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1 IRGC killed in Israeli attack on Syria

Special revenge awaiting Israel: IRGC
Tehran, YJC. The IRGC second-in-command has said that Iran is going to give a proper response to Israel’s recent act in killing one of its military commanders and a number of Hezbollah fighters.
The Islamic Republic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Deputy-Commander Hossein Salami speaking to Al-Alam TV said "It will be on our agenda to open a new front in the West Bank. This will go as part of a recent reality which is going to unravel gradually.”
"But of course, besides reopening the West Bank front, we will be carrying out a special course of action as a revenge for what happened,” asserted the military official, apparently in reaction to a recent Israeli helicopter strike on a Lebanese Hezbollah convoy of top military officials who were killed along with an Iranian commander while on reconnaissance mission in the Golan Heights in Syria.
Answering if the revenge will be carried out by Iranian forces or those of local resistance, Salami stated "The quality of the action cannot be stated. That is something which we are not going to announce, but it is something which is going to happen, God willing.”
He also pointed to the past assassinations of Iran's nuclear scientists which the country blames on Israel and said "You saw that at a period of time, Zionists assassinated our nuclear scientists. But only they know where we responded to their act. We will not announce anything, they know themselves. After that, they stopped assassinating our nuclear scientists.”

You know what that Arab words mean right? I don't believe that will happen. But he is making speech Sunday apparently.
Yeah, I know. and it's Friday.
Special revenge awaiting Israel: IRGC
Tehran, YJC. The IRGC second-in-command has said that Iran is going to give a proper response to Israel’s recent act in killing one of its military commanders and a number of Hezbollah fighters.
The Islamic Republic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Deputy-Commander Hossein Salami speaking to Al-Alam TV said "It will be on our agenda to open a new front in the West Bank. This will go as part of a recent reality which is going to unravel gradually.”
"But of course, besides reopening the West Bank front, we will be carrying out a special course of action as a revenge for what happened,” asserted the military official, apparently in reaction to a recent Israeli helicopter strike on a Lebanese Hezbollah convoy of top military officials who were killed along with an Iranian commander while on reconnaissance mission in the Golan Heights in Syria.
Answering if the revenge will be carried out by Iranian forces or those of local resistance, Salami stated "The quality of the action cannot be stated. That is something which we are not going to announce, but it is something which is going to happen, God willing.”
He also pointed to the past assassinations of Iran's nuclear scientists which the country blames on Israel and said "You saw that at a period of time, Zionists assassinated our nuclear scientists. But only they know where we responded to their act. We will not announce anything, they know themselves. After that, they stopped assassinating our nuclear scientists.”

Yeah, I know. and it's Friday.

Why open West Bank front? Only if we decide so will it happen. And we absolutely won't unless all the rest of you take part. Why not Lebanese front? The past 10 years we are only ones amongst resistance axis who have been struggling with the occupation. Hezbollah Syria and Iran have done nothing. It's either they have secret peace deal with Israel or they're too scared to fight or they have more important things like fighting in Yemen. There's no excuse anymore.
Why open West Bank front? Only if we decide so will it happen. And we absolutely won't unless all the rest of you take part. Why not Lebanese front? The past 10 years we are only ones amongst resistance axis who have been struggling with the occupation. Hezbollah Syria and Iran have done nothing. It's either they have secret peace deal with Israel or they're too scared to fight or they have more important things like fighting in Yemen. There's no excuse anymore.
well, it has nothing to do with some random guy in united states who claims to be Palestinian.
it's about arming the Palestinian who live in Palestine and each day their houses and farms and infrastructures are being destroyed, their youth being killed by Israelis and they have nothing to defend themselves except stones.
secret deal is among those who have being negotiating for the so called peace for decades and except lost lands have gain nothing and still insist on negotiation.
کشته بر اثر سقوط بالگرد در تل‌‌آویو
2 killed in helicopter crashed in Tel Aviv


بر اثر سقوط یک فروند بالگرد رژیم صهیونیستی در جنوب تل آویو ۲ صهیونیست کشته شدند. این بالگرد ارتشی بوده است. هنوز از علت این حادثه خبری منتشر نشده است.
به گزارش پایگاه اطلاع رسانی شبکه خبر، منابع خبری از سقوط یک بالگرد رژیم صهیونیستی در جنوب تل‌ آویو و کشته شدن 2 صهیونیست خبر دادند.

