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  1. Soman45

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Finally they release the picture of NASAMS 2's launcher
  2. Soman45

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Sabrah basically ASCOD which already operated by numerous countries and the Philippines law stated that every weapon at least must be operated by 2 countries outside origin country (if the origin country doesn't operated the weapon mentioned) or at least the origin country itself
  3. Soman45

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    I hope Prabowo know how problematic EF Typhoon tranche-1 is....i would rather have Rafale than that problematic bird....and for me this option is just as bad as SU-35 (even i still choose SU-35 over Typhoon tranche-1)
  4. Soman45

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Seriously what's wrong with MoD? Kalo mau cari alasan buat nenangin opini publik mbok cari yang alasan berkelas gitu lhoo.....i mean"unilateral claim" seriously??!! di kira kemenhan seluruh rakyat indonesia awam beginian apa?!! i don't know....it's really pissed me off...malah bikin drama yang...
  5. Soman45

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    wait....please enlighten me how come the osprey doesn't meet user requirement when we are the one who requested it? for this one...Alman tweet seems doesn't make any sense to me
  6. Soman45

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    so we got additional 192 Hellfire missiles...
  7. Soman45

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Tbh it's quite nice song and video
  8. Soman45

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Spek Persenjataan Iver class Selesai Diputuskan 29 Juni 2020 Kanon utama fregat Iver Huitfeldt class dari Denmark (photo : Naval Analyses) Pekan lalu beredar kabar di kalangan defense netizen bahwa spesifikasi teknis atas persenjataan fregat Iver Huitfeldt class untuk Angkatan Laut...
  9. Soman45

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    wait this is the first time i heard it....what happened to marder? so the army wants to get rid of marder?
  10. Soman45

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    From Alman Helvas tweet and from Defense Studies Blog report there are similarities about marine still have about US$70 million allocation for 10 new amphibious recce vehicle even from defense studies report marine already consider the Boomerang from Russia....is that really not easy for marine...
  11. Soman45

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    In Alman Helvas newest tweet he said the US already gave the tag price for 32 Viper to Indonesia $ 4,5 Billion via FMS and that price not include the weapons.....if it's true then for one viper we have to spend around $ 140 million or so....i mean how can the F-16 viper be that expensive??!! and...
  12. Soman45

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    finally we can see our F-16 with AMRAAM and Sniper pod
  13. Soman45

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    LOL are you kidding me??!! like seriously??!! more type for LIFT??!! well good luck LOL....
  14. Soman45

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    for me it looks like a chinese BDU
  15. Soman45

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Guys is it true the Iver contract will be sign next year? so we can expect this year's end there are no contract signing?
  16. Soman45

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    i just curious guys...why Kopassus add another type of MRAP from Chaeseri? kenapa nggak nambahin jumlah sanca? is there any minus point of sanca that made kopassus unsatisfied? or kopassus just want to open MRAP showroom?
  17. Soman45

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Every video/picture from Skadron 15 and 16 are always gorgeous and beautiful....their editor is quite something and never fail to amaze me......i hope every squadron has this kind of quality in publishing their video/picture
  18. Soman45

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    another SU-35 news....(Btw nice camo for SU-35 here) photo : Alex Sidharta Kemendag Upayakan Imbal Dagang Sukhoi Su-35 Rampung Tahun Ini Ilham wibowo • 13 September 2019 16:10 Jakarta: Kementerian Perdagangan (Kemendag) masih mengupayakan hadirnya produk olahan sebagai imbal dagang 11 unit...
  19. Soman45

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    LOL we already bought this toy since 2012....it's already ours but yeah your troll is not working...better next time and this is the real things btw unlike your rumour about having "javelin" ATGM because Shepardmedia's mistakes and wikipedia LOL
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