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another SU-35 news....(Btw nice camo for SU-35 here)


photo : Alex Sidharta

Kemendag Upayakan Imbal Dagang Sukhoi Su-35 Rampung Tahun Ini

Ilham wibowo • 13 September 2019 16:10

Jakarta: Kementerian Perdagangan (Kemendag) masih mengupayakan hadirnya produk olahan sebagai imbal dagang 11 unit jet tempur Sukhoi Su-35 dari Rusia. Peningkatan ekspor produk bernilai tambah Tanah Air jadi komitmen untuk dikedepankan.

Staf Ahli Bidang Iklim Usaha dan Hubungan Antar Lembaga Kemendag Karyanto Suprih mengatakan pihaknya terus melakukan diskusi penyelesaian proses ini bersama Duta Besar Rusia untuk Indonesia Lyudmila Georgievna Vorobieva. Beragam produk RI telah ditawarkan untuk pembelian pesawat dengan nilai total USD1,14 miliar atau setara Rp17 triliun tersebut.

"Secepatnya itu lebih baik, semoga bisa selesai tahun ini dan kami terus bicara sama Dubes Rusia," kata Karyanto ditemui di JCC, Senayan, Jakarta, Jumat, 13 September 2019.

Menurut Karyanto produk yang terus ditawarkan dari Indonesia seperti makanan dan minuman. Beragam produk olahan rempah-rempah Tanah Air juga jadi fokus untuk dimasukkan dalam 50 persen dana pembelian pesawat tersebut.

"Banyak (yang ditawarkan) misalnya produk rempah-rempah dan kita maunya produk jadi, jangan cuma produk yang raw material," kata Karyanto.

Karyanto memastikan Kemendag bukan dalam posisi menghambat kebutuhan alutsista pertahanan RI. Saat ini, diskusi masih terus dilakukan agar produk yang menjadi imbal dagang bisa maksimal bermanfaat bagi negara dan masyarakat.

"Soal imbal dagang sebenarnya tidak ada masalah, buat perdagangan bagus, tapi itu kan terkait politik dunia, kalau soal politik bersumber imamnya di Kemlu," paparnya.

Sebelumnya, Duta Besar Rusia untuk Indonesia Lyudmila Vorobieva membeberkan ada beberapa kendala terkait pengiriman Sukhoi ke Indonesia. Progres kontrak dagang RI dengan Rusia ini hanya perlu merampungkan masalah teknis.

"Beberapa masalah teknis dalam kesepakatan ini. Tapi Indonesia dan Rusia sudah melakukan penandatanganan pembelian, dan masalah ada di teknisnya saja," tutur Lyudmila dalam jumpa pers di Jakarta, Rabu, 4 September 2019 lalu.

Dia mengatakan pembahasan mengenai pembelian dan pengiriman Sukhoi ini agak lambat. Penyebabnya banyak, termasuk pemilihan presiden beberapa waktu lalu.

"Masalah teknis dalam implementasi kesepakatan ini, kita harapkan bisa segera diselesaikan agar pengiriman bisa berjalan lancar," imbuhnya.

The Third Order of Bell 429 GlobalRanger For Indonesian Police







Ditpoludara Polri Terima Heli Ketiga Jenis Bell 429 GlobalRanger
Posted on September 11, 2019 by Rangga B Sawiyya

– Direktorat Kepolisian Udara (Ditpoludara) Korpolairud, Baharkam, Polri menerima helikopter ketiga jenis Bell 429 GlobalRanger dengan nomor registrasi P-3203.

Serah terima heli dilaksanakan di Markas Polairud, Bandara Pondok Cabe, Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan, Banten, Rabu (11/9/2019).

Kontrak pengadaan tiga heli Bell 429 dilakukan Polri saat berlangsungnya pameran kedirgantaraan Singapore Airshow, Februari 2016.

Bell 429 dihadirkan Ditpoludara untuk mengganti armada NBO 105 secara bertahap, mengingat usia heli produksi PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) tersebut semakin menua.

Sebagia informasi, selain Bell 429, sayap Ditpoludara diperkuat beragam tipe helikopter mulai dari NBO 105, Enstrom 480B, Mi-2, AS365 Dauphin, dan NBell 412 .

Sementara dua heli Bell 429 sebelumnya (P-3201 dan P-3202) telah diserahkan oleh vendor PT Multi Pasific California saat peringatan HUT ke-67 Korps Polairud pada 5 Desember 2017.

Selain Bell 429, armada sayap putar Polairud tahun depan juga akan dilengkapi dengan anggota baru yakni 11 helikopter buatan Leonardo, Italia. Terdiri dari 9 AW169 dan dua AW189.