هنوز هویت اجساد فاش نشده است

۲ کشته بر اثر سقوط بالگرد در تل‌‌آویو
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And are they in range of the targets they wanted to hit? As you know they don't have long range weapons and as I remember, the war was centered around their cities. There is only a narrow margin between their cities and the border. So in order to defend their cities, they had to have their weapons close or even inside the cities.
I brought u pics from Gaza. I guess in Iran google Earth is also banned or u cant use it. No there are no narrow margins. There are plenty of open spaces where u can store and fire rockets. But Hamas prefers to store them in schools.

۲ کشته بر اثر سقوط بالگرد در تل‌‌آویو

بر اثر سقوط یک فروند بالگرد رژیم صهیونیستی در جنوب تل آویو ۲ صهیونیست کشته شدند. این بالگرد ارتشی بوده است. هنوز از علت این حادثه خبری منتشر نشده است.
به گزارش پایگاه اطلاع رسانی شبکه خبر، منابع خبری از سقوط یک بالگرد رژیم صهیونیستی در جنوب تل‌ آویو و کشته شدن 2 صهیونیست خبر دادند.

هنوز هویت اجساد فاش نشده است

۲ کشته بر اثر سقوط بالگرد در تل‌‌آویو
Again you, retard?


Its ultra light civilian plane which crashed. Your pic is from Baghdad on July 16, 2006. Something like this:

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well, it has nothing to do with some random guy in united states who claims to be Palestinian.
it's about arming the Palestinian who live in Palestine and each day their houses and farms and infrastructures are being destroyed, their youth being killed by Israelis and they have nothing to defend themselves except stones.
secret deal is among those who have being negotiating for the so called peace for decades and except lost lands have gain nothing and still insist on negotiation.

Hey genius, you guys are doing none of the fighting. Then stop telling world all Iran's actions in Syria, Iraq and Yemen, and Lebanon are about 'Resistance' against US/Israel. Just say you support Palestinians and that the rest of our policies are just national interests. You talk about secret deals, you know what's not secret is cooperation between Iraq and US. Houthis and US against Al Qaeda. Same Houthis elements in govt also cooperated with Saudi and UAE to target al Islah party in Yemen.

You think Palestinians don't realize what you are. Go read any comments made by Palestinians. And an Iranian shouldn't tell me anything about my people. You guys are cowards who haven't fired one bullet at Israel since 10 years. And all factions have called on Hezbollah to join next struggle if it happens. Obviously Iran and Hezbollah don't want to.

It's up to Palestinians to do anything in west Bank. Not up to you. And you have no opened no front. We aren't your proxies. Anything we did from Gaza was our front. We put all the effort, all the training , all the black market smuggling, all the tunnels, everything. If you want to call something your front call it Lebanese in Syrian. Not us, if we were your front we wouldn't sit 10 years doing nothing besides killing civilians in Syria. 3 Palestinians killed today by Syrian regime. This was your response to Israeli attack.
what both IRAN and ISRAEL are doing in Syria ? look to me both invaders and terrorists in same fate .
کشته بر اثر سقوط بالگرد در تل‌‌آویو
2 killed in helicopter crashed in Tel Aviv


بر اثر سقوط یک فروند بالگرد رژیم صهیونیستی در جنوب تل آویو ۲ صهیونیست کشته شدند. این بالگرد ارتشی بوده است. هنوز از علت این حادثه خبری منتشر نشده است.
به گزارش پایگاه اطلاع رسانی شبکه خبر، منابع خبری از سقوط یک بالگرد رژیم صهیونیستی در جنوب تل‌ آویو و کشته شدن 2 صهیونیست خبر دادند.

هنوز هویت اجساد فاش نشده است

۲ کشته بر اثر سقوط بالگرد در تل‌‌آویو

Can you stop posting fake news? Just get over it already. Hezbollah is not going to respond in any way. Today their response was 'Israel will fail to set new rules', in other words nothing will happen.

Just 10 mins ago another two Israelis stabbed in tel Aviv, are you also going to take responsibility for that?:omghaha:


Finally Hezbollah responded but in small way(Some Hebrew Sources, not confirmed):

Explosion heard in 'Roma' area of Golan


I don't see how this will deter Israel. Maybe it's just training, who knows. Or stray mortar.


