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1 IRGC killed in Israeli attack on Syria

Beside the fact that nothing was demaged as you say yavar.
is not about what i say . i can give you coordination of it and you can check it on global security or Google earth . the satellite images i posted are latest pictures .
so look at evidence NOT what say or anybody els

.Why this "nuclear facility" is not secured with AD units and the Isreali airstrike was possible?
because is supposed to be secret site and having air defense surrounding it would of exposed the site in first phase construction .

so we could not put AD when he began constructing site *********** time ago not to draw attention to the site .

no the site finished and Israel found out to late about it there no need for AD on it

what happend the senior intelligence officer

the victim of a shooting attack outside Hebron Monday night was named late Tuesday as Baruch Mizrahi, a 47-year-old father of five who filled a variety of senior positions in Israel’s military and police intelligence forces.

West Bank shooting victim named as Baruch Mizrahi, 47 | The Times of Israel

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Jewish centre bombing: Argentine prosecutor Nisman found dead
The BBC's Ignacio de los Reyes says a weapon was found next to Mr Nisman's body, but the circumstances surrounding his death remain a mystery

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An Argentine federal prosecutor who accused President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner last week of a cover-up has been found dead at his home in the capital, Buenos Aires.

Alberto Nisman was investigating the 1994 bombing of a Jewish centre in Buenos Aires in which 85 people died.

On Wednesday, he accused the president of involvement in a plot to cover up Iran's alleged role in the bombing.

The president's spokesman dismissed the allegations as "ridiculous".

Mr Nisman, 51, was found dead by his mother in the bathroom of his home.
Mr Nisman was found dead in his flat in an apartment block in Buenos Aires
The Security Ministry released a statement saying that Mr Nisman's bodyguards had raised the alarm after he failed to answer their phone calls on Sunday.

Concerned about his welfare, they fetched Mr Nisman's mother and tried to enter his apartment, the statement said.

They found the door locked from the inside with a key still stuck inside.

After a locksmith gained access, they found Mr Nisman's body in the bathroom.

According to the statement, a gun and a cartridge shell were found next to his body.

Key hearing
Mr Nisman was due to give evidence at a congressional committee hearing on Monday to outline his accusations against President Fernandez and other officials.

Eighty-five people died in the 1994 bombing
He had published a 300-page report on Wednesday alleging that the president and Foreign Minister Hector Timerman had opened a secret back channel to Iranians suspected of involvement in the bombing of the community centre.

Mr Nisman alleged that the scheme was intended to clear the Iranian suspects in order to facilitate a trade deal between Iran and Argentina.

He said that he had issued a request that a judge question the president and the foreign minister "for being authors and accomplices of an aggravated cover-up and obstruction of justice regarding the Iranians accused of the Amia [Israeli-Argentine Mutual Association] terrorist attack".

The car bombing of the seven-storey building was the worst terrorist attack in Argentina's history.

In 2007, Argentine prosecutors accused Iran of planning and financing the attack, and the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah of carrying it out.

Iran dismissed the allegations as "baseless".

So far, no-one has been convicted in connection with the Amia attack.

Last July, at events marking the 20th anniversary of the bombing, Pope Francis demanded justice for the victims.

In a recorded video to mark the anniversary, the Pope described the attack as an "act of madness".

BBC News - Jewish centre bombing: Argentine prosecutor Nisman found dead

case closed
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Yep, what a response, fabricated news.
that's not the response, that's just what Syrian forces have done to the fabricated Zionist regime. to get to know our responses, start counting the number of rockets which landed in your cities in just the past year (alongside other gifts), and you couldn't do a sh!t to us, that's how we respond, but yet you can wait for Hizbollah.

Israel located super green pine in north :

boy, I can hear their teeth chattering from here.

المنار - سید حسن نصرالله: پناهگاه‌هایتان را حاضر کنید

جهزوا ملاجئكم - חָמוּשׁ מקלטים


بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

وَ قَضَینا إِلی بَنی إِسْرائیلَ فِی الْکِتابِ لَتُفْسِدُنَّ فِی اْلأَرْضِ مَرَّتَینِ وَ لَتَعْلُنَّ عُلُوًّا کَبیرًا ، فَإِذا جاءَ وَعْدُ أُولاهُما بَعَثْنا عَلَیکُمْ عِبادًا لَنا أُولی بَأْسٍ شَدیدٍ فَجاسُوا خِلالَ الدِّیارِ وَ کانَ وَعْدًا مَفْعُولاً؛


ما به بنی اسرائیل در کتاب ( تورات ) اعلام کردیم که دوبار در زمین فساد خواهید کرد و برتری جویی بزرگی خواهید نمود. هنگامی که نخستین وعده فرا رسد، گروهی از بندگان پیکار جوی خود را بر ضد شما بر می انگیزیم ( تا شما را سخت در هم کوبند، حتی برای به دست آوردن مجرمان ) خانه ها را جست وجو می کنند و این وعده ای است قطعی.
that's not the response, that's just what Syrian forces have done to the fabricated Zionist regime. to get to know our responses, start counting the number of rockets which landed in your cities in just the past year (alongside other gifts), and you couldn't do a sh!t to us, that's how we respond, but yet you can wait for Hizbollah.

boy, I can hear their teeth chattering from here.
Nothing has happened, fabricated response.
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