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1,200 Pakistani minority members in line for Indian citizenship

How many Indian minorities applied for Pakistan citizenship?
Yet Hardly any poverty stricken Indian " minority or non minority " is ready to apply for Pakistani citizenship.
We do not go around publishing numbers like your nation which loves of the media and its hype of how great they are. Go learn to feed your people and then come and be proud of the few you helped.
Naah . .we dont care about them at all . .but somehow they have an impression that India provides better care to them compared to their own country
oh yes it was so silently done, they never discussed it. Never talked about it ever
thats why so many Visa/citizenship applications :)
you should realise that 10 or so thousand visas is a little drop in the Hindu population, but then that would require thinking...
Why you never offered ?After all you are the thekedar of muslims arounf=d the world . .and Muslims are minroties and " ill treated" in india as per PDfers/
We have enough refugees in Pakistan as it is... Plus, we have no doubts at the wonderful leadership breaking India on religious lines again. Pakistan breaking apart was not enough it seems. Just open today's papers and the every Indian is a hindu should show you how wonderfully messed up India is
We do not go around publishing numbers like your nation which loves of the media and its hype of how great they are. Go learn to feed your people and then come and be proud of the few you helped.

How can u publish the numbers even if u want to ?

coz last census u had was like two decades back . .forget about further segregation on the basis of poor and rich !!


oh yes it was so silently done, they never discussed it. Never talked about it ever

They never discussed yet they are applying for visa extensions/citizenship just to troll their own country Pakistan . .hai na ?

you should realise that 10 or so thousand visas is a little drop in the Hindu population, but then that would require thinking...

yet India being so allegedly harsh about their much Larger "monority" is yet to see such numbers applying for Citizenship in Pakistan.

i again wonder why ?

We have enough refugees in Pakistan as it is... Plus, we have no doubts at the wonderful leadership breaking India on religious lines again. Pakistan breaking apart was not enough it seems. Just open today's papers and the every Indian is a hindu should show you how wonderfully messed up India is

Leadership breaking India on the religious lines. . yet the same leadership have better representation in " christian" Majority places of Goa and Muslim Majority places of Uttar Pradesh and gujarat while better treated pakistani Majority is applying for Indian visa/citizenship :lol::lol::lol:

Mungeri lal ke haseen sapne.
Most of these Hindus make up the poorest in Pakistan. It has always been like that, even before partition. So if they have the opportunity to migrate for the promises of land and money, why wouldn't they?
Most of these Hindus make up the poorest in Pakistan. It has always been like that, even before partition. So if they have the opportunity to migrate for the promises of land and money, why wouldn't they?
Why dont the poorest muslim of India move to Pakistan then?

Considering we have 180muslims as well.
Why dont the poorest muslim of India move to Pakistan then?

Considering we have 180muslims as well.
Because they cannot gain citizenship unless they appeal to the Pakistani high commission in certain circumstances and situation.
How can u publish the numbers even if u want to ?
because census has nothing to do with people applying for visas. Even an idiot would know that.... :)
They never discussed yet they are applying for visa extensions/citizenship just to troll their own country Pakistan . .hai na ?
yes, that was what is known as sarcasm. It was used to tell you how the Indian media has discussed it, it was discussed in the election speeches, nor promises made to hindus from different countries by the BJP
yet India being so allegedly harsh about their much Larger "monority" is yet to see such numbers applying for Citizenship in Pakistan.
and that was ascertained by your links in the Pakistani consulate, the official figures of the Pakistani government, or a figment of your imagination
Leadership breaking India on the religious lines. . yet the same leadership have better representation in " christian" Majority places of Goa and Muslim Majority places or Uttar Pradesh and gujarat while better treated pakistani Majority is applying for Indian visa/citizenship :lol::lol::lol:
Yes, they are breaking them down on religious lines. Rather then making them all Indians, they want to label them as Hindus. Have you read your own papers about this, or is your time spent trying to educate yourself on the expense of the mental facilities of the forum members here
Because they cannot gain citizenship unless they appeal to the Pakistani high commission in certain circumstances and situation.
Wasnt pakistan created for muslims? Then defacto criteria being a muslim should be good enuf. The fact is other than some terrorists mafia like dawood no body wants pakistan's citizenship. Even militants from kashmir abandon pakistan and return back to India speaks volumes about pakistan. Fact is if a muslim wants to emigrate from India there are better choices and pakistan is simply not any where in sight. So much for being a separate country based on religion.
Wasnt pakistan created for muslims? Then defacto criteria being a muslim should be good enuf.
Pakistan wasn't entirely based on religion or else it would've been much more larger.

Pakistani law clearly states:
If a person migrates from Indian territory before 1 January 1952, with the intention of permanently residing then they may receive citizenship. If he is a man, his wife and children may get Pakistani citizenship as well.

The fact is other than some terrorists mafia like dawood no body wants pakistan's citizenship.
Diaspora community, Afghan refugees, 5m+ strong Bengali community, and ect... have been pushing for citizenship for a quite a long damn time.

Even militants from kashmir abandon pakistan and return back to India speaks volumes about pakistan.

Fact is if a muslim wants to emigrate from India there are better choices and pakistan is simply not any where in sight.
Same for Hindus here but India is the only country that'll accept them.
Very sad news for Pakistanis instead we should take care of mi ority citizen. So next year no one leaves Pakistan

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