@yavar @mohsen

I have no issue if you state you will support the Palestinians with some tools to help assist their selves in their struggle. I do have an issue when you try combining this policy with all others. Reality is Syria , Iran and Hezbollah and allies in Yemen/Iraq aren't and dint want to take part in struggle. Which is none of our business. Just don't go out and tell me they're the resistance against Israel. Just state you give Palestinians stuff that might help. And Palestinians decide and when and if to use.
I have no issue if you state you will support the Palestinians with some tools to help assist their selves in their struggle. I do have an issue when you try combining this policy with all others. Reality is Syria , Iran and Hezbollah and allies in Yemen/Iraq aren't and dint want to take part in struggle. Which is none of our business. Just don't go out and tell me they're the resistance against Israel. Just state you give Palestinians stuff that might help. And Palestinians decide and when and if to use.
did we force Palestinian to take the gun? No, they demanded for it and except Iran and the resistance nobody answered and for this answer we are paying the price. if we would ignore the Palestinian and what Israel is doing to them ( like what other countries in the middle east are doing, KSA, Jordan, turkey,...) today our relation with west was hundred times better than these puppets in the region). we provided the weapon and its technologies and training cause we consider the Palestinian our brothers, cause we knew the only goal of creating the Israel was hitting the Islam.
and about the "we didn't take part in the struggle" B.S, first of all you better to remember the 2006 war, secondly in Syria and even in Iraq which is our neighbor we didn't engage directly against ISIS and the rest of terrorists, we provided all the weapons, all the trainings, but no troops, cause we believe it's the people of each region who should defend themselves and if they don't want to, then there is no reason for us to defend them too, to respect the very same decision which you said belongs to the your or their people.
If we say we will open a new front in the west bank, it means we will arm their people.
regardless of your words which really smells sectarian, those Palestinian who are actually fighting against Israel, they consider us and themselves as one resistance; no branch, no proxy, nobody owes nobody, we all share the same goal to liberate the noble Quds, and each one does what he can do.
regarding the retaliation, would you bet?
did we force Palestinian to take the gun? No, they demanded for it and except Iran and the resistance nobody answered and for this answer we are paying the price. if we would ignore the Palestinian and what Israel is doing to them ( like what other countries in the middle east are doing, KSA, Jordan, turkey,...) today our relation with west was hundred times better than these puppets in the region). we provided the weapon and its technologies and training cause we consider the Palestinian our brothers, cause we knew the only goal of creating the Israel was hitting the Islam.
and about the "we didn't take part in the struggle" B.S, first of all you better to remember the 2006 war, secondly in Syria and even in Iraq which is our neighbor we didn't engage directly against ISIS and the rest of terrorists, we provided all the weapons, all the trainings, but no troops, cause we believe it's the people of each region who should defend themselves and if they don't want to, then there is no reason for us to defend them too, to respect the very same decision which you said belongs to the your or their people.
If we say we will open a new front in the west bank, it means we will arm their people.
regardless of your words which really smells sectarian, those Palestinian who are actually fighting against Israel, they consider us and themselves as one resistance; no branch, no proxy, nobody owes nobody, we all share the same goal to liberate the noble Quds, and each one does what he can do.

I don't want have to same discussions over and over so let's leave it here. :)
A very nice interview with Mr. Assad. His comments regarding Iran's involvement are interesting. More interesting are readers' comments.

Syria’s President Speaks | A Conversation With Bashar al-Assad | Foreign Affairs

I brought u pics from Gaza. I guess in Iran google Earth is also banned or u cant use it. No there are no narrow margins. There are plenty of open spaces where u can store and fire rockets. But Hamas prefers to store them in schools.


This city was attacked. Where would you station your weapons to:
1- Defend the city, and
2- not make them an easy target for your enemy to take out?

The margins in some places is less than 500m. So unless Israeli forces have promised Palestinians that they won't use the shortest path to the city for their military route, then that margin rules not the one to the south of the city that probably would never be used for any invasion.
This city was attacked. Where would you station your weapons to:
1- Defend the city, and
Rockets are not used to defend the city but to terrorize Israeli cities.

2- not make them an easy target for your enemy to take out?
Thanks for confirming that Hamas uses civilians to protect their rockets.

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