Rangga Baswara Sawiyya

editor: ron raider

so, next year 11 new helicopters will joined the club., consists of 9 AW169 & 2 AW189 from Leonardo
with total 15 new helicopters, including new NBELL-412 EP from PT Dirgantara, Indonesian Police would have "gado-gado" armada, rite :tup:
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Saab offers are actually interesting though the chance for Gripen is very low however other products like RBS-70, AT-4, Carl Gustav & NLAW ATGM, Girraffe radar, and Erieye AEWC they are more or less competitive to our needs.
Btw what's the preference for the fighters
View attachment 579141
Preference on tankers
View attachment 579142
Preference on heavy lift helicopters
View attachment 579143
Preference on AEWC ( add Wedgetail since they officially offer us now in their web page )
View attachment 579144
I think we already have winner on this
View attachment 579145
Credit to Angkasa Review

- Fighter : F16V --> Commonality with existing F-16s.. However no complaints from me if Gripen NG is selected..
- Tanker : A330MRTT --> Airbus/DI strategic partnership + general familiarity with the A330... and because KC-46 is a crappy tanker (at least in its current form) :
- Heavy Chopper : Chinook --> More versatile and reliable.. Mi-26 seems too huge to be practical for most missions.
- AEWC : C295 AEW&C --> Airbus/DI strategic partnership + commonality with existing C295s... However Erieye is fine too as long as the airframe is C295 (or CN235).
- UCAV : TAI ANKA --> Specs seems to be the best + can expand military industrial cooperation with Turkey... Though why is the CH4 selected instead..?
Kemendag Upayakan Imbal Dagang Sukhoi Su-35 Rampung Tahun Ini

Nanti setelah perundingan imbal dagannya selesai pasti akan ada perundingan lagi yang selesainya pertengahan tahun depan, kemudian saat tahun depan akan ada perundingan lagi (ga tau apa).

Kalau memang ga niat ambil Cy-35 mendingan di cancel saja sebenarnya. Sekalipun jadi ambil 11 pesawat jumlah total armada Sukhoi kita juga cuma sedikit.
Tilt-rotor aircrafts, while beautiful, are also notoriously unstable and not the most economic choice out of all, i would prefer CH-47F over it tbh.
Don't be so sure, most accidents are attributed to lack of training and improper operations. The V-22 is actually perfect for countries with littoral battlespaces like us.

Apache all the way, apache is a very mature product not even Tiger can came close

Spasiba tovarich

Don't be so sure, most accidents are attributed to lack of training and improper operations. The V-22 is actually perfect for countries with littoral battlespaces like us.

The video said it was designed to carry more weight, have lass sortie, and longer range, and also refuel able...

Some pros n cons... The question is, if we have the money, will it be worthed to acquire these beast ? More over, do they willingly sell the beasts to us ?

MiG-29 flights in the stratosphere
H = 19,000 m about 60,000ft. ✈️ https://t.co/o8HbrQf8Xh

What is the benefit of the technology ?
Can we use it to intercept balistic missile ?
Furthermore, intercept thaad weaponry ?

Spasiba tovarich

The video said it was designed to carry more weight, have lass sortie, and longer range, and also refuel able...

Some pros n cons... The question is, if we have the money, will it be worthed to acquire these beast ? More over, do they willingly sell the beasts to us ?

MiG-29 flights in the stratosphere
H = 19,000 m about 60,000ft. ✈️ https://t.co/o8HbrQf8Xh

What is the benefit of the technology ?
Can we use it to intercept balistic missile ?
Furthermore, intercept thaad weaponry ?

View attachment 579231

I have seen an American aviator opinion about the Osprey vs conventional heli...
He said that the Osprey is more difficult to fly and much more pain in the *** for maintenance
And because of that, the maintenance cost is high

I have no link to his answer because it's an answer from a long time ago
Is it possible for us to buy mq-9 in another male drone tender? I think its great choice for us especially if we have (wedgetail &poseidon) we can control it from apache too,btw any news about our sattelite that we purchase from airbus?

Saab offers are actually interesting though the chance for Gripen is very low however other products like RBS-70, AT-4, Carl Gustav & NLAW ATGM, Girraffe radar, and Erieye AEWC they are more or less competitive to our needs.
Btw what's the preference for the fighters
View attachment 579141
Preference on tankers
View attachment 579142
Preference on heavy lift helicopters
View attachment 579143
Preference on AEWC ( add Wedgetail since they officially offer us now in their web page )
View attachment 579144
I think we already have winner on this
View attachment 579145
Credit to Angkasa Review
F16V->for offset,cpo and geopolitic effects remember when we buy falcon in bima sena project we get offset to ngerakit falcon by LM
Pegasus->although pegasus still have many problems it will be fixed,probably the reason pegasus win the offset because boeing offered to build 767 maintenance in here (probably because we menggandeng GMF juga buat offset)
Wedgetail->cpo,geopolitics,commonality and quality:smitten:
Chinook->offset by boeing,interesting facts by the time mi 26 heating its machine chinook already take off
Drone->well we're already got the winner tho eventho i prefer anka/mq 1

Goddamn boeing offer us with big offset just imagine if we purchase additional apache,chinook at the same time imagine the combined offset and if we purchase wedgetail,pegasus and poseidon from them in the same time damn la we should push the imbal dagang to 50% atleast:cheesy:
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