jewish

this muslim alliance can not get success without iran against khawarij ISIS
Khavarij isn't just the ISIS (which is founded by the leader of this alliance), those so called moderate rebels who proudly behead a child in public and are supported by Saudis are the khavarij too, Saudis themselves who kill Yemeni kids through their air invasion are khavarij too.
when the leader of this alliance designates the Hizbollah as a terrorist group, then it's obvious the goal of this alliance is exactly what Zionists want.
Khavarij isn't just the ISIS (which is founded by the leader of this alliance), those so called moderate rebels who proudly behead a child in public and are supported by Saudis are the khavarij too, Saudis themselves who kill Yemeni kids through their air invasion are khavarij too.
when the leader of this alliance designates the Hizbollah as a terrorist group, then it's obvious the goal of this alliance is exactly what Zionists want.

As it is already stated in my prophet words and i have studied it that there will be khawarijeen fitna and that will support by Jewish

jews are teaching wrong education of Islam especially to Azerbaijani People and to the central asian muslims by using blackwater, U.S policies have been designed by powerful jewish families for long time, and they even have had influence in europe too.

if you take only one jew then only Mr. Kushner’s prominence in the administration is rising. For instance, he set the ambience and agenda for Mr. Trump’s meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping — one bilateral relationship that could define the 45th presidency.Then again, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford invited him to join him on a tour of Iraq. Mr. Kushner has a finger in every pie. He is involved in the White House policy on China, Mexico, West Asia and Canada. He strategizes on combating the Islamic State. (to fools even people of U.S).

He heads the newly created Office of American Innovation, which has the mandate to implement highly effective private sector practices in government. Mr. Kushner is a senior adviser to Mr. Trump. he could be a broker of peace between Israel and Arabs soon. but for now between Iran & Saudi Arab.

neither khawarijeen is KSA nor iran. it is ISIS, Daish backed by israel.... CIA,MOSSAD,RAW have strong relationship to destroy muslim world one by one

Hadith on Khawarij: The Kharijites come with beautiful preaching but evil deeds

Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “There will be division and sectarianism in my nation and a people (the Kharijites) will come with beautiful words and evil deeds. They will recite the Quran but it will not pass beyond their throats. They will leave the religion as an arrow leaves its target and they will not return to it as the arrow does not return to its bow. They are the worst of the creation. Blessed are those who fight them and are killed by them. They call to the Book of Allah but they have nothing to do with it. Whoever fights them is better to Allah than them.”

Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 4765, Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani

Ibn Kathir said, “If the Khawarij ever gained power, they would corrupt the entire earth, Iraq, and Syria. They would not leave alone a boy or a girl or a man or a woman, for in their view the people have become so corrupt that they cannot be reformed except by mass killing.”

Source: al-Bidāyah wal-Nihāyah 10/584

عَنْ َأَنَسِ بْنِ مَالِكٍ عَنْ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ سَيَكُونُ فِي أُمَّتِي اخْتِلَافٌ وَفُرْقَةٌ قَوْمٌ يُحْسِنُونَ الْقِيلَ وَيُسِيئُونَ الْفِعْلَ يَقْرَءُونَ الْقُرْآنَ لَا يُجَاوِزُ تَرَاقِيَهُمْ يَمْرُقُونَ مِنْ الدِّينِ مُرُوقَ السَّهْمِ مِنْ الرَّمِيَّةِ لَا يَرْجِعُونَ حَتَّى يَرْتَدَّ عَلَى فُوقِهِ هُمْ شَرُّ الْخَلْقِ وَالْخَلِيقَةِ طُوبَى لِمَنْ قَتَلَهُمْ وَقَتَلُوهُ يَدْعُونَ إِلَى كِتَابِ اللَّهِ وَلَيْسُوا مِنْهُ فِي شَيْءٍ مَنْ قَاتَلَهُمْ كَانَ أَوْلَى بِاللَّهِ مِنْهُمْ

4765 سنن أبي داود كتاب السنة باب في قتال الخوارج

4765 المحدث الألباني خلاصة حكم المحدث صحيح في صحيح أبي داود

قال ابن كثير إِذْ لَوْ قَوُوا هَؤُلَاءِ لَأَفْسَدُوا الْأَرْضَ كُلَّهَا عِرَاقًا وَشَامًا وَلَمْ يَتْرُكُوا طِفْلًا وَلَا طِفْلَةَ وَلَا رَجُلًا وَلَا امْرَأَةً لِأَنَّ النَّاسَ عِنْدَهُمْ قَدْ فَسَدُوا فَسَادًا لَا يُصْلِحُهُمْ إِلَّا الْقَتْلُ جُمْلَةً

10/584 البداية والنهاي

KSA & iran were there 1000's years ago without khawarijeen , this hadith is indicating on ISIS backed by jewish & Daiesh.. there are more hadith just search about it. and take the guidelines of true path... KSA is not Khawarij not iran.. KSA & Iran cant understand i have to accept it now. you both are responsible of bad circumstances of muslims by ignoring the guidance of P.B.U.H